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Posts posted by Badwolf

  1. It goes wrong again. The new courtesy lights have arrived for under the dash so I set to work with initial fitting. First thing I noticed was the three wires. Checked with a meter. One earth through the switch, one feed and the third appears to be a second earth bypassing the switch. Now the frightening bit. Do not attempt electrical work when you are tired. Two of the wires are brown, one dark brown, one has a trace colour, the other black. So I wired the light onto the battery to test it. In a moment of absolute stupidity I connected the battery to the black earth and the brown cable which is also an earth. You can imagine what happened. The metal tracking inside the fitting, across the switch, glowed violently and one of the plastic parts caught fire momentarily as I pulled off the wire and blew out the flame! Not a great deal of damage done but I will leave this 'til tomorrow when I am properly awake. Yes, fuses are important and hot wiring to test things needs more care on my part.

  2. Hi Royston. Welcome to the madhouse of help, experience and utter mad stuff, but if you have been reading this stuff for some time, you know that. I have silver on black plates on my '72 Spitfire. I prefer them to the modern colours and feel that they fit in better to a classic car. Others will disagree but they suit me. Not sure of the current cut off year for using them. Someone will be on soon to tell you. Lovely looking car. I have no experience about best revs etc but a lot here have. Just sit back, share your problems and enjoy it here, I do.

  3. 1 hour ago, Top Banana said:

    I thought I was the only who couldnt hear my flasher unit,so I hacked into the flasher feed and put a small 12v Piezo Buzzer; otherwise a mile down the road i am still indicating and confusing other road users. 

    I need to source a slightly louder buzzer for when I am wearing my Jabra Earpods with Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) they turn a noisy environment into complete calm when doing 60+ mph you get to hear the engine tone beautifully, but all the squeaks / shudders on rough roads just blend down, absolute necessity for a two hour plus jouney and reduce fatigue.

    Yes, several have done it. Mine was a cheap 12v buzzer from Maplins (oh, how I miss them) 30 years ago and still buzzing.

  4. 2 hours ago, Iain T said:

    I bought a cleanable metal/glass body filter from carbuilder solutions that had 1/4" one end and the other 5/16". Very handy when it came to fitting in the hose loop at the tank. 


    I got a glass one off fleabay. Sent the wrong size and tried to tell me that they had a bad packaging batch!! Found out months later that the fuel pipe was the wrong size but the merchant was no longer listed oh well.  Might even fit it one day!

  5. Quack - As Rob says, if you do go with the relining of your tank, Frosts do a kit. It is a 'marmite' kit... Some love it, some hate it, but you MUST follow the instructions precisely (eg. the tank must be perfectly dry) or the lining treatment will flake off in the tank with disasterous results. There is also the ever present danger of residual fuel vapour that would need addressing. Nothing that cannot be dealt with.... with extreme care.

  6. Just to add to my post previously and check for advice. On my spitfire, according to the circuit diagram a single purple wire feeds the single footwell light which then goes to the driver's door switch (not the passenger) via purple/white, to earth. I put a splitter in the blue to feed another lamp in the passenger side, then tandamed the earth wires from each lamp to both the driver's door and a new switch in the passenger door. This has worked for years with no perceivable loss of light output. Also ok with led festoons. Have I done it correctly or do I need to rethink?.

  7. Mentioned this a couple of weeks ago. I have found these hook & loop cable ties very useful for tidying up. I found that if you zip clipped a bunch together, you then found some more and had to cut the clip and redo. With these, just unfasten add cables refasten. The black ones are harder to use under the dash as finding the end can be difficult. This is the type. If you search around there will probably be cheaper ones...



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  8. Dick - Your observation is very true, but when the club shop does not have the buying power or the storage to buy in quantity for best price, or decent point of sale selling capacity, it makes sense to me to ship the whole operation out to a company that does. If we don't like that company either for price , service or quality of product, it is our choice to go elsewhere, which, unfortunately for the club, is what many are already doing.

  9. I think that the answer, as unpalatable as it appears was mentioned here some time ago, maybe even in one of the links that I posted earlier. That is to buy in an online point of sale package and start from scratch with modern code, security etc. Then once the initial costs have been covered the club can get a new view (no pun intended) of sales with real competitive prices etc. The only other thing is to sort out a deal with one of the main suppliers to offer a real deal to registered members who get a discount, and just give the club a commission.

  10. 43 minutes ago, Chris A said:

    If that is good enough for you them I shall follow your shining example and do the same.

    At which point have I become the one to offer a 'shining example' to anyone?

    Now, while everything is still hanging loose, so to speak, must try to source a cheap 2" dashboard clock, if such an animal exists. Found one on Fleabay for £40 plus carriage... Hmmmm, still expensive for me, and they say 'Time is Tight' (with apologies to Booker T & the MGs)

  11. After my last post I did a bit of rummaging around in my old paper Couriers. Much easier than keep opening the on-line versions. Something was nagging me at the back of my mind about the upgrading of the club shop.  I was sure that I had seen something about as 'upgrade' 

    I was right, and found this piece written by Garth Jupp in the 2017 price list..


    Now the paraphrase the opening paragraph...the more observant of you may have noticed that on pages 48 & 49 of the 2021 price list you will find this...


    looks vaguely familiar. I hope that Garth was decently paid for reusing his copy, but somehow, I doubt it. As for the 2021 "slight transformation, or you could say we have had the decorators in", sorry I missed it.

    EDIT - And the same piece was used in the 2020 catalogue but I can't find any others to check on them.

  12. I have posted this on another thread but I will make the admission here as well. I fear that the scotchloks will remain for the foreseeable future. The good intent is there but not the practicality as I fear that in rooting around to remove them, untangle the spaghetti and remake the connections, I will cause more damage than the exercise is worth. It is all working so, apart from the odd dodgy looking connection, I am leaving well alone. Hopefully the extra protection of the new fuse box will help. I think that most of the 'loks' were fitted over 30 years ago while the dashboard was out and the radio, alarm, extra interior courtesy lights and numerous other 'must haves' were fitted then with no regard to wiring colour convention. As far as I know it is all safe (!!!), so when the new courtesy lights arrive, I will put it all back together along with the reinforced glove boxes and speakers then then....oh yes, drive the thing.

  13. As many of you know, I have been critical of the online presentation of the shop for some time. A presentation that must be losing the shop a shed load of sales.  Having a trawl through some earlier thread regarding this, it sadly looks like little has changed following comments going back over 4 years. These are some of the threads that I found. Perhaps someone from the Council of Management might like to address them at the next AGM.

    The links may drop you in the middle of a thread that has references earlier on.




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