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Posts posted by Badwolf

  1. There was none like her.

    There will be none like her.

    She gave her life to serve her country. She will be sorely missed.

    I have an original signature of her's along with Prince Philip's. They are treasured possessions. On a lighter note, she was THE best Bond girl.

    Thank you for everything that you gave to your country and the world Ma'am. You were one of a kind.

    Rest in peace.

  2. Yep, repaired mine. Just drill out the rivets and look inside. Mine were full of crud. Switch cleaner and a gentle rub over sorted them out. Also check if you have an adjuster on the outside. I found them by accident under the muck. Solid, but freed off nicely. As with Johny, small nuts and bolts to reassemble, and a quick paint spray over having blocked up the trumpet to avoid glueing everything  up with paint, and as good as new....and very loud!!!

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  3. ...and when your model isn't on the drop down menu and the service goes into a spiral when you don't answer the question because the answer's not there!! Tried to buy a battery 5 years ago. It wouldn't let me progress to the battery listings without my car model, which it couldn't find from my reg number!!!

  4. Question - In real terms how many stock lines does the club shop actually stock. Yes, I know that I could sit down with last year's paper catalogue and count, but seriously, the stock holding can't be anywhere near the holding of the usual suppliers. It shouldn't be so difficult to sort out, say, 20 lines a week or maybe I expect too much! I see Gates on promotion in this month's Courier 'p&p half a kg'. Is it rocket science just to put a price on the carriage in the ad for half a metre of each bore...special postal rate to month end! Others do.

  5. I know, here we go again, but Head Office, do you really expect customers to buy anything without a photo and a decent description? That's, of course, assuming you can find the item on the site.

    Big job, yes, but if you are going to sell online you have to do it properly. Look at the usual suppliers, look at fleabay, look at Amaz*n. Just how many thousands of pounds of sales are being lost, and for the profit that you make on the sales that you do take, is it worth it? I want some Gates fuel pipe but at £7+ listed for carriage forget it. Yes, I know that I can phone to negotiate carriage but should I need to?

    I notice from Colin's screenshot that the description for the door cards says "As can be seen the design of the weld lines looks very effective" really, where?


  6. Many, many years ago I was involved in the office of a large Government department. It was specifacally set up as a link to other offices and to answer stand alone questions personally over the counter. There were 20 trained staff. It was a terrific success and became a flagship office. Years !after, I had to call to a small local version of that office, only to be told that the phone was over there, feel free to use it, and I was left. A couple of years after that even the local office had gone. Internet or phone 'services' only. So much for progress.


  7. I knew a bloke once. He would never lend out his tools. If you were stuck, he would come and do the job for you for beer and bickies. His argument, and this was over 20 years ago, was that if anything went wrong, he didn't need ... 1. it on his conscience and ... 2. the court summons for damages!


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  8. I would have thought that a 'tools available for loan' page on the main TSSC website should be a must!!! Tools are probably listed on the various area sites but I doubt that they are easy to find (especially if listed on Farcebook only) or kept up to date

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