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Pete Lewis

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Everything posted by Pete Lewis

  1. Both are completly unrelated you can have same login and passwords if that is how youve set it up Club website normally uses membership number and separate password If you cant log in give HQ a call and they can reset it for you, then write it down somewhere to avoid senior moments installing ?.....Forgetfulness , Pete
  2. Ultimate fear perisits Pete Pleased the clutch was easily solved
  3. Crank pulley should have a 5/8unf bolt holding it on How ever you turn it taking spark plugs out makes it easier You can always Put in top gear and push Pete
  4. as the charge rate will be higher than the dynamo i would add/rewire a new heavier gauge wire from the alt to the solenoid /battery link and not use the originals but to bypass the regulator you join all the big 30amp lucars together and the two smaller 17amp lucars , dispose of the earth . Pete
  5. I would add undo the highest heater hose clip and partially pull the heater hose off to let air out Run engine at a fast idle until coolant escapes Mike Where in bedforshire ? Can I help just what car is it ??? Pete
  6. if you read all over the place some members have received rubber components that are made from nothing like the OE specifiction poor rubber starts with bonded engine mounts, many hydraulic seals, exhaust straps., radiator hoses , and anything you want to last is seemingly now pretty inferior people wanting low prices and enviro friendly ?? 3rd world compounds makes for a poor product, that mimics the original but its make up will not resemble the specifications laid down and written on the triumph drawings Pete
  7. Every manual and drivers handbook states engine oil If the 0 ring is original wheres the problem if its lasted 40 + years The new one wont last as long Pete
  8. bearing in mind petrol fumes can hang around and be quite volatile it cant be much worse than the old trick of a tin fill with gas an light it, ker bangpop , mind you as kids we filled a 5 gallon drum with gas ...it took about a month for the eyebrows to grow back we all learn as we grow Ha ! Pete
  9. i advocate cheap as chips washing soda before you go mad on spending £££s 3 cupfuls should dissolve most crud. flush the heat matrix and valve with a hose as a separate job when flushing the radiator its ok to use a garden hose but you wont get the full flow for the size of a rad hose , unless you get lots of plumbing waste pipe and a 20 gallon reservior up near the roof of the house ( not really usefull but we had to do that to test radiator flow on truck rads ) you can safely leave the soda mix in for a week but no longer Pete
  10. I fire her up quite frequently and never had a problem Just engage and a light slip keeps it from rusting on. damp makes sticking more likely On new trucks we had a additive on the disc and a lacquer on the flywheel to reduce this as trucks can be in static storeage for long periods but you cant add it once assembled . Pete
  11. when its warmer and you have a lust for removing brake drums make sure the trailing shoe is not fitted upside down the spare square hole for the handbrake lever must be at the bottom of the rearmost shoe not at the top like the front, leading shoe its a good one for knock ,bangs and poor adjustments Pete
  12. good call Colin, being tight .I made mine from a bit of copper pipe , filled down to make the tangs . Pete
  13. both roger and I| started a tips and tricks/ how to posts back in 2014 but they get lost in the constant re shuffles with new postings it needs a heading title of its own maybe Kevin can add a header ?? then we can populate it with ideas and easier to find Pete
  14. Clean the offending threaded hole and check , it is tapped deeper than is needed box of dies and taps are always useful to reclaim The thread lower down may be quite usable Pete Snap Dave, Edit.......And make sure the new stat has a jiggle pin to bleed air out if not drill a 3mm hole in the outer rim.
  15. Needle removal by grub screw applies to CD CDS all fixed needle , bottom adjustable, not CDSE these have the top dashpot adjuster and sprung biased needles unfortunatley held in with the adjusting nut and sprag washer , I would fit a new washer or flatten the removed or it will not grip on refitting. Its cold , does the choke actually fully rotate the choke lever ? Pete
  16. There should be a claw washer fitted between switch and back of dash to aid/stop any rotation Pete
  17. You have to be carefull when partial blanking rads you can make the fan cavitate the air flow and the whip on the bades fractures them off Ive seen metal truck fan blades that came through the floor , nasty. There are louvred blinds around that are temperature controlled , Better to just remove the fan in winter and I would say warm up is not dependants on the opening temperature , what ever the spec they are all fully closed until they reach a trigger temperature , so fit what you like the initial warm up remains the same , only the final output temp is controlled If the warm up time is excessive the stat is opening too early , the engine is very efficient, the bypass is too much Or its just too blasted cold Pete
  18. Old fuel is often talked about but using the cars less over winter has never stopped me starting anything over the past 20 years Cars left for many many months or years can can suffer from thick jellied fuel and blockages Start with if the air piston is out can you see fuel a few mm below the jet looking down its hole ? If you bounce the car it should visually be seen to move a little If you crank do you get a spark from a HT lead held a few mm from the block ? Slivers of fuel hose are particular pests which get stuck in the float needles and drop fuel evels The buckeye site shows clearly how to repair these carbs but agree with David your barking up the wrong tree And after all the head probems you do have 0.010" tappet gaps ? Pete
  19. The ransmitted effort is all down to the initial torque applied, the sticktion in the resultant fixing and anything uncle tom cobbly can Cobble together to make unscrewing a challenge My battery wrench does 330 lbft ( when fully charged)I would only use hardened impact socket on this But my 3/8 drive is less aggressive and std sockets work well So if theres a big nut but not siezed any socket will survive reasonably well , If its a old rusty thread bound gorrilla bound nut then a proper impact socket is advisable Certainly any 6 sided is stroger than a bi hex, and applies the impacr much more efficiently Air powered guns only deliver the output if the supply hose and volume are adequate A long hose of 10mm dia will seriously strangle the guns output. Pete
  20. Its not shown on any parts listing that I can see I have seen these with a paper joint, its often trying to escape with edges showing beyond the hsg. Canley list a diff joint kit diffset1 but cant break it down to whats included Im sure some sealant is desirable , I use loctite 573 /574 for reliable sealing magic stuff Pete Pete
  21. my guys had to check these for accepting warranty so any test was approved by the suppliers.there was a spec for how open at what temperature rise , we could measure this with a simple clip on vernier made for the job, (all were wastats) long time ago now any thoughts on x mm at x temp has long departed the grey matter Pete
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