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Posts posted by poppyman

  1. 12 minutes ago, Paula said:

    I've just run it without the radiator cap on and it's still bubbling out of the same place. It does it straight away from cold as soon as it's running. 

    That means head gasket i guess?


    Mmmm, i guess so Paula, so long as there is nothing else close to the leak? For it to be bubbling out it must have blown into a cylinder.... I would have thought it would be overheating or pressurising the system though.


  2. 57 minutes ago, Colin Lindsay said:

    I suspect the LED tubes; they're very bright and with the white-painted walls the place looks quite sunny. Flies come in, head for the roof windows, then find out it's not a tunnel they can go in one end and out the other. I just can't understand why there are hundreds of them all doing it!!

    Could be the LED tubes, i also have white walls and large south facing window ordinary flourescent lights, but no roof lights. I do get quite a few but not hundreds...... Change of aftershave perhaps? :) 


  3. 2 hours ago, Colin Lindsay said:

    I can confirm that it works, it actually knocks the spiders down immediately. No idea what the chemical is but they just drop to the floor, tatey bread. My biggest problem is large flies, I think it's the LED lights in the garage are too sun-like and if I work with the doors open in daylight they swarm in, cover the roof light windows in their hundreds, then drop off all over the floor and have to be hoovered up. And no, the spiders don't eat them...

    Do your local farmers use chicken sh*t on the fields Colin, we get those damn things but only for a couple of weeks after muck spreading......


  4. 1 hour ago, johny said:

    Ive just been lucky enough to run a Sandero 1.5 diesel on petrol. Yes thats not a typo - the car had various alarms coming up relating to emissions although was still driveable but then mistakenly got filled with petrol and driven. It started to run very rough within a mile or so and realising what had happened I stopped straight away. The tank had to be pumped out and fuel filter changed but the car has run perfectly with no alarms since, great result although its not a repair method I would recommend🤪

    I have heard of that before Johny, in fact some people i know will put in a gallon or so of petrol to cure dpf faults and it seem's to work. I am not saying "do it" as i have not tried it myself......


  5. 1 minute ago, Pete Lewis said:

    Ive got some spare 1600head gaskets 

    you could back of 1/2 each nut and re pull them   but the 1600 uses a thin steel shim gasket its not very compressable 

    washers do deform and you loose head clamping torque 


    and the down side to K seal is it doesnt taste anything like  EGG



    Can't say i've tried k-seal after a dodgy curry Pete?


  6. 11 hours ago, Bordfunker said:

    Just to further the thread drift, we’ve got two Beagles, and have had 4 over the years, and they’ve all been thieving little sh1ts!

    We had the gas man come to read the meter in our old house, which was under the stairs.

    Meter man enters cupboard and gets down on hands and knees with his torch, trying to read the meter in the recesses of the cupboard.

    Enter one Beagle, who proceeds to follow meter man into the cupboard, stops, squares herself up, and then does the most tremendous bark.

    Meter man promptly bashed head on the underside of the stairs, and emits a stream of oaths.

    Mrs B struggled to apologise, while keeping a straight face, as the Beagle ambles off, content that she has done her bit to protect the pack.

    There are so many stories like that over the last 13 years, but I wouldn’t have any other breed.


    My mrs really dislikes dogs i don't know why? Maybe a beagle is the cause? A friend of mine takes his beagle everywhere with him and when he visits said dog aways seeks her out and barks like hell behind her :) He just wags his tale at me and sit's and wait's for his biscuit.....


  7. 22 minutes ago, Colin Lindsay said:

    Now that I'll happily second!

    I do however remember being in SMW Volvo in Belfast listening to a woman who was getting a new motability Volvo; she stipulated leather trim, and larger alloy wheels with low profile tyres, plus an uprated sound / sat nav system, then complained that it left her very little of her allowance for fuel per month... but overall I will have to agree with Tony that it is one of the most abused benefit schemes available these days, and has gone far in excess of its' original remit.

    They are clamping down on it fine style though Colin, if you want any extra's to the model you choose you have to pay for the them, even down to floor mat's if they are not standard. Even GTI model's are off the list so they are cracking down on it as much as they can. The main abuse these day's are the blue badge.... Grrrrr  Those bstds that abuse that should be grateful they can walk unaided. I can only ask that people report blue badge abuse. Just take the reg number and send an email to the council as a blue badge is registered to three reg numbers, and they do check them out :) 


  8. 1 hour ago, Colin Lindsay said:

    ...and THAT makes all the difference. 

    (Don't start me on Motability cars...watched a disabled female park in a blue badge space yesterday and practically fall out of a HUGE brand new 4 x 4, how on earth she got back in is beyond me. If she could climb into that again she's fitter than I am.)

    Now don't you lot start slagging off mobility car user's..... I have one!! I do look after it as if it was my own car and am very grateful to have one :) I do know what you mean though.. I doubt very much if the Chelsea tractor was a mobility car Colin as they have really tightened up with what car you can have, and rightly so as it was abused terribly. They are also not "Free" as many people think they are a lease car and come with same restrictions. I would swop all my mobility aid's just to be fit and healthy again :( When i had my garage i came across my fare share of "minging" cars, which sadly had mostly female owners.... The things you would find were disgusting, the worse being when i went to a house to start a car with a flat battery was met with a huge dog turd (still steaming) on the passenger seat..... I politely told her to find another garage....... Aaah well the sun is shining :) 


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