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Everything posted by AidanT

  1. All Well I am going to see if I can fabricate something. My thoughts are that this if it works will be a really simple solution to increase the cabin Aiirflow thereby maling it cooler - Probably will need the quarter light windows combined will make a massive difference, hopefully easy to fit and remove and made from a plastic, as most scoops are. I will let you know if successful Aidan
  2. Hi, Talked with a Steve Hunt on this describing the symptoms of the slow speed. He said that that "If a speed is slow that would be the field coil" So i think I am back to Re-Wind I'm afraid Aidan
  3. Thanks All Any recommendations on a company to refurbish the motor? Aidan
  4. Thanks guys I have gone round everywhere to seal up the bulkhead and there is a distinct improvement Pete pointed out the hole for the wiper cables and that started me going! Pete in principle then a small scoop on the intake vents would work? If so I'm thinking of making something that could be removeable and only used in the summer. Not sure of what material yet Aidan
  5. As we all know you can tell the GT6 driver because he is the one in the shorts and T shirt! Has anyone considered making small detachable air scoops to sit on top of the front deck grills to force more air in when its a warm day? I know its a bit of an odd one, but I was driving the car a few days ago, the wind must have been blowing in an odd direction, and my cabin cooled off, in fact so much so I actually had to open the heating up to warm up a bit! (No i wasn't ill and had a temperature! Aidan
  6. Oh yes sorry just to add, can someone confirm how the motor comes out? I have in the back of my mind it comes out with the rack cable? Is there another way? Aidan
  7. Hi All Reviving this thread as at last I am back to a refurb Can anyone recommend a suitable company / person to refurbish my motor unit? The company I did look at seems not to be there any more Thanks Aidan
  8. Just checked and my gauge is about right 180 F is 82.2 C ! Motorway driving it sits at 190F or 87C. So I guess that's nothing to worry about Aidan Sorry for the bit of drift
  9. one more question for everyone! What is the "correct" running temperature for our cars? i dont man the temperature the gauge might read, more the actual temperature from a more accurate instument like a thermometer Hugh, if you were running between 70 and 80 degrees surely your thermostat would never be open? 82 degrees? i know my gauge is somewhat out the thermostat opens at around 180 Fahrenheit (sorry for mixing scales!) Aidan BTW I realise all cars are different - so a range?
  10. Thanks John I will check again. I had a flow but it was while the engine was at tick over it certainly wasn't a gush ! Aidan
  11. Hi Is there a way to estimate how efficiently a water pump is working without a strip down? Aidan
  12. Just as a final post on this thread I have been able to take two heater control cables and join the outer cable together using the female of a Lucas connector. This is exactly the right size to clamp the two outers together. I have also soldered the joint but this is probably not necessary. I have replaced the inner piano wire (1.5mm) from fleabay. All complete and ready to fit. Aidan
  13. Doug I have one fitted as I have a dual oil pressure and temperature gauge. It works on a capillary action so heating the sender expands and pushes a fluid which in turn moves tha gauge. The only issue with them is that you can't take the capillary apart so to remove the gauge you also have to take out the sender and connecting tube/pipe Aidan
  14. Karl Pete has a term for this kind of thing! Can't remember it exactly! but Triumphs are b***r for it! Aidan
  15. May well be worth bench testing the new one. That will eliminate one of the options Aidan
  16. Welcome!.. Some of us are still having to work and pay for mortgages so hopefully our average age is at least a little lower than you state above???? ???? Aidan
  17. I do that to. Usually on an annual basis keeping all the receipts just in case, more because I'm an accountant (OK I admit it!) than anything else. my car is however my pride, joy and escape from the world of work - and that is priceless! Aidan
  18. AidanT

    GT6 cylinder head

    We bow to your smartly wisdom!! ????????????????????
  19. I have seen this before. It's a pop-up scam it's the link you go to that holds the virus. Always have antivirus on your machine this will tell you if a website is infected before you get to it with a warning page Suggest you clear your web history and cookies This should stop it reoccurring I must admit though its unusual on a Mac Aidan
  20. Thanks Colin that's another option I had not thought about First things first I need to buy a couple of old style cables with the Lucas style hex connection Aidan
  21. I will try this to. I was a little concerned about my oil usage Thanks for the great info Aidan
  22. Ben, is that issue only just out? not in WHSmith at the moment Aidan
  23. Aidan if you dont want your tappets tapping I would lie low if I was you ...Ha I used to be over 6 foot! Sorry thread drift again
  24. Are you not Notorious Pete? HA ????????????????????????
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