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Phil C

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Phil C last won the day on July 6 2022

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About Phil C

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  • Location
    Lyme Regis
  • Cars Owned
    1969 Herald 13/60 Con
    1970 Vitesse Mk2 Con
    1958 XK 150 fhc

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  1. In theory Johny yes, but not sure I am capable of such finesse. With target tolerances so small I think it would be very difficult to achieve. Hub ordered now.
  2. Agreed but beyond my capabilities. Difficulty in finding someone to do it, may be cheaper, quicker to just replace?
  3. I have the correct hub puller. Obviously a previous owner didn't!
  4. End of hub shaft has been mullered. There is a variance of 0 to 4 thou depending where you take the reading. I obviously only took a reading in one location thinking it was square.
  5. Rather than repeating the same mistake I am trying to understand how the end float disappeared from dry build to greased build. Is there anything aspect I should double check?
  6. Thanks Pete Yes frees up when nut slackened off a tad. I guess i need to take apart and clean for another dry build and see if I can find where the end float went. What's your view on reusing the bearings given that they have probably been marginally over-tightened ?
  7. Evening All Replacing the rear wheel bearing on my Vitesse. Dry build had 2 thou end float. Stripped today, cleaned, packed with grease, reassembled and bearing feels tight. Only turning by hand on bench but not sure whether it should feel tight. Don't want to refit to car until sure. Feeling like should take apart again 😫 How free should it feel when newly packed with grease and torqued up? thanks.
  8. Definitely go for it Iain, you'll love it! Difficult agreed! I have fitted heated MX5 seats which can recline about 45 degrees, a couple of soft pillows, ear plugs and an eye mask (for daylight sleeping).....but definitely no beans! On the motorway sections it was just possible to sleep 😴 but elsewhere dozing/resting eyes was more likely.
  9. Thought I would follow up having now successfully completed the RBRR. The Vitesse didn't miss a beat covering 2148 miles of (almost) continuous running over 48 hours......and still no sound of a budgie 😊. So just to repeat my thanks to all who helped get the car back together in time. I know it's a rival club but for anyone considering entering the next RBRR I would certainly encourage you to do so. Its a challenge but great fun. Of course we had to contend with that horrendous Scottish weather of the Friday/Saturday which certainly added a little jeopardy to the occasion and took its toll with a number of retirees. By contrast the sun was out at Lands End and most of Sunday was top down motoring. 😎 We also raised over £1200 for the Huntington's Disease Association and I think around £70,000 as group..... not bad for a bunch of old codgers in equally old cars! The start is a glorious place. Wall to wall Triumph's of all models. After 13 hours driving through Friday night/ Saturday morning we enjoyed a full Scottish at JOG. .....and another at Lands End some 24 hours later.
  10. You’d think so eh? From the comments it would appear that quite a few of us are unaware of this. Looking closely at my back plate, the hole in question looks like it may once have been threaded. I was thinking may be the 3/8 dowel bolt fixed into the plate and remained there when removing the gearbox. This could explain it not being mentioned in the WSM?
  11. 😳 will be interesting to see if anyone bids!
  12. and you Ian, and a massive thank you for your generosity. Thought I would post an update to conclude this issue. Although originally the squeak was the problem it soon became apparent that the issue was a little more serious with the clutch diaphragm run-out exceeding 150 thou and also the alignment of the gearbox - 3/8 dowel bolt. I replaced the clutch (kindly donated by Ian) and the measured run-out reduced to 48 thou. I also replaced the spigot bush as this may have been affected by the previous misaligned gearbox. I put a new pin in the carrier to overcome the wear. On reassembly I ensured I used a 3/8 bolt in the correct hole and tightened it before the remaining 5/16 bolts to ensure correct gearbox alignment. For any doubt I show its location below. I can report the lever no longer oscillates and the slight clutch judder I had on start up has gone. The clutch feels smooth and no squeaking.......although I have only done a 15 mile test run. Very happy 😊 Again a big thank you to everybody who contributed and a special thank you to Ian for donating the replacement clutch! Phil
  13. Ian, PM'd contact details.
  14. Ian, Flywheel is spot on. The cover sounds very generous and a good plan. Can I come and collect?
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