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Pete Lewis

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Everything posted by Pete Lewis

  1. thats a white wire youre looking for Pete
  2. had the lost gearknob on a Photo shoot at Brooklands , the guy in charge of the publication was ..HUGE a VX4/90 got lost so he jumps in my Vit6 and asks for a lift.... everything but the drivers window winder disappeared dont know what was used to get the gears but we took off and he made comments about gee this things Bl..dy quick....I nearly said try it unladen pete
  3. there's also tapping in the rear o/s top of the head which sometimes get used ( generally for heaters /etc ) but same thread sky hook , upside down vari focals, and knee pads are all part of the classic kit.....and sticky plasters Pete
  4. Yes , if you burn anything with Viton in it Things like seals and O rings can be made with this rubber Some head gaskets use this for seal inserts If its burnt it is highly casenagenic and you loose your fingers, there, s no cure Pete
  5. Try getting a lass in a wedding dress in the car, gave away a lass and she wanted a Porsche well Im shoe horned in the back, shes got feet on dash board with with a drive through Salisbury Can Can fashion on show .... not for the faint hearted so make sure you all fit inside respectably. ?...!!!! Pete
  6. The only triumph spec that ran HS6 and 2000 6pot was the 2000TC which comes back to BCY ? It then you need to compensate for the stacks and socks Going standard is easy , all tried and tetsted if you fancy a run to sunny luton I can set up most but wont be reprofiling needles unlees theres no altrrnative I will have alook on minty later and try to give some clues where, s me slippers!!! Pete
  7. i have anumber on SU spec manuals , they all say different spec , from an old one BDM is TR4 for a 2000 it shows hs4 AS ABL or hs6 AS BCY ( but thats for the big saloon ) ( same basic engine) to see the profiles stick the letters into mintylamb http://www.mintylamb.co.uk/suneedle/ but air flow from a 4 pot TR4 is quite different to a 6pot you may now be on the right idea's regards Pete
  8. wher ever you fit it the after market girling type servo thats available in volume is a universal kit , none sold are 'dedicated' there are a variety of ratios 1.9 :1 is normal and do some serious searches as costs vary vastly eg http://www.rimmerbros.co.uk/Item--i-RH5272 http://www.jamespaddock.co.uk/cart.aspx http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BEK028-BRAND-NEW-MINI-BRAKE-SERVO-FITTING-KIT-TT3949Z-/381208976673?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item58c1d35d21
  9. All club sold /remanufactured engines are done by ivor searle I have been there for a factory tour and its exceptionally clean controlled well inspected, and all specifications are adhered to and all work is logged as the build progresses hard to upstage pete
  10. its on my profile ,, some way off south in sunny Luton bit of a long run for a pint Pete
  11. may have to hacksaw through the plastic and cut the heads off ,, shopuld leave enogh to get the moles on the remaining stud they normally go into a weld nut Pete
  12. a well set up std GT6 wont have any trouble as a road car keeping up with moderns get the basics set to factory spec and see what happens just adding carburation will not have the effect you think probably be worse air flow/velocity and carb size are all matched , unless you spend a fortune upping the air flow , std Cd150 will take some beating if yours has the temperature compensators on the side there some simple rules to get these set, if they are leaking air you never get the idle mix correct let me know her's a good site with nice pictures , http://www.buckeyetriumphs.org/technical/Carbs/CarbsI/CarbsI.htm never mind the models the basics are all the same Pete
  13. dont the pair have slots to aid adjustment ? if the tailgate is sitting proud with or without them it probably has the wrong seal section fitted Pete
  14. where are you based ?? Pete
  15. here's an alternative idea, check this site out convert your existing carb body to accept a pair of single point injectors http://www.pattonmachine.com/index.htm Pete
  16. never had any issues with them over the years but who knows , think I would whip one off and look through the barrel double check the choke cam is not interfering pete
  17. that would be a std 3 rail box , the type number is stamped on the top case face alongside the top cover Pete
  18. Hi darren, yes check the throttle plate is the right way round , and its centred in the spindle slot may need to slacken the two screws and get it to close , ie no daylight visible around the edges then re nip the screws the plates have a chamfered edge to make a ight fit to the bore if they happen to be wrong way round you have a big gapnand a fast uncontrolled idle when the stops fully out. ans a thought ..........make sure there's a small gap to the choke fast idle cam tappet screw Pete
  19. the yellow spring is a bed spring rather than the usual slinky spring why not pull a needle see whats on it , just a twiddle with a screwdriver and off with the top and remove the needle screw , its spec number is stamped on the fixing end then we know whats inside ,, Pete
  20. and later IV would have had the big inlets and HS4 would not have thought ATF has the required viscosity to damp. the SU spec is a straight sae20 light damping gives a weak acceleration mixture ratio. Pete
  21. on the Rorty Vit6 we upped the weeny type 12 to 16s , used Mintex 1144 pads braided hoses and a single line add on servo ...... Now thats more than comparable to modern , stops with a tickle its all down to preference, and the feel you want , servos dont improve the foundation braking but reduces input effort and foot response times . takes the 'Oh sh1t' out of a rapid reaction. one cheap option is to make the pedal pad larger .. if there's room .makes a surprising difference without any mods
  22. ah ha , now a picture tells a lot of words the smiths emmission valve must be upright i doubt the weeny spring will keep it central inside, and oil pass over /drain back is restricted running a 2ltr on HS6 +Trumpets is a bit hybrid so data is sparse triumph tune implies HS6 on KN = needle BAM /BDB yellow damper spring auc 1167 having no air filter to aid jet fuel atomisation is I reckon thats where most of your troubles are coming from .. a lack of primary induction vacuum stick a filter box on and it may may a world of difference Pete
  23. MG is engine prefix for 2500PI MK2 saloon and estate BW is Borg Warner automatic which would have denoted the spigot brg and drive plate requirement (obviously now removed ) all big saloon gearboxes have reverse to the right and back if your reverse is forwards you have the original 3 rail or similar , which needs care behind 2.5 ltr. as for clutch it was used across the whole range eg http://www.rimmerbros.co.uk/Item--i-GCC228P Pete
  24. not really as the base components can be very mix and match to build up the specification tats related to the tag numbers. the Burlen site gives a good breakdown of the specified parts but lists al the dampers , give them a call ?? (0)1722 412 500 http://sucarb.co.uk/cf/vehicle/list/?manufacturer=Triumph&vehicle=Spitfire
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