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Pete Lewis

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Everything posted by Pete Lewis

  1. thats good,, surprising how many upgrades are really downers Pete
  2. so is the manifold, i would get it hot and a couple of days max , you dont want to find the cars dissolved into a heap in the garage . if making it hot speeds things up i must put some in my tea !!! Pete
  3. just to add a point i thought it was me but if you go to the log on screen it now asks for your 'displayed name' not the the sign in you used to set up the last forum log in to become a forum member so the security has changed for some reason if i log on as before it says youre wrong many may well find they are blocked because of this so log on now, is your displayed username and Ive 'book marked' logged in with fluid tab and it fires up on that page format every time well. now i know who i am. Pete
  4. Im happy with Kevins fix much more useable, i cant help but think hic ups like this change will cause users and members to drift every time theres been a crash or malfuction numbers drop/swap to elswhere its great PR ....Not !!!! someone somewhere knew this was planned but hey ho communicate with the forum management or club members is the usual missed a trick I felt things had improved ....obviously a misguided feeling. maybe nobody knew ??? someone has the clues to this poorly effected change but thanks to Kevin the only moderator ( out of 6 )with any real input we have moved on a long way since this started time he had a brownie point or two Pete
  5. strong mix of cheapo washing soda, im sure Aidan did a test on various this and soda won youll like it its very cheap ..........from tesco etc. kevins fis has saved the day Pete
  6. is that what you get when looking in the pond !!! or https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=retina+upside+down+reversed&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB718GB718&oq=upsidw+down+revresed&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l5.8528j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  7. is there any more fine tuning, if you read a topic in the recent list you have to return to the browse to repopulate the recent list and is there a way to show last posters name so we have a lead to know reply has added currently just shows a date and time , or is that something we need to set up of our own settings ??? i can see there's a 'go to topic listing' tab but its right at the end of scroll down , not very visilble thanks Pete
  8. There was also discussion on CT http://club.triumph.org.uk/cgi-bin/forum10/Blah.pl/Blah.pl?v-print/m-1384938821/ And https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/spitfireinformationexchange/viewtopic.php?p=23666&sid=136018cc2db0916415d3934dd46490d2#p23666
  9. Thats great, you only see the 3 box tabs if on browse , imwas on unread and it doesn't show them, so thought maybe not working on a tablet, but on Browse of full forum its the right one of the three that transformed the display into something useable Thanks kevin pete
  10. No idea about the torque capacity but marine rotoflex couplings versions are made from a poly type material Pete
  11. Selecting unread does not give recent posts , once youve read it it disappears into the marras of all Hopeless Lost the will to bother
  12. Struggling to find where these posts hide To get the mot can you reduce the clearance with some tape on the inner column I had some nice self adhesive copper foil Good for dodges like this Its the crap plastic insert thats the problem Its not available as polybush as far as I know Pete
  13. It late now but many leave the old bush in the tube drill off the lugs and get it pressed down with the new one When you have a tube full you have world record Pete
  14. Nick did they explain what failed on the gearbox ?? Pete
  15. Like microsoft every upgrade reinvents the wheel If they designed a car the pedalswould now be in the boot Was Simple seems to now be changed to ....confusion Sorry I dont find this appealing Pete
  16. from my years in gearbox reliability i would expect thats the case it may be around the intro of 4sync but thats a guess but theres little info about this subject , my last box in the VIt6 i went to mike papworth to get a 18mm spigot (like yours) but 10 spline input shaft he recognised the change, quoted you have the latest profile !! but ....sorry im unclear Pete
  17. Flooding often due to small wear marks on the float needle contact platform which will jam , look very closely they can lead you on a right song and dance contiually flooding, the only way to adjust these orrible floats is to add washers under the needle .or fine file material off the float I have a avid hate of these carbs and now have a 2000 with hs4 on pah ! there are coments around about fuel heights front to rear being diferent but I have never found any clies to back these ideas up, the manuals give same fuel/float heights on front and rears to be the same burlen do sel stay up floats supposed to be more reliable with modern fuels having said that I have never come across a car yet with any ethanol degradation it took a pair of new floats to stop su flooding on my 2000 the only visible change was the wear from needle contact, of you lightly fettle the pad you change the height a lot ,finding a sealing washer thin enough to reset the heights is unlikley ... new float was the only compromise
  18. Cant say when but to add to the plot there was a tooth profile change 3rd gears have 3 part numbers across the range of boxes Both use the same synchro rings and 3/4hub
  19. Do count the teeth the shallow 3rd cone may be single rail not compatible with spit 3 rail .4 sync. dolly 3 rail has another 3rd gear , as you have dolly input this may be what you have so there, s 3 to choose...... which one ??? pete
  20. im surrounded by open top cars with winkers winking full time because they either dont cancel or cant hear the clicker silly problem but can cause a awful noise if someone pulls out expecting a turn in. big buzzers are the solution Pete
  21. once the prop is unbolted and dropped down a bit you can release the tail mount lift it high enough to remove the nut and coupling should push off ok , oik the old seal out and tap in replacement, get ready to catch any oil and top up when finished this all depends on how much floor was cut back to fit the unit, you may need to extend the cut off prop tunnel a bit more if you do jack the box up watch the exhaust and fan/hoses etc. Pete
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