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Tom Horse

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Posts posted by Tom Horse

  1.  Good to know I'm in that 1%.  After three oil leaks, three head gaskets, i bit the bullet and fitted one when rebuilding the engine. 

    Grub screws and restrictor fitted and time will tell if it's  stopped the leak from recurring. I'll leave the 2000 alone for now until I see how the mkiv gets on with it.

    Don't tell anyone but i also drilled out the oil way that feeds the crank, and fitted a pressure gauge.

  2.  i thought the idea behind the external oil feed was to eliminate the oil leak at the back of the head.

    By fitting a grub screw in  the oil ways in the head and block and fitting the external feed, albeit with a restrictor in place, you prevent the possibility of the oil leaking out the back of the head.


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