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Pete Lewis

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Everything posted by Pete Lewis

  1. are there any fuel filters fitted? With a KN filter it needs very different needles to a std filter box. If the fuel, lines have been disturbed recently then the dreaded sliver of rubber hose that floats about in the supply pipes and gets stuck in the back of the float needle valve, this will reduce fuel flow and these little sods can be a real menace theres a good few Tee shirts out there for these critters. Pete
  2. Devised in the days of having to park at night with lights on , you turned the dash off to save a bit of battery I was always going to make it 1st pull side lights 2nd pull headlamps and block the column plunge into darkness silly headlamps off stalk position you know the one click you make heading at speed into a corner and you turn the blasted things off instead of main Pete
  3. Think the first job is to pull the needles so we know what specification is fitted What air filters are fitted Any other modifications away from standard Is there any brass spec. tags on the carbs float top screws Pete
  4. Get a handbook on your christmas wish list, they have all the little things you didn't know or need to know All available from club shop There used to be that double pull switch with a small twist to seperate the pull pull, some never found the 2nd pull Pete
  5. ive just donated work my uncle produced in the WW2 , being a workshop manual for the Humber Scout car to the Rootes Hertitage Centre Im mean everyones got one , you cant have too many Pete
  6. and you push the car home as it wont start , then remember you turned the fuel off !! Pete
  7. Try approved insurance valuation Pete
  8. If you get hooked just make sure the clubs fit in the boot If you stick some blue tac over the reservoir cap vent you can reduce a lot of leakage, do take it off when bleeding Pete
  9. It can take a good while of trial and tribulations before you get to know your car amd you manage to unfuddle previous life Misapropriations When you have sorted the who did that , you can drive many hundred of trouble free miles .....its just round the corner Pete
  10. that sounds the joys of repairs carried out by guesswork rather than investing in a decent manual there's a lot of it about , all a bit unfortunate. look forward to a better season with a SMILE i insure my modern and the 2000 as a multi car with P james and so far cant better their prices ,had some fun with an accident claim on the 2000 which i hope not to repeat.. Pete
  11. and dont forget to keep your balls in your pocket . now i know how the grass got inside !!! Pete
  12. we did a lot of work on trucks to stop the skidding , its pretty endemic over many a year and many a vehicle finger design and finger flatness have a lot to do with it you can see diaphragm fingers curved, flatend, , burnished , ground, didly squat and so on over a range of clutches there's less noise from an old worn and nicely loose thrust and the continued alignment as the thrust is operated is essential. most lever geometry is pretty hopeless , pitching the bearing even when on a sleeve . concentric throwouts is the best answer, but thats a very expensive solution on a Triumph.
  13. 12 oz is not that far off 16 oz I would go with it
  14. Anything from a blanked off dummy union to a lump of blue tac or folded over screenwash tube Pete
  15. was that a Tweet or what, I see spiting image are returning with a don trump, doesnt need any character change its all there to start with
  16. so a GA will have crash 1st gear ??? Pete
  17. Ive got around 30, cockatiels so a budgie in the clutch would be normal Whos a pretty boy Pete
  18. You could fit an electric pump instant priming, it may not make any difference as I said it can take a fair bit of cranking to get the charge in to the manifold Its not unusual i think youre all too used to a modern fuel, injectionn
  19. Think its a pretty clear P and far to many digits for a triumph number and all differing size stamps Dont see how thats anything like original factory too much gap between the G and the last set of numbers Sure this has all been restamped at some time by someone Pete
  20. Could the P 409 be a mike papworth number the remaining G and later stamps look more like old factory As if almost over stamped but not ground out the originals ?? Just a thought Pete
  21. Could be anyone reconditioning units and use their own stamps, As the G P are different stamp sizes its not likely to have any factory referance Pete
  22. if the line runs by the water pump , its in the hot rad air flow and radiated heat when standing, modern fuels seem to have a reputation for vapourising easier than the old stuff, having said that on the Rorty Vit6 with all the bolt on hot nasties she never suffered from vapour locks , just engine fan and nice set up i still consider most vapour problems are due to other factors or base setting errors , Pete
  23. just rung Bern and here's the low down so far its in hand, awaiting a quote there are specs that need to be met like right size to take 12 months couriers , motif, suitable for hard bound seams etc bern is awating a reply and min numbers
  24. Dosnt transmit or collect the heat like metal pipes , which can help on some installations Pete
  25. Its a good way to find what makes it tick, but your unit looks pretty degraded, expect to find much is now worn out Check the shaft bearings while your in bits Pete
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