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Paul H

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Posts posted by Paul H

  1. 20 minutes ago, johny said:

    I believe thats why its recommended to do the change over to DOT 5 on new systems or at least flush existing ones with alcohol and then blow through...

    Buckeye doesn’t recommend Alcohol as it leaves a residue and Buckeye used a compressor to blow out the Dot 4 


  2. When refitting the gearbox in my M2 Vitesse I must have strained the slave piping as there is a minor leak . Using the opportunity to move to DOT5 . Once I’ve cured the leak Is it simply remove the brake fluid from the master cylinder and replace with DOT5  and bleed as normal . I have already added a bleed extension so can bleed from the engine bay . The brake fluid is a few years old so looking to replace this with DOT5 as well . I’ve purchased 1/2 litre , will this be enough to do both jobs ? 
    Any tips appreciated 


  3. 1 hour ago, Puglet1 said:

    Paul H. They look very smart. That’s given me even more food for thought. Pete H. Thank you for giving me even more options.

    Both. I have entered the world of total confusion 😀. I now need to look at ALL of my options and decide which one to opt for.

    Thank you both for your help 👍

    My seats are heated . The elements were for a land rover . Easily fitted and cost effective 


  4. Without this forum I wouldn’t have been able to restore my Vitesse . The info and advice here is invaluable as it’s based on time served hands on experience and you can’t put a price on that .  For me the membership fees are worth it just for the forum though understand others might have different views 


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  5. 3 minutes ago, Iain T said:

    I don't think I'm up for that, I'm leaving it St Tropez style....naked!

    Unless anyone has a bumper set they would like to sell?? 


    Ask SpitfireGraveyard on EBay . From memory the last ones he sold went for about £180 . His prices are priced to sell quickly 


  6. 22 minutes ago, Jonah said:

    I changed the clutch release bearing as part of the gearbox rebuild but haven’t changed the clutch…….yet!

    For the cost involved I changed the clutch as I didn’t know how long it had been there . At £68 from Canleys it was an easy decision . Replacing worked as the “budgie singing “ has gone . I also removed the fulcrum pin replaced with a washer which changed the angle and compensated for wear. I’m sure Pete Lewis who mentored me on this project will be along to explain 


  7. 1 hour ago, Pete Lewis said:

    i have never had to loosen engine mounts   

    exhaust  yes  maybe cooling hoses if you are going to stretch them 

    but its surprising how high you can lift the rear end to match the geabox insert angle 

    if you let the front mounts lift you dont gain angle 


    From my limited experience with my overdrive box going back into my Vitesse I had similar difficulties . Firstly I hadn’t raised the gearbox high enough though the PO had the locating studs in place . Using a torch looking in from the engine side that the gearbox was parallel to the engine plate . Hope this helps . I also used stout timber either side of the box to provide leverage to get parallel . 

  8. 18 minutes ago, Pete Lewis said:

    the lug problem  is  two will align the third will need a small cut to increase the   bowl rim cut out a few MM .

    i ran my vitesse with all 4 on main and dip , and not a mot problem as they check outers and inners but not both at the same time 

    adding relays to get 14v to the lamps will make the orig seal beams awaken  , you dont have to change the lamp units to get an improvement 


    I’ve done the same on my Vitesse though for Mot I remove a blade fuse so only outers come on with Dipped lights 


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  9. Update 

    Removed the slave cylinder piston using Dot 4 in a Wanner. Thanks for advice Pete 🤗

    To stop losing the piston I covered the end with a plastic bag and cable tied it . Checked over the bore and everything is fine and fit for use. I just need to drill the locating holes and ready for fitting . 

    Plan is to move across to Silicone from Dot 4 

    A NOS Girling Slave for less than £5 



  10. 36 minutes ago, Pete Lewis said:

    Paul   as in a earlier post fill wanner with Dot4    easier to wash it out after the piston flies out under pressure 

    makes you wonder where on earth thats been hiding

    a production reject or nicked off the assy line before machining had been finished 

    but im sure fixing holes would be finalised before fine boring took place  

    i wonder if anyone uses the same base cylinder but clamps it in place rather than bolts     How odd 


    Thanks Pete . Dot 4 makes more sense than grease .  At least I know it’s NOS 


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