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Everything posted by AidanT

  1. Pete Let Andy know the car is still with me and being well looked after! If you have been there 5 times you will certainly know where he is by now! And probably what to look for in his work. ???? Aidan
  2. Pete I may well do this as an alternative. quick question is it possible to braze the piano wire rather than solder? and if so what type of rod? I have a MAP gas torch wo it would have to be low temp anyway Aidan
  3. Doug Really good thought that one I like it ???? Son and daughter have claimed mine already and my wife wants a 2CV That won't help. ????????????
  4. Thanks Paul gratefully received. I think my plan is potentially now to follow Petes suggestion below as the cable seems to be impossible to get; to take two cables and splice them together, maybe brazing them rather than solder and use some fuel pipe as the join outer. May cut the lengths so the join is arouns the bulkhead area so the outer pipe can seal the bulk head rather than a grommet I will add some Pics if anyone is interestef Aidan
  5. My source says this is the article TSSC Courier 179 (May 1995), P24 Aidan
  6. Hi Again - I know this is an old thread but I am still looking Anyway, someone told me there was an article in the magazine about this subject, it must have been some time ago before I joined in 2012. Could someone take a copy and add it here or mail it please? I know I should buy the CD, but hey guess what? CD dives are now old hat! My New lap-top doesn't have one! Aidan
  7. Hi Pete I can be there around 9am but the engine will be hot ???? Aidan
  8. HI Pete - sorry for the delay in coming back to you, Returning from holiday and back to work (13 years to go ! and yes I'm counting!) to a pile of things to sort. I also have a sticking Thermostat so I'm going to have to fix that first Anyway how is the 22nd as a date to pencil in for this? Aidan
  9. AidanT

    Email Contact

    Hi all Been advised that you should always use the clubshop@tssc.org.UK email address Aidan
  10. AidanT

    Email Contact

    Hi Garth Sent the mails last week - WOW - Speedy Microsoft Used both a direct mail plus one direct on the TSSC site Wanted to know if you could supply a Points and condenser set for a Mk1 GT6, Delco Dizzy Aidan
  11. AidanT

    Email Contact

    Hi Just a quick one, Not had any response from a few emails to the shop. Difficult to call them outside of working hours. Is there a problem with the email system at the shop? Thx Aidan
  12. Hi Pete yes a weekend is certainly best for me Nice weather would also help I vertait don't mind my car being the one used in the tutorial! Let me find some dates and I will get back to you Aidan
  13. Pete Let me know when you intend doing it My gt6 is nearly back together now after changing the overdrive switch to the column and adding a gear box oil hatch I would like to attend if at all possible Aidan
  14. Hi Pete I was just interested to know I'd this ever happened or not Aidan
  15. If I remember correctly they come in increments of 25 mm. As you have a 1150 the next smallest size is 1125 That's how my friendly local motor factor advised anyway though I understand there are also special lengths Aidan
  16. mine fits in a hole through the Parcel tray support There is a nut that holds it there but unfortunately I have lost mine Does any one know what the thread size is? Aidan
  17. Hi Doug have you tried jigsaw? http://www.jigsawracingservices.co.uk/engines.htm Not sure how "uprated" theirs are but the price looks better Might be worth giving them a call Aidan
  18. Well I have a result Newtons have kindly agreed to sell me a replacement tunnel carpet Thanks for the advice to call them Pete and it will be a great fit ! Aidan
  19. Well I have a result Newtons have kindly agreed to sell me a replacement tunnel carpet Thanks for the advice to call them Pete and it will be a great fit ! Aidan
  20. Doug, It was out on the bench as I am doing some work and had the tunnel out. Well lets just say black carpet and red paint don't mix oh ... F ( pelase add appropriate swear word) Ha! Pete I will give them Newtons a call Monday, and keep my fingers crossed! Aidan
  21. Hi Does anyone know where I can get a decent replacement tunnel carpet only please? I have just knackered mine oh B**** ! Aidan PS Seen one on fleabay from Danbury Carpets but not sure if they are any good? Any recommendations of them? Thx
  22. Thanks both Pete yes it's for a backup and as you say if it's bad weather I want to be able to swap out without fuss I found a NOS one here http://www.ebid.net/uk/for-sale/vauxhall-triumph-nos-delco-condenser-see-list-below-131305356.htm but was not sure if it's right as it looks quite chubby !! Aidan
  23. Hi Jim van you advise what the fitting issue was with the condenser? was it too long to fit in the original position? I'm planning to purchase one as a spare to my electronic ignition as has been suggested by many but want to avoid fitting issues if at all possible Thx Aidan
  24. Hmm that's what you get with a three G signal ???? Aidan
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