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Posts posted by goldy

  1. I'm looking to replace the oil seal on the output end of a d type overdrive does anyone have instructions on how to replace the seal?

    It looks like you have to split the overdrive and possibly need to press out the bearing is it something that a novis could tackle and are any special tools required?

    Any advice would be appreciated thanks Dave

  2. Hi Chris Sorry you couldn't make the meeting, we don't have any events planned for this month apart from some may be going to the NEC classic car show the club stand will be there and lots of members should be around. next meeting is 28th Nov. you are welcome to get in touch via the club website should you have any more questions.

  3. Hi, Chris regards meeting no we don't eat and this time of year it's just a drink and a chat so even if you can't make it for 8.00pm  you can still pop along later. regards storage a good quality cover will protect a car reasonably well if it had a hard top it would be even better as that would reduce the chances of mould building up inside which can happen over winter, a garage of cause is the best place so long as its dry and ventilated.

  4. Hi Chris

    Hope to see you tomorrow night I'm sure we can help with some of your fears, no most don't come in their Triumphs at this time of year and the meetings are very informal.

    I would consider looking at the car down in Devon if it is known by the club, as I said it can be worth spending a little more now than finding to have to spend much more than you estimated later. 



  5. Hi Chris


    It looks like you have been getting some very good advice here on the forum, I'm the area organiser for the North Staffs Area and you are very welcome to join us at our next meeting at the George & Dragon at Meaford 8.0pm Wen 31st Oct.  


    I would always buy the very best car you can afford even if you have to borrow some towards your budget, but finding the right car is not easy.

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