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Posts posted by johny

  1. Hi Euan, the speedo reading is unaffected by the OD as it takes its drive from the output of the gearbox. All that OD does is drop the engine revs at any given speed but obviously your speed is unchanged. 

    A different ratio of the diff will change your speed at any given revs and so give an incorrect speedo reading. On the underside of the diff there should be a number hand stamped lengthways on the front casing. It starts with two letters and, if the internals haven't been changed, indicates the ratio and model of car it's from...

  2. Yes I prefer to suck in cool air from the front grill with the standard airbox and hoses than use the air in the engine bay...

    Also to get smooth operation of the carb air piston the other way to do it is to centre the jet so the needle doesnt bind at all as it moves. This is done, with the piston, diaphragm and cover all done up tight, by slacking off the brass nut directly under the carb body and moving the jet assembly around slightly while lifting and dropping the piston through the carb entry. Works really well but there are a couple of possible problems: the nut can be very tight and easy to round off and if the o rings that seal the assembly are old and hard they can start to leak fuel after adjustment....

  3. Yes I put a new oil pump and bearings on my 6 in situ a couple of years back and didn't think about it so no special measures other than assembly oiling and then fire her up. Luckily oil light went out very quickly and pressure is great🤗

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