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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. Cut a profile to fit the gap, From (say) Hardboard, and G-F & mat to extend?. Pete
  2. I`m watching the Diesel, I still have the M-H to fill after MOT on Saturday I suspect. Damn glad its not the Old Yank ones. Mind we have been close to these prices before If I recall, back a few years?. Pete
  3. I`ve got a box of Old keys, going back to the 1950`s. If you know the blank type, I could look?. Pete
  4. I had reason to go into a small Production Workshop, about 5 or more years back. There, still in use, was a familiar Vertical Turning Mill. Which when I last operated it, in 1964, was even then better that 40+ years old. It having been converted from line shaft drive when it was moved from the Old Factory to the (then) New Factory!. By now it must be better than 100years old!. Pete.
  5. One of the frequent "anomalies" of vehicle wiring, is the need to earth a fitting in order for the circuit to be complete. The exceptions are usually "plastic" /(GRP) bodies where it is neccessary to incorporate an "Earth/Return" cable into the loom. AND THEN, one comes across instances where the supply is permanently live and the circuit completed by switching the Negative/to Earth!. Many Vehicle electrical issues can be down to bad earthing. I find more so since the introduction of "canbus" systems where the signals are so small. Pete.
  6. Should`nt be impossible to fabricate?. I would`nt have thought?. Pete
  7. A Lot will hang on availabily, right price, and spec;, plus how well the current chrome hub caps and embellisers scrub up. They are currently trading at upward of 40quid each on flea bay for undamaged reasonable one`s, when I last looked. Pete
  8. Look close at first pic;. Small discoloured "notch" at the bottom of the thread?. Probably from where the failure propagated?. Unusual for rolled threads, not uncommon on Cut one`s though. Over-torquing would not help. Uncle Pete`s "Gorrilla Paws".😁 Pete
  9. I guess Anything "like" that would be personal taste specific?. My thoughs where towords the "minilite". They where Fairly "period". and definitely looked the "business" on our (one time) Capri 2000S (which was in a rather strident orange, Black trim and "brightwork"). Pete
  10. I was looking at Mohair in both cases?. As Said, Just curiosity, really. Don`t see a New hood being, high priority for some time yet. Unless I factor in a possible (Inevitable?) forward price rise?.
  11. Yes I was just curious. but the VAT was included in both cases? Pete
  12. For those of us old enough to remember the "Cheeky Seaside Post Cards". There where many with reference to the "Po". One such, even cheekier, Man Talking to Girl. Dog sat on pavement looking up. "speech" balloon. dog saying "and he thinks she`s a real blonde". P.S. Locally Diesel has finally dropped below £1-80. it got to £1-81 for a few days Pete
  13. Someone will correct me if I am wrong. But I think, the barrel size (Dia) is pretty consistant amongst ALL locks of that era?, not just Triumph. Find one with the right Ward grooves and file the levers flush with the Existing key in place?. Pete.
  14. Strangely. looking at Don Hoods Site, they are 80quid cheaper than Club Shop. Direct?. Pete.
  15. I`ve seen good sized "lumps" come up for sale at Autojumbles/Steam Fairs where the S/H Tool Retailers set up? Pete
  16. I`m not going to be "popular" then. My 13/60, already has PAS, will get MX5 Seats, and Non Standard Reel belts. As well as a "home brew" Tow bar. And if anyone can point me at a decent set of Alloys??. Pete
  17. Respect, for all "electricity" increases, after you have survived a H-V "belt. The Doc who treated the burn said I was lucky and opined that the only reason I survived was because I was completely wet with sweat.? The Generator Flat was 120degF and 90%+ humidity. NOT to be repeated. Pete
  18. On the "subject" of covers? Anyone ever considered or even actually replaced, the daft slot/screw system of fasteners, with DZUS fasteners?. Pete
  19. Ahh! BUT, it is any good?. I favoured Samuel Adams?. Pete
  20. Can Can?. Carry the can? My Gran, saw two world wars, and always refered to her "underbed facility" as the "jerry"! Pete
  21. Ahh? Yes Serpentine Belts?. Chevy V8 6.4 Turbo Diesel in "pusher" configuration. Pete
  22. Is that considered Racist?. In to-days P-C world?.
  23. I wish, Oh how I wish, The Microsoft, media/computer techs would learn from that. EVERY update, F**k`s up another piece of Heritage software, needing hours of Ar**ng about to get functioning again.😡😡 Pete
  24. I`ve got a O/E Set off E-bay. yet to fit it, but its still boxed and labeled BL?. It was on offer for 12 quid so I grabbed it. Pete
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