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Posts posted by Badwolf

  1. I will be getting the covers from Owen Lloyd at Park Lane classics in the spring, so I need to make sure they are ordered for the correct fittings etc.

    As for the post edit notification, I think that this is set in the edit window as to whether edits are flagged or not. Kevin will be able to clarify..... yes there is a window to check in the edit window if you want to show that the post has been edited.

  2. There is a 'discussion' between Doug and myself about this on another thread. I feel that what works for me is to boil water from a dehumidifier, and add the correct amount of antifreeze to it. The water from the dehumidifier has no solids disolved in it (its distilled), the boiling removes the oxygen which would combine with the steel in the engine etc, to form rust (red or black iron oxide) and the antifreeze stops the water freezing etc. Cheap and no problem to top up with tap water in an emergency situation.

  3. Thanks Gents. Now the next question... taking a standard reclining frame, without foam or cover, is if possible to add the headrest fittings to the seat frame, or is this a factory fitting job only. From the parts list, it looks like a simple bolt on/welded fitting onto the top of the seat frame, altough the 'Bros' don't appear to have any in stock.

  4. I have finally got around to looking at my seat foams and covers. Before I order them, is there any comment about the usefulness of reclining seats (apart from that!!!.. and in a Spitfire you must be joking or a contortionist - thread drift starts here!). Mine are currently the oringinal low back, non reclining. Before I go to the expense of new covers etc, should I be looking at replacement seat frames, if I can find any at a reasonable price?

  5. Hi Adrian. Thanks for that. Yes I am aware of many of the shortfalls of LED lamps.  The worst one being that on the original cheap Chinese imports, the electronics have a rather alarming tendency to explode unexpectedly!!  Add to that the rather short life-span before they dim and die.  The modern ones do appear to be more reliable now, but having bought several hundred of there over the past 4 years, I now buy them locally rather than on the inter-net.  It is easier to take them back and wave a receipt at someone, even if they turn out to be a little more expensive.  I don't know if the electronics on the 12v versions are more reliable.

  6. Shaun, have a look at the 'lvlp paint spraying' thread. Also do a global search here for 'apollo', they get a good write up which is why I went for one. My plan is to practice on my hardtop (currently in the shed), then progress onto the steel bonnet (also in the shed). Then move on to the boot lid, doors, then the body tub. I will then replace the grp bonnet, refit everything and enjoy the summer with a car that is at least all the same colour.

  7. I picked up an apollo on fleabay for £40. Not tried it with paint yet but intend to repaint in the spring after prepping dec/jan. I looked at various pro paintshop prices from 3k to 7k and decided to try it myself. You can make a lot of mistakes and still get change out of 7k. My thoughts were, spend 7k and get a great finish.. get a scratch ....loads of tears and and even smaller bank balance due to the repairs. Do it yourself, gain loads of experience and hopefully satisfaction. It won't be concourse but if it gets scratched, repaint the panel over the weekend, off you go. Misguided, probably but mine will never be concourse so not worth the expense. Spend the savings on fuel and drive the b**ger !!

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  8. Doug - I remember a tv drama from years back where a building site foreman used to urinate in a corner of the site, much to the disgust of his underlings. They hid a steel plate in that corner and connected a fully charged mega to it. When it got wet...!!!!! Brilliant scene.

  9. Over the past ten days or so, I have been having trouble logging on to the forum from both desktop pc and tablet. I just got a message of rejection. I did not make a note of the details, but it seems to have coincided with a Firefox browser update. Has anyond else experienced this. Thought it may have been a virus, but a full sweep of anti virus, malware, spyware shows nothing. Appears to have cleared for the moment.

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