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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. Hi Interesting. Caught up with an edition of "Car SOS" over the weekend, which was quite enlightening, how do they do it in 3 weeks?. They must really throw manpower and cash at it behind the scenes, for the programme?. However, I digress, one of the "Snippets" was about putting new tyres on the Herald 13/60 they where doing (hence my interest). And, the boss, (I assume?), of a company called "Longstone?" Tyres, was recommending a Mich; XZS?. Which he reckoned was the best compromise between adhesion and driveability (no Power Steering of course). Apparently it is a revamp of the OLD XZS range?, so must be produced in low volume for the classic market. The tyres that came with the "box of bits", (mine) are a mixture of makes and ages. But I have no intention of doing Track Days. so I favour a good compromise. Incidently they fitted the Herald Engine with a Fuel injection system, which gave it the edge over the N/A version in a staged "drag" race. I have recorded a programme about refurbishing a GT6, too, which I have yet to view. Pete.
  2. Courtesy of Wikipedia:- The American market Spitfire 1500 is easily identified by the big plastic over-riders and wing mounted reflectors on the front and back wings. The US specification models up to 1978 still had chrome bumpers, but on the 1979 and 1980 models these were replaced by black rubber bumpers with built-in over-riders. Chassis extensions were also fitted under the boot to support the bumpers. I think the answer lies here? Pete
  3. Or the Home made "Rough and Ready" version!.
  4. I guess I would need the width, to get the Motorhome on the lift. Ah! I forgot. the M-H wont go in the garage. And it`s more than 3.5T. Poo. back to the drawing board!. I opened the garage door to-day. looked at the C**p piled on the chassis, needing to be moved and stored, and closed it again. Any chance it might move itself by mid week?. Still Jealous though!.
  5. Ah!. Another member of the "Old Farts Club"?. 3am is about as good as I can do if I`ve been "naughty". I don`t remember signing up for that?. The biggest "Problem" is that my local has several decent hand pulled ales on tap at any one time!. Glad to hear you have an improved gear change, Mike, I won`t know what Mine is like till the "Meccano" goes back together!. Pete
  6. I`ve just come back from the pub, And the feeling that "Captain Oats" is out there is quite Eerie. Mind I was only gone for 3 pints!
  7. Hi On both the Steering Rack and the bottom of the column, are Grooves, These are to allow the bolts to pass through, they also mean that when/if the bolts are slack the column cannot detach from the rack, unless the bolt is missing altogether, you will however experience slackness in the steering. The 2 Pictures, are taken from the Haynes Manual. (in this case for the Vittesse because the clarity is better, but the Herald is the same). It also shows the Earthing strap, without which the Horn will be at best intermittent.
  8. Hi I had a suspicion, that some Triumphs where actually fitted with Viscous Fans?. But Not the Vittesse or Herald according to Haynes?. Pete
  9. Snap!. Too Cold to be Cleaning the Chassis up either.!!. Pete
  10. HI I would tend to agree that the issue could be more related to wear in the clutch mechanism, if the movement is less than as was designed, then clutch drag will be more noticeable, and might tend to highlight any "normal" wear in the Gearbox as a side effect?. If you can return the operating system to near "new". and it has no effect, you have carried out a needed "repair" anyway. So it`s not a lost cause, but could potentially delay a gearbox overhaul.? which IMV would be a bonus?. Pete
  11. Hi, Been browsing cos it` too early in the day to fire up the Angle grinder!. (6-15am) and read this post. How about. Triumph fitted the valences with the priority intention being to keep muck off the engine?. So therefore they have no design intention as far as cooling or air flow is concerned?. As with the vast majority of 50`s designs, the Herald and it`s derivatives came with an engine driven fan, normal for it`s era?. Conversely Most moderns now have thermostatically controlled electric fans as standard. As most of us will be aware there was also the "Viscous" Fan, fitted to many cars in the Period approx 1970 -85 Ish? too. That in itself suggests that there is some reason for this move, car makers are generally adverse to spending extra on anything as it effects the "bottom line"!, and an electric fan with associated control's must be a more expensive item than a plastic one bolted to the front of the engine?. The movement of air through a radiator, is needed to be thorough, so cowl design is an essential parameter, a design which keeps the airflow as smooth as possible and directs it to all parts of the Radiator, will transfer the maximum possible heat from the radiator up to its design capacity, regardless of the motive type. The fan efficiency, its ability to move a design volume of air, with as little flow disturbance, is likely to be as responsible for maximum cooling and fan speed could be a critical factor too. Looking at the foregoing, and without access to a wind tunnel in which to conduct tests at various speeds. My "gut" feeling would be that whatever the decided method of motivation, making sure that the airflow though the system, including the area in front of the vehicle, the grill and any lights, badges etc, which will disturb airflow, cowling in front of the radiator even? to direct the maximum air in to the matrix, efficient fan blade design, plus a shroud with the least "loss" would be the desired outcome?. In aerodynamics "Smooth" is God, reducing, or more to the point, controlling "eddies" is virtually a discipline in itself. Pete.
  12. HI Those drivers below a certain Age group will not remember the days ( Uncle Albert Time again) when ALL Signals where made with the Right Hand/Arm. Straight out (I am turning Right): Rotary Motion (I am Turning Left): Vertical Up and Down Motion ( I am slowing or intending to stop). Plus Of Course, Two Fingers in "V". ( GO forth and Multiply) and Clenched Fist with Middle digit upward. ( I dont give a Flying F****, so rotate on this).
  13. Useless Information. But the simple reason is that the Japanese also drive on the Right, as we do.
  14. I agree, The conundrum is the Physics. Heat transfer, relies on several factors, the finite size of the Matrix being the arbiter. Improving air flow can even be counter productive in that the air mass has to be in contact with the heat transfer surface long enough to actually transfer the heat! Increasing the Air flow speed will reduce that "dwell" period too!. Cleanliness both internally and externally will improve matters. but that is all. A thought?. Is there enough space in the Casing to insert a second Matrix?. Will have to take a look I think. If The makers of the (expensive) MGB item have done it?. Pete
  15. Hi. I think the only answer is OUCH!!. That would hurt!. But 3 KW is a fair upgrade. A 3KW fan heater would be cheaper, but getting that much cable might be problematic! Pete
  16. That would be in line with what I said earlier. Changing speed by using a Suitable resister. The switch would have 3 positions Off : Low (resister in series) : Full Resister Bypassed. However the Physics of the heating, would require the increase of Heating surface area I suggested. A bit like the reverse of fitting a larger radiator to improve cooling on an uprated Engine.
  17. Hi As I remember, If there are 3 or more wires to the motor. it is likely to be a multispeed. However IF only 2 wires, then speed control is by the switching. There are 2 main ways to control speed one is by wiring in a series of resisters, each one giving a different voltage. But creating heat in the resistance in the process (part of Ohms law), similarly with "volume control" type switches. The other way is to include an electronic controller which switches the voltage on and off (pulsing) according to a dialled position, which gives the effect of speed change. Getting More HEAT out of a Matrix can only be achieved by increasing the size of the matrix in some manner OR using a more efficient material in it`s constriction. The laws of physics apply I`m afraid. It being clean will obviously help. The OP asked:- 3. Does anyone have any recommendations for replacement air distribution hoses? Most of mine are torn so I'm looking to replace them all. What Dia? The flexible coated hot air ducting used in caravans is generally available?. But could be to large?
  18. Love the Vitesse seats. What are they?. I have got a couple of MX ones which I am considering?.
  19. Unlikely. it would require the blower motor to be a 2 (or more) speed motor. You could conceivably use a Rheostat, to regulate the speed. but attention should be paid to the rating of the Switching, to avoid burn out.
  20. Hi Thanks. Do I take it that fitting the suggested Nissan Motor might improved the flow rate and or give a multispeed output?. My study of heat transfer (many moons ago) would lead me to suggest that only a finite amount of heat can be transferred for a given area of matrix regardless of air flow. Which would suggest that a larger Heat exchanger would be desirable?. A source of suitable Gasket material, might be a Marine Engine outlet. We used product from "Lion Packing" a company once headquartered in Woking. To make all kinds of waterproof joints in my Merchant navy Days. The problem you would have going direct (if you still can) is they only supply large amounts. Soft Nitrile rubber might work?.
  21. Hi To slightly re-boot this topic. I have the Heater on the 13/60 removed and stripped to it`s component parts. Eventually It will be cleaned up tested and replaced in the car. However before I do all that, my recollection of the previous Vittesse was that these heaters are not exactly the most efficient devices!. Any idea if they can be uprated?. and by what means?. According to the Haynes Bible too, the Rad cap is the later 13psi. up from 7psi on earlier ones, any Idea what that change was for?
  22. Hmm!. I have a tendency to do that in old fashioned Hardware stores. AND the "ferretaria" (same thing) In Spain!. Aladdin`s Caves!. That and Machine Mart.
  23. I get by, using some software on the laptop and a switchable OBD to USB adapter. Works on both my Fiat Punto. And the current Fiat Ducato based Motorhome. Will be interesting when the new Mercedes Sprinter based Motorhome arrives in a week or so. I will probably need new software. Pete
  24. But if you read the article through they are still trying to vilify diesel?. Using the right controls, the overall effect is minimal, and compares fairly well against Fossil fuel generated Electricity. I cannot help think, this has more to do with the potential to raise Tax Revenue than anything else. But then I am a right old cynic. To come back to the OP. I used many Maplin items over the years. But of late it became more cost effective to order online rather that a 17 mile journey to Hull.
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