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Everything posted by AidanT

  1. Dick. I will add that to the list. To clarify though do you mean carb cleaner down the fuel intakes on the carbs? ( my first foray into the carbs! Gulp!) Aidan
  2. Ian I will check those diaphrams out tomorrow. The dash pot oil did seem a little low so I have just topped that up. Another note, it did seem to use a lot of fuel - about half a tank on an 80 mile drive yesterday so possibly another symptom Aidan
  3. Do these symptoms fit a coil that's starting to fail? From what I have read possibly not. Any thoughts? Aidan
  4. I think it just goes away There does not seem to be a power surge though If I rev the engine on take off then the problem is less noticeable, and the car never stalls tick over is fine. If it's running too rich Pete these are on the bottom of my carbs and they o my move anti clockwise as in they undo so what do I need to turn to weaken ? Or could it just be that I'm burning a bit of oil and that's why the plug find are black? Aidan
  5. Hi So thinking about it, yes if does re-occur when slowing down and then accelerating again so that's one reason why I was excluding fuel as a problem. Filters, one in the glass pump and one just before the carbs are clean and full of fuel so evaporation will be unlikely in my mind. Carbs were proffessionally rebuilt three years ago and balanced on a rolling road two years ago. I will check the plugs again but they were always sooty around the rim and light brown on the tip will add a picture later Aidan Yes it's a delco d200
  6. I thought I would start a new thread on this as I'm not sure I yet have the solution So symptoms When the car (GT6 mk1) is up to temperature the car miss-fires when pulling away and is a little jumpy until it gets to over 40 or at least until 3rd gear It then runs well. Changing the plugs seemed to fix the problem but now it's returned I don't think it's fuel evaporation unless fuel composition has changed this year making it evaporate more The car is perfect when starting from cold and is happy to accelerate smoothly through all gears I have not changed anything apart from plugs ( and fuel obvoiusly) from last year when it had no issues at all I've not replaced any fuel piping So what could the cause be????? Aidan FURTHER DETAILS Electronc ignition - H&H (2016) Quality Leads - Lumenition blue (2016) NGK plugs (Club Shop) - New set on order anyway Coil - Lucas Sports Coil (2017)
  7. Rob I have recently got possibly the same issue. Its only been like this with my GT6 this year, the only thing I have changed is to put new fuel in! ( not sure if ethanol makes an evaporation difference and has recently increased) I thought I might have a dodgy plug or something but that does not seem to be it either Coil is new last year although its a lucas Gold one?? so might change to a bosch and its 3 ohm system so no ballasting Again fine when cold, dizzy cap is in good nick and dizzy is well lubricated Again just at low revs it plays up but is happy @ 70 down the dual carriageway It was fine last year in france when the temperature was around 40 degrees ( although it did get pretty hot!) Can anyone advise on the model of the bosch coil I should get? Aidan
  8. And we would all live in cities 2 minutes from work so there would be no need for them or everywhere would have transport like central London.....hold on a minute.... oh yes of course I could cycle to work only 50 miles.... each way! By the time I got there I'd have to start home.... who's idea was this? Another rant over ? Aidan
  9. One other thing, as it's all new, have you plumbed all the slaves in with the bleed nipple at the top and not at the bottom? Aidan
  10. Can you advise what the symptoms are please? Aidan
  11. So what do you get if you "apply" to be mot exempt? A certificate? Has anyone here "applied"? and can you let me know please? If you don't "apply" this year does that mean you can't next? I don't think so because your car will still fit the criteria Aidan
  12. Mike. Do u have an MOT? I did mine yesterday online. I do have an MOT and there was no new screen when I went through the process, in fact there was no mention of an MOT at all, and I'm sure there was previously, at least there was something saying it had a valid MOT Aidan
  13. Do you have to declare that it's exempt? If let's say you are selling you can still say it's mot exempt as it falls within the parameters. The next owner does not have to have an mot but will need to tax it immediately as it's not transferable even when it's free Aidan
  14. You could do Pete's suggestion by fitting a compression spring around the push rod? Aidan
  15. Nick. I purchased this but it was in May 2016 and I've had no problems at all Maybe a bad batch? Who knows! Aidan
  16. An interesting route for the fuel line, I guess it must be different for the mk3. My mk1 goes over the top in front of the rocker cover Aidan
  17. Pete, No worries, I confuse myself all the time! So current engine in the car is ML 24700HE - Mk2 2000 saloon with the domed pistons - It's fine, burns a bit of oil but who doesn't. I think the engine was a rebuild from many a year ago by a PO, painted an odd light metalic blue probably fashionable at the time. The engine I have on the stand is the HC52156HE Vitesse Aidan
  18. Thanks Adrian! I wouldn't have been able to do this without your kit and would have had to purchase myself. You have reminded me that I have not added any pics! Think I will start another thread so all the answers i need will be in the one place and put some pics in. The side mounting works really well btw Aidan
  19. Hi Pete. Good question As my current engine is a 2000 saloon I assume both manifolds are the ME ones. Please can you let me know do I need both manifolds from a mk2 then? Aidan
  20. I can but second what you say Richard, the pictures are most upsetting I'm not sure it was on here, possibly Colin? , though, that R9 may now not be up to the job and there is an even better "R" level to go to to take account of the soon to be further increase in ethanol levels? Sorry I can't find the post. Aidan
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