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Everything posted by Anglefire

  1. I've not used electronic ignition for years. Probably nigh on 30! Though the one I had fitted to my last beetle I think got moved to a friends Metro - which after about 20years in a garage was brought back to life a few weeks ago - and the electronics still works! The only real benefit of one that uses the points, is that as said, less wear on the face of the contacts (The heal still wears though obviously!) and that the negative to the coil is broken much cleaner so the spark is in theory a bit stronger. Practical terms? Who knows! I run traditional points in my Spitfire.
  2. 1mm will take approximately 17A - so good for most circuits - though you need to consider volt drop. 2mm will take approximately 25A If it were me, I would use mostly 1mm and then 2mm for higher loads. Possibly 3mm on the headlights to give the lumens a chance to shine Stick a few 2mm cables in a harness and it will soon bulk out!
  3. Tri-rated is to 3 different standards - used mostly in electrical cabinets because it is flexible and normally thin wall. So Clives link is probably just as good.
  4. Thought these do trace colours I don’t think it’s tri-rated https://www.12voltplanet.co.uk/news/bi-colour-cable-with-tracer-stripes-and-cable-by-the-reel.html
  5. Not sure about the trace colour but I’ve used this company for other stuff https://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Main_Index/Cable_Index/Tri_Rated_Cable/index.html
  6. I can do new for old on everything. But choose not to. I have to declare anything over £1k with serial numbers - sensible for them and seems fair enough. Just looked at the total insured - pretty frightening - £21k 😳 I also have £2M of public liability insurance as I do the occasional commercial shoot - and shoots for other people (recently did one for my daughters friends uni course) part of which was in a public park.
  7. I’m pretty well insured - though not all is new for old - but enough to cover replacement (a few lenses I bought second hand - but the stuff I got new is new for old. Trouble is it soon mounts up - camera insurance is well over twice the spitfire! I had to claim last year when I dropped my 100-400 out of my bag in America. Impressed with the insurance company (aaduki).
  8. I still have my first dslr- 350d though not used for years - I sold my 5d mk1 - stunning camera but canon sat on their laurels for too long and lost out to Nikon. Still have my 1d mk3 - good camera but has issues - which i didn’t really know about - or worked around I suppose - until I got the 1Dx. It’s noise control is amazing. Given the right subject iso 25600 is usable. The 350d is pushed at 1600 😂 Though it worked well enough in Barcelona several years ago. https://www.mark.colston-online.co.uk/Barcelona/index.html#img=IMG_9360.jpg
  9. Hi Graham, I mostly used my canon 1Dx and a 300mm f2.8 L IS with a canon 2x Mk3 converter - I think the last one I had my 100-400mk2 on.
  10. As I've said before, mine originally came from Rimmers and has the center box - and whilst it is noiser than standard, its not bad. But then I am still a young pup at 54 😉
  11. I'm fortunate I think as my HS4 conversion was done by @rogerguzzi (Must meet up!) or at least the carbs came from him when I was trying to sort my idle issue out some time ago and they return lovely.
  12. I was only using 1mm as an example. And if you use tri-rated on any new circuit, it is both more flexible and smaller for a given current carrying capacity. Measuring the existing wire is not that simple - you need the copper x-section not overall. But yes I was forgetting you aren’t using new wire but a replacement loom containing new Lucas smoke. 😂
  13. Clive. Essentially don’t worry too much about what stuff pulls. Fuse to below the maximum capacity of the wiring. If you use 1mm2 cable then it will pull about 10a. So fuse at either 10 or less. (Less ideally!) This is us but will give a clue as it shows both awg and sq mm https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/wire-gauges-d_419.html
  14. Currently sat in a pub in Somerset somewhere. decided to stop to eat before going home. 3 hour drive and I’m hungry - up at 4:30 this morning. So my drink is lemonade. 🙁
  15. I didn't need protection - there was no way I was going anywhere near any of them with a barge poll - I value my crown jewels too much to risk the wife finding out 😂 Well, you can argue that any thread drift is the same severity, though the number of times a thread drifts could be counted
  16. In both cases I was with a group of about 10 blokes (work colleagues including the CEO!) - I declined the sex show in Amsterdam! - but the bit of Amsterdam I did see was very nice (Ignoring the ladies of the night in the windows for a moment!) Frankfurt, we were directed into a "Bar" by a local but turned out to be more of a sex show - and those that did get in came out very quickly!
  17. Just the one? Having now been to both the red light district in Amsterdam and Frankfurt, I have an unwelcome knowledge of "Adult" 🙄 FWIW I did find walking around Amsterdam in the evening a safe experience. Not quite so sure about Frankfurt. Probably only due to the number of drunks and drug addicts.
  18. I would love an adult conversation on Brexit, but if it happens at all it should be a separate thread and not on this type of thread with it’s own contentious issue!
  19. If it were me, I'd put it back to standard points and re-gap the plugs to 25thou (Or standard if not 25!) Are the leads holding onto the end of the spark plugs ok? I ask because I think that was one of my issues in that the rubber boot over the plug was tending to spring back and hence the spark had to jump twice!
  20. @poppyman Tony, Not so sure about that - 23mpg. 🙄 But it has been idling a fair bit - and not running well. Does feel like its running a lot better now - better than ever since I've had it - which I think is partly plug leads.
  21. Went out in mine today for the first time in a long time - and it was showing empty on the gauge - so pulled in for some fuel and got 21ltrs in - which seems my gauge is not as good at showing empty as I thought
  22. Went out for a run this morning - and after about 2-3 miles the smoke/steam has gone Temp gauge is now slightly below the 1/2 way mark rather than on the 1/2 way - 82'C rather than 88'c - and the oil pressure is a bit better (20/60 oil) and a lot better when idling - about 15psi if the gauge is to be believed and hot - given the idle is around 800rpm I'm happy with that.
  23. Oh to drive a long distance in mine 😂
  24. I bought a full sports 2nd hand for my Spitfire - it has the centre silencer as well as the two end boxes so is not as loud as some (So I understand anyway!) and whilst it is louder than normal, I don't find it intrusive. Cruising is fairly quiet - but hoof it and it makes a nice note - though I have no idea how the sound it from outside the car!🤣
  25. Unfortunately not. I went with work and there wasn't time - for several reasons, I'll not go into in public.
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