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Mark B

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About Mark B

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  • Location
    SE London
  • Cars Owned
    Vitesse Mk2 Convertible. Spitfire Mk3. Gt6 Mk2. MX5 Mk1

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  1. Still not received my August edition of the Courier. Is there still problems, or is it just me?
  2. Hi Johny, yes I got that, just mentioned the fused link, as in my case my radio is fine, but if you want to isolate the power from the rest of the loom, longer term, and you dont have a faulty radio, but don't want the hassle of reprogramming radio stations, the fused link is a good option. Thats if you remember you have the battery isolated. More than once i have turned the ignition on, get the red ignition light, turn to start and then 'click' lights go out, then i remember. May confuse a would be car thief or joy rider.
  3. Fitted battery disconnects to my cars. Once fitted to the negative battery post, it's quick and easy to isolate the battery. No probs with my radio, so I have a fused link across the switch/negative post, so no need to re- programme the radio stations when the power is cut.
  4. I fitted one to drivers side gt6 quarter light. Ok, but still prefer rear mirror and glance over my shoulder if pulling out. They can vibrate as not that well supported, just grub screws. It came loose twice so used locktite. I fitted a door mirror to the Vitesse, much better, but I did have to drill the door.
  5. Looks great! Your soft top fits well along the top of the rear wings. The repro ones I've seen, and the one I bought are to short in this area, leaving a gap. Also yours is constructed as my original Triumph fitted soft top. The rear, top and side panels all butt up where they join as aposed to overlapping. Overlapping joins creates a step and forces the chrome strip over the back window to stand proud over the seam above the quarter lights, and when folded down digs into the quarter widow.
  6. Here's the one on my Vitesse. Yours could have come off a Vitesse, and the leather has been removed, or possibly off a mk3 Spit, the same as the Vitesse, but minus the leather wrapping as originally fitted. Think the Vitesse was regarded as a bit 'posher' back in the day.
  7. My 71 Vitesse has the original leather covered three spoke steering wheel. Makes parking easier than with a smaller wheel, and being quite thin still leaves plenty of clearence between wheel and thighs. Only down side for me is there is some flex, spring, by the nature of design, where a solid, slightly smaller, thicker wheel makes the steering feel tighter, more direct to me.
  8. I replace mine i think in 2010 ish. The screen surround was rotten and needed repairs. Just a fiddly job. Needed to remove the padded dash top to get to the lower screen surround bolts from memory. Bolted at the top so roof lining had to be peeled back. The surround was unlike my mk3 spit frame as it didn't have the long threaded studs at the corners. Pulled out the complete screen surround repaired and refitted with new seals. I probably took some photos at the time, Ill have a look.
  9. Yes, I was there in the mk2 Saffron Vitesse. Nice to meet you briefly, and had a chat with Iain. Think Steve P was there but didn't see him or his car. Like Lydden, been a spectator at many races through the years. Show was Ok, could have done with more racing and variety in my opinion. Thought I was going to get in for half price arriving in a classic, but apparently not, only pre-purchased advanced tickets get the discount, i didn't read it that way, but paid the £20 entry fee. I was there very early and lots of cars arriving, so so filled up considerately more than the photo below. Thought the food on offer was very nice and reasonably priced. Hot day though, stayed till arond 2 O'clock ish, then headed off. Managed around 32 mpg, 60 to 70mph on sprint Hs6 carbs.
  10. Thanks Kevin Profile just updated with my new membership number.
  11. Hi all Been on the forum for years, as a non-member, previously a member from 1989 for around twenty years. Recently rejoined. Can I somehow add my new membership number to my existing login details or will I have to start over to sign in as a member? Thanks
  12. Thanks Richard, understood. Might be an option. Like I said earlier, this may not happen in my area. Trying to do a bit more digging to find out more. Mark
  13. Hi, iam already within the expanded Ultra low emmissions zone, which my Triumphs are exempt from, because of their historic status. Greenwich council have introduced permit parking charges based on emmissions in 2023. This is independent of the ULEZ. I asked, and there is no exemptions from these permit parking charges based on the age of the vehicle. I think there should be, especially if i can't prove the gCo2/km, https://www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/news/2023/emission-based-parking-charges
  14. Thanks for all the replies. Being registered Historic, my Triumphs are exempt from ULEZ, and doesn't have any bearing on residents permit parking as far as iam aware. They specifically require proof of your vehicles gCo2/km. I did call the council and spoke to the relevant department who said to send them in all the vehicles details and they would take a look, but added that if no information was available then it would be charged at the maximum rate. https://www.royalgreenwich.gov.uk/info/200263/parking_and_permits/2469/check_resident_parking_permit_prices_for_your_vehicle I've not seen anything official regarding the widening of residents parking permits to my area, but has been on my radar, as all the surrouding areas require permits to park. This warning was on a flier put through the door during the recent local elections by one of the opposition parties warning of what could be in the pipeline. It may not happen, but after the ULEZ expansion and the general war on motorists, I want to be prepared for the worst case.
  15. Hi all Rumours are that Greenwich in SE London, Labour led council are going to extend their residents permit parking Zones to the area where I live. No street parking issues here whatsoever. A 'nice little earner' and to force people to get rid of their cars in my opinion. If this actually happens, I will need to show evidence of the gCo2/km emmisions for my Vitesse, gt6 and mk3 Spitfire. In reality a couple will probably have to go. The vehicle emmissions on the v5c's are blank. From memory the MOT, just shows Co2 and HC levels. Any idea where I might get this info? Without any suitable proof the default charge is £300 which is their maximum charge rate (at the moment). Thanks
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