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Everything posted by AidanT

  1. I Hi It's actually the top ball joint nut this time and 35lbft or so my list says. There's no way I can see to get a socket on it so I guess a bit of elbow grease on a spanner. Have seen a torque spanner set but not sure how they would work Aidan
  2. Hi all How do you torque up a nut when you do not have access to fit a socket and use a torque wrench? There is only access for a spanner! Aidan
  3. Got any spare nuts? As a triple check I just tried a 5/16" ( that's the biggest I have) and its a size up on that Aidan
  4. Hi Richard. Just checked on my list of torque settings and it's a 7/16 thread http://www.triumphspitfire.com/Torque.html Aidan
  5. Hi Richard That's the socket size Always thought it was the same thing but hey I'm always learning new things From what I can find the tread is 7/16" would that make sense? Aidan
  6. Hi all Replacing just rhe seals on my top ball joints as the old ones were mentioned on the last mot as in need of replacement I did not realise they were fitted with nylocs. Has anyone got a couple I could have please? Oddly on dismantling, there was a very thin now deformed washer on top of the ball joint seal. Is this usual? If so has anyone got a couple of those? Thx Aidan
  7. I notice Kevin's user name is in red! What about another colour for members. Aidan
  8. I'd be quite happy doing that although my signature is not on all my entries. Well at least shown on the mobile version Aidan
  9. Just to add to this thread and I don't know other people's views but it would be nice to know if people on here are TSSC members or not? Aidan
  10. I have not gone down the 4 pot route on my mk1 as I can lock up the front with decent pressure on the brake pedal. All I needed was decent pads and I did not have to go to the mintex pads which would have been my next step. Can you not send them back as they don't fit? Aidan
  11. Hi and welcome Yes there's definitely something about the mk1 GT6! ? Aidan
  12. Hi On the basis that it was fine prior to handing it over to the other owner, has he changed anything else? I just ask as I run mine with K&N pancake filters but had the carbs and needles tuned appropriately to suit. Even so, I would not have thought it would have such a major impact even without the proper carb set up. Does it start with the bonnet open? Aidan
  13. Plus one on that Doug. We can't go back on that Aidan
  14. Who ever thought we lived in a democracy? Aidan
  15. Thanks for letting us know Colin. I won't be using them then! Aidan
  16. Sorry not sure of the white material you used. When I do mine I used thick polythene sheet and gaffer tape. It's worked very well in keeping the door cards dry over the last four years Aidan
  17. Hi Well I got my replacement pump a few months ago but from Dave Manners so I'm hoping it's good quality and will last longer than 10k!! Aidan
  18. Hi Gully What was the symptom on your dad cap lip. My replacement allows the cap to completely rotate around and off again as you keep turning. I was not sure if this was an issue and if it could be resolved? Aidan
  19. UPDATE Hi all, So Chris has come back to me saying: Hi Aidan Thanks for the email This doesn’t need to go the Agm I will speak to the people who need to know and get it on the way Cheers Chris Tssc Chairman Keep your fingers crossed ! Aidan
  20. There does suddenly Seem to be a lot of requests for parts threads. I'm not sure they are all club members either. Another consideration for the rules?? Agree Clive we need a member or an AO to raise it. Any AO's reading this and agree? Aidan
  21. Sorry.? The club shop is commercial isn't it? Aidan ?
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