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johny last won the day on October 30

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5th Dan Triumphero

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  1. oh dear I knew it had to happen😂 Anyway yes Im surprised the coil springs on the carbs have enough strength to pull the knob back but on mine it seems to lock turning anticlockwise😮
  2. And theres certainly locking ones available....
  3. Another theory down the pan😁
  4. óh and I suppose its still the front carb that gets problems even on those later models?
  5. Think I would first try running an oil stone (or failing that a fine grind wheel) by hand back and forth along each slot in the shaft just to ensure theres no burrs on the corners....
  6. How about this theory: taking it that its the front carb that gets fed fuel first, any carp coming along with the fuel will tend to go into it rather than carry on to the second carb?
  7. The original clutch plate could have worn to suit? Is it that the new one wont even start to go on the shaft or snags along it?
  8. Can confirm my mk1 Vitesse locks the choke on rotating my knob anti clockwise! However not necessary to use as it stays where pulled to anyway...
  9. But why have four the same?
  10. Are the washers different thicknesses maybe and so you chose best fit?
  11. Sometimes overhaul kits are for more than one type of unit so use the bits that fit and the rest goes in the useful bits box👍
  12. You have just perfectly described my youth Eric!
  13. I never understood how the girls, who didnt know anything about cars, could always tell the difference between me with my tarted up job and the guys with the real thing😩
  14. I advise putting this spare on first to confirm its correct and works ok - nothing worse than later getting a replacement out when needed only to find that it too is no good😭
  15. Sounds hopeful but how are you going to know if its any good or for how long?
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