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  1. Robin

    Piston numbering

    Apologies if this is obvious but do you number pistons from the radiator end or the bulkhead end i.e is the piston nearest the radiator number 1? thanks
  2. Thanks for all the advice - will check diaphragm and hoses again.
  3. Hope someone can help.. I've just noticed a slight 'whine' coming from the breather valve assembly on my Mk2 vitesse - I took it apart and cleaned off the build up of oil (see photo) which has helped but it still has this slight whine which I assume is due to leaking air (see video). I can't see any damage to the rubber diaphragm but is it worth replacing just in case? If so, where's the best place to get one? The whine has also coincided with a slight increase in tick-over but this may be due to what I think is a a sticking choke cable. Overall performance doesn't seem to be affected. Any thoughts? Thanks Robin Breather Valve Assembly.mov
  4. Ok - i’ve Managed to refit with the curved one on first- seemed much easier second time around! hope this is correct?
  5. Hi Pete i think i’ve fitted mine the other way around - flat one with holes on first and then curved one with dimples on top. It seems pretty secure and because I had such a fight getting it on I’m hoping it’s ok.
  6. Hi Pete - thanks for the encouragement. This is the way I did it but not sure if it’s right. With the rear driver side drum off I removed the brake shoes and disconnected the brake line to the cylinder. I then took off the rubber cover and undid the bolt holding the handbrake lever. I managed to push out the top male (?) u clip followed by the female (? ) u clip. I then pulled out the brake cylinder. So far so good. I fitted the new brake cylinder and new rubber cover and then loosely connected the brake line - this is when the fun started. Fitting The female u clip was easy but there wasn’t enough room between the cylinder and the handbrake lever to fit the male u clip. I ended up putting as much space between the cylinder and lever as was possible and then jamming the male u clip in between the two. I then managed to get a screwdriver onto the clip edge and then tapped it down onto the female u clip with a hammer. Took ages but finally got it on. Like I said I don’t think this is the right way to do it but I could’t figure out another solution. In Richard’s picture it looks as though there are three u clips but i’ve only got two - One with two holes at the end and one with two dimples. I put the u clip with the holes ( female ?) on first and the one with dimples (male ?) on top. It seems pretty secure but is that correct? thanks , Robin
  7. Hi Again I finally got round to changing the rear brake cylinder on my vitesse but what a nightmare! As Richard said the biggest problem was fitting the 2 x U clips as there doesn’t seem to be enough room between the handbrake arm and the body of the cylinder. After about 2 hrs of fiddling I finally got them on but more by luck and a bit of brute force rather than anything else. The Haynes manual doesn’t offer much help - is there a correct way to do this? Thanks robin
  8. Thanks Paul and Richard I think I only need a couple of spire clips and screws but wasn't sure of the size Good tip about the draught excluder or foam
  9. Does anyone know what size speed/spire clips and screw size I need for a vitesse gearbox housing? I think I may also need the keyhole brackets. Thanks, Robin
  10. Thanks to everyone for the advice
  11. I need to do some work using an angle grinder - can anyone recommend a suitable full face protector and what sort of price should I pay? Also, is there a particular make of 1mm cutting discs I should look for? Presumably it’s best to avoid cheap products? thanks Robin
  12. Great - thanks to everyone for their advice
  13. Is there a correct way to drain all of the brake fluid out of the system? I need to remove the brake master cylinder anyway so I thought I may as well drain the fluid as it hasn’t been changed for a while. Is it simply a question of undoing all of the bleed nipples and pressing the brake pedal until no more fluid comes out? Thanks Robin
  14. I need to repair the section of the driver side rear wing where the wing becomes part of the boot channel (so condition of the outer wing isn’t too important)
  15. Robin


    Hi John That's really my point. The great thing about the Forum is that it's searchable database that keeps growing. FB is instant but a lot of the knowledge that' s posted becomes lost which is a real shame. Robin
  16. A bit of a long shot but does anyone know where I might pick up a passenger door for a Vitesse Mk2. I don't mind rubbing down and painting but I don't have any welding equipment so it needs to be in good order. Thanks Robin
  17. Robin


    Hello I notice the last post on this was back in 2016 and I wonder if there's any more opinions on how FB is being used 2 years later? Personally, I really a like the Forum approach and have found the replies really invaluable in keeping my Vitesse going. I'm also constantly amazed by the patience and generosity of the more experienced owners in sharing their knowledge with the less experienced such as myself. Thank you! However, I also look at the FB feeds and find this really great as well, but it does seem that there's a lot of knowledge being split between the two platforms and I just wonder if there's a relatively simple way of harnessing this? I'm afraid that don't have an answer other than maybe try and split the FB feed into three areas - one which just posts pictures/videos, another for parts/cars for sale and third for technical questions so there could be some central way of managing the info? It might need a moderator to organise the posts into the relative sections. What do others think? Robin
  18. I'm looking to replace both rear brake cylinders on my Vitesse. According to the Stanpart parts catalogue the part number is 146028 but an online supplier is offering a Borg and Beck version stating that it's the equivalent to the 'Original Part Number 64673476'. Rimmer and James Paddock has them under part number GWC1208 (3/4" Bore which I'm assuming is correct?). I've tried the TSSC shop but they don't seem to stock rear brake cylinders. Can anyone confirm which is the correct part number ? Many thanks Robin
  19. Yes - thought if the shop was selling it then it should be ok. Take the point about not adding water .
  20. This the coolant I bought from the club shop - can't see anything that says OAT so not sure if this is ok?
  21. Hi Richard - yes, think the tag has gone AWOL at some point. I'm pretty sure that the carbs are correct for the engine but I'm interested in knowing the main difference between a CD150 and a CD150s .
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