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Colin Lindsay

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Everything posted by Colin Lindsay

  1. Hmmmmm jury's out on whether that's a bodge or just being ham-fisted with mugs... Since buying my house I've found that the drains run about five feet and end in a solid pipe - hence the reason that everytime it rained, they backed up; and the woodburning stove chimney that never drew very well has also been found to be sealed off just inside the wall. That's a solid concrete wall at the end of the pipe! Where on earth did the smoke go?????
  2. Two things from the dusty caverns of the GT6 section of the memory: MK3 GT6 started at KE1, so a number starting with a 1 will certainly be a MK3. The 'O' at the end usually denotes overdrive, and there should be a slight gap between the '0' and the number just before. As Doug says ME is a Triumph saloon engine. That Austin Morris plate reminds me of one I used to have on a Mini; it's certainly not Triumph.
  3. That's my idea too.... I want the Herald to be a car I can enjoy, not constantly terrified of getting a scratch that has to be repaired at huge expense as the entire panel has to be redone to get an exact match.
  4. I went local after Footman James started to charge me more than my everyday car. My recent renewal for the GT6 and Herald, garaged and on 1500 miles per year (agreed value of course) was £109. This includes recovery and key replacement. The price went up from last year as I'm now apparrently living in an area of high risk...
  5. I may use the Castrol as an interim oil to keep the Herald engines oily while they're idle during restorations, on the other hand it might just go on Gumtree. The GT6 gets the correct oil when it actually runs... the engine rebuild cost me too much to want to repeat the experience due to poor choice of oil.
  6. Me glasses are working at full magnification however if you look to the right of the G - where it has been overstamped but not totally accurately - you can see what appears to be the side leg of an 'A'. The two horizontal marks to the left of that again may just be over a 'G' with the P clearly added in a clear space to the right and the new numbers overstamped well to the right of where the original number would be. Could it be an overstamped recon GA box?
  7. I'd suspect the cable before the unit, so replace the cable if you can or else inspect the existing one - you'll find the inner sometimes slides about and due to gravity, downwards, so may be too far out at the dizzy end with the corresponding hit and miss at the rev counter end. Take it off at the dizzy, push the inner back in a bit if possible, and reconnect.
  8. Lines like that are giving me so much encouragement with mine.... My tub is a nightmare of patches, welds and thick black underseal. However, it's very solid.... so do I undo all the work already done, just to replace factory-looking floor panels that no-one other than the MOT man will ever see, and thereby incur expense and delay, or do I clean up what I can, tidy the welds and redo the dodgy looking ones, paint and replace the underseal, secure in the knowledge that like me it's not the best looking but who cares, it actually goes? I think Karl has talked me into it!
  9. If you look at the size of the tank, Vitesse and larger capacity tanks are obviously wider and overhang part of the spare wheel well so require a small leg on the bottom that bolts to the side of the well. The larger capacity tank has a much wider profile to the right of the large seam (the lower side in your photograph); Heralds are pretty much even on both sides of the seam and don't overlap the spare wheel well.
  10. There are refurbished models on eBay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TANK-FUEL-TANK-FUEL-PETROL-TANK-Triumph-Herald-Genuine-Part-59-67/132365835123?hash=item1ed19e5b73:g:VOUAAOSwHqRZvUSE or second-hand items which will cost around another £100 to have refurbished by any of the main renewal companies such as Fuel Tank Renu. At least this one doesn't appear to have bene molested: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Triumph-Herald-13-60-Convertible-Fuel-Tank-with-sender-Cap-Vitesse/162741582044?hash=item25e42778dc:g:HE0AAOSwjyhaAZvz
  11. Just to resurrect an old but hopefully not-dead-yet thread.... I've been offered a stock clearout of Castrol GTX by a friend, it's around a dozen containers mostly A3/B4 part-synthetic 10 - 40 with one litre of A3/B3 15-40. Any good for a Triumph Herald, or should I steer clear?
  12. +1 to that. I know of owners who use exhaust paste in these areas but I don't think you need any sealer here, the faces should be flat and the gasket of sufficient quality to seal with just the stud / nut pressure.
  13. ...which is fine until you press it, then it's an hour-long 40 degree wash and your wipers fly off during the spin cycle.
  14. I ALWAYS want to, but eBay is full (or used to be) of things that I couldn't live without and just had to buy on the spot.... then repented later with the usual 'what on earth did I buy that for???'
  15. Yes, not keen on those... it may just be a slight imbalance but I'd still be wary. I'll stick with the traditional versions.
  16. The glass tops are very easy to service, much more so than the sealed versions. They're all pretty much the same, usually only the lever varies between models, so if you get any kind of NOS one you can swap over. Service kits are also available which include seals, valves and brass filter.
  17. I have the Draper version of that one, no-nonense and no frills but does the job.
  18. Apologies if posted before, but whilst looking for a particular Stanpart part I came across a number of Triumph manuals uploaded to this website; the first for the early Heralds is reference only but the second for the 13/60 is downloadable. I has already saved me a bit of scanning and editing! https://issuu.com/carlos527/docs/manual_de_taller-triumph_herald_spi https://issuu.com/autojumble/docs/herald_cat_complete
  19. I've been offered this nice little Spitty, not a bad price but at present an unknown quantity due to sitting for ten years as seen. Do I really need another fixer-upper when I've already got three and none of them on the road yet? Hard to resist though....
  20. Many happy returns Pete! Given the size of my new garage, I'll have to call my car 'Wellyn'.... (Although 'Lost In Space' might be more appropriate given that in the film they were attacked by giant spiders.. and so am I - they're everywhere!!)
  21. ... because then they couldn't get the tank to fit in the first place, as many owners have found out the hard way! (Just another theory caused by lack of coffee) There has to be some reason why a solid rubber mount wouldn't work, especially as the top mounts are all solidly bolted brackets. Flexing of the boot floor, maybe?
  22. Don't start me on those things!! Avoid Gunsons, they explode! (Mine did....) Small plastic pipe in a jar is the one I came back to, and it's done me better than all the gadgets I have lying in the garage collecting dust.
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