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Everything posted by ahebron

  1. Hi Adrian Any photos of the plates in action. What you have done is most likely very logical but my brain isn't in that mode today. Does working with Americans cause this😉 Adrian
  2. ahebron

    Oypla Siphon

    Personally I prefer to use the time honored method of remove drain plug and drain oil. On my current VW Amarok I have fitted a Fumoto valve, as I did on the Range Rover and Discovery before. With a hose on the end they are great for directing the oil into a tray instead of down the chassis or suspension. http://fumotousa.com/ Probably not a viable option for the small chassis Triumphs due to lack of space. IIRC JohnD had a wee bit of cardboard origami to stop it running down the chassis on the Triumphs. . When draining the oil you can see what it coming out the bottom of the sump ie sludge, metal etc that you wont always see with a siphon. My pump used to get used a lot by mates with boats draining sumps and me for filling gearboxes and diffs but these days I use a 500ml syringe for those jobs as its a lot less messy. Just my two cents worth. Adrian
  3. Or when you are young and know it all when you take the car apart but old and forgetful when you finally get to rebuild it🧐 Adrian
  4. ahebron

    Car Lifts

    As an aside to this I have been using my scissor lift a lot during the last 3 months and it has been invaluable. But due to our wee Triumphs being narrower than most modern cars I have had to use it sideways under the Vitesse as the hoist is wider than the track. Fortunately this has been of benefit as when not being worked on the car sits on 4 wheel jacks and slides against the wall and the hoist slides back to the same wall under the car. The bit that sticks out is covered by a motorbike parking over it so no one trips. Mechanically there is nothing I cannot reach when it is on the hoist and the car sits on rubber lifting pads at the junction of the front outriggers and the main rails and at the rear side outriggers and the main rails. Just being able to lift the car makes working on, in and under it a lot easier as bending over is reduced. Plus if need be it can lift it over 1m so it is easy to sit under the car to work on it. Adrian
  5. Hi Adrian I have one of those gearbox drain plugs with the magnet and it too leaks. Its a little bit less with plumbers tape wrapped around it a few times but next time I might try the loctite pipe sealing stuff that i have used on other things. My o/d is J type and h a home built mounting bracket that leaves the whole underside of the gearbox clear till directly below the mount. It bolts underneath the flange on the chassis rails utilising the original holes Adrian
  6. Thanks for the replies Nice tip Pete, I hadnt thought of that and it makes it easier. Colin the car is on my scissor lift hoist so goes up pretty level. I will change is as I have the new seal on its way and who knows what the existing one is like Thanks Adrian
  7. Good afternoon Can some one please tell me the open and closed dimensions for the Vitesse/Herald boot lid support bracket Possible source for these is https://www.comac.co.nz/lid-stays-support-stays support stay with safety catch. Section K has what looks like the boot catches for our cars and section N has the glove box latch. Thanks Adrian .
  8. Whilst setting the handbrake on my Vitesse 6 I noticed a new spot/pool of new oil on the garage floor, it had me puzzled for a few seconds as I had moved the car sideways to work on it and there was nothing that would have had oil above the spot. Back tracking the cars recent movements, 3 feet to the left, and it is the pinion seal leaking. As the car has done zero miles on its own wheels but plenty of feet on wheel jacks I can only surmise that the seal has gone hard over the 20 years since the diff was rebuilt. Breather pin will have nothing to do with this leak as the car hasn't moved and it is free. I plan on doing the seal while the diff is still in the car so will make a removal bar to lock the pinion whilst undoing the nut. Any tips to make this an easy task? Pinion seal 109054 has been ordered locally so will hopefully arrive before next weekend so I can do the job saturday. Thanks Adrian
  9. You could sell the old one for good money as handling enhancement🤫 Adrian
  10. Is there such a thing as a Mintex 1144 pad to fit the Vitesse 6 Girling 12 caliper? I've looked but cant find one. Thanks Adrian
  11. It doesnt have to be stainless steel woven mash. Expanded Aluminium would do jjust as well and would be in keeping with the original aluminium grill. When I bought my Vitesse 6 back in the 80's it had a cut up Holden grill of some sort that came to a point under the centre of the bonnet. Sorry no photos of it back then, I was driving it not taking pictures. But I still kick myself for not buying a new grill for NZ$100. Adrian
  12. ahebron

    Thanks to all

    Thanks to all who have assisted me with the work on my car during the past few months. I used the time our country was in Level 4 lockdown and I was effectively unemployed to work on my Vitesse 6. Luckily for us the Govt paid people who had jobs on hold $585.80 a week till June 12th, this was for employed and self employed. So I got paid to rebuild my car. I treated it like a job and initially only did week days for work hours but that started to drift to all days. When we went to Level 3 it meant I could go back to my Electrician work which was at mates warehouse conversion and that started to interfere with the Vitesse progress. Level 3 had contact tracing and distances to observe but the advantage for me was no one else was on the site. Now we are on Level 2 and looking at Level 1 next week as our country is on day 16 of no new cases and only one person with symptoms so life is returning somewhat cautiously back to our new normal, borders still closed to non approved people Now my proper job of being a Film Technician is calling and I 'have' to go back to work tomorrow for a possible 20 weeks. I am extremely pleased with the work I have managed to get done on the car in the past few months. Work on the car will only be at weekends for now and it depends how I will feel, work 11-12 hour days minimum. And other things in life get in the way. Once again thanks for all the help you guys have given me. Take care out there Adrian
  13. Yep same on the six and I see that Iain has the big clumsy type that I have on my coil pack. Adrian
  14. Another job ticked off the list. I found a piece of nitrile rubber (well it has nitrile written on it) in the spares dept and it is 2.7mm thick. Two hole saws, a wad punch and the job is done. Sender is now in the tank. Adrian
  15. Hi Iain Bit of a thread hijack but where did you get your HT leads from? I have an Edis 6 to go onto my Vitesse 6 but as yet do not have any leads. Coil caps look the same as yours. Adrian
  16. I reckon a Bentley type mesh grill would look good on the front of a Vitesse. Adrian
  17. A solution looking for a problem. I have fitted the fuel cut of solenoid for lpg/petrol conversions to a few cars to act as a petrol valve. Power on fuel flows power off it doesnt and they have a manual screw if it fails. Fitted before the pump it will ensure the pump stays primed with fuel when car is not being used Last one was on a vintage car that sat for a long time and I controlled it with an oil pressure switch to ensure then engine had oil pressure before starting. It had a good starter motor and battery😉
  18. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TRIUMPH-VITESSE-MK1-2L-BONNET-GRILL/293588476081?hash=item445b3ca0b1:g:pAAAAOSwELtdgVMu
  19. I have one that looks like the one in the photo. Its in my spares and still has gauges. IIRC the dash it came out of had been trimmed. Adrian
  20. What I learnt recently when I pulled the gearbox out of the Vitesse is that you can rest engine back on two pieces of wood wedged between the chassis and the rear engine plate on both sides once the gearbox is out. No need to worry about leaving the sump supported. []\( * )/[] Adrian
  21. Evening Can someone please tell me the thickness of the cork gasket that is fitted to the 6 screw fuel tank sender on a Vitesse 6? Thanks Adrian
  22. 48 posts till the first mention of tea, whats going on! Come on guys this is a serious bit of work Rich is undertaking and will require more than a few cups. This one will also require cake.
  23. I have just done the 2 speed conversion to the single speed Lucas DR3a wiper motor as found in our cars. Relatively simple if you can follow a wiring diagram and solder. I used a 10 ohm 25 watt power resistor. And made a wee bracket using the windings screws to locate it. http://tr4a.weebly.com/uploads/2/1/9/8/21980360/two-speed.pdf And it runs through a Vitesse headlight switch with the wiper knob giving fast speed first pull the slow speed second pull. Current draw fast=1.7amps, slow=2.2 amps. As the instructions say be careful when connecting it up to the switch. Adrian
  24. Hi Peter It think you are after OPT Crimping tool LY-O3B or similar. These do the insulation and wire at the same time. I do have a set that you have to crimp each individually
  25. Thanks Pete For some reason I had been dreading this job for a long long time but I think it was just a matter of starting it and seeing where we end up! Now I have two more bonnets to fix 😉 Adrian
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