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Everything posted by Colin

  1. I'd have to go back into the annals of my early ownership records, but I think I only 'did' (changed) those little discs at the bottom of the trunnion with the rubber oil seal ring (there we go - I've just answered my own original question!!) either side of the lower bush . . . and I can't recall why I did that, either 🤣🤣
  2. I know! I need to get a grip!! 🤣
  3. Can of worms for ME! Last person to change those hinges was the fella who did the resto on her, 2020/21 Aerial pic is offside - pin on inside. Other is nearside - pin same side, so facing kerb (both left hand side looking from back of car). Guessing from what we've said, incorrect? If not a massive problem on a Herald boot . . . ???
  4. Ah! Of course; the other marques . . 😉
  5. I've just been down to it and guess what? I forgot to look . . . but that all make sense!!
  6. Perhaps I subliminally noticed this in the past and didn't have to even think about it . . . (where the hell does the time go . . . )?? 😄
  7. Hi Eric. Yes - all good info. There are no flashing units here - only those activated by brake pedal! But, the one unit (as per one of those pics sent) provides; - an extra brake light on top of those you already have; - fog lamp (can't remember the last time I drove the Herald in fog - but could be very useful for tipping down rain on motorways etc.) and for me, the most useful item which obviates hanging several separate lamp units off the back of the car; - the really powerful reverse lighting. Plus, Mr. Plod will also know it's me speeding down the road as the number plate light actually lights up the number plate! 🙂 Best, Colin
  8. Who knew?! Thanks Gary & Johny. Every day's a learning day! Best, Colin.
  9. OH! My powers of observation have clearly diminished! I'll take a gander soon! Thanks Johny!! Best, C.
  10. Hi Paul, This is the blurb that came in the kit:- Hope it's sufficient. Gil(bert) asked me to report back to him about the fitting and I'm doing that this morning. I actually had to cut 10mm off the LED unit's stud fixing bolts otherwise the rear mounting plate didn't fit back onto the boot rear! That's although it was advertised 'like-for-like' . . . a pain as I'd already wired it in and had little on boot-top space to use a hacksaw in (couldn't go through the discconnection scenario!)! Best, Colin
  11. Hi Chaps:- not asking for help this time! Just wanted to say that after possession of a short while, my Bro' (ex electrical engineer) acceeded to visit me and assist me (thank God) work-out & create cabling where necessary to install the switch (I had made housing for), alert buzzer and control box connections for the commercially available multi-function LED (and what used to be) number plate only illumination unit. It is now a bright reverse, extra brake and fog lamp on top of a numver plate lamp and I am very pleased with it! Hailed as a direct replacement, I found I had to chop 10mm off the length of its fixing studs in order for it, and the boot rear mounting plate it's affixed to, to sit back nicely into the boot lid! And apart from making a whole heap of connecting cables, it seems to have been a success. Pics . . . Best, C.
  12. Chaps:- I read somewhere recently boot lid hinges are 'handed, e.g. left & right. Really? The number of times I've removed them, broken a fixing stud off one etc., and I've never noticed!! A) Why?? Are they marked as such?? Best, Colin, Hernia Bay That smiley is B), btw!
  13. Chaps:- I read somewhere recently boot lid hinges are 'handed, e.g. left & right. Really? The number of times I've removed them, broken a fixing stud off one etc., and I've never noticed!! A) Why?? Are they marked as such?? Best, Colin, Hernia Bay
  14. Just as I wished I'd learned to weld . . . 😉
  15. Oh! Penny-drop moment. Hadn't realised you're an engineer! 😉
  16. Oh! I did not know . . . I'm still on original trunnions although donkey's ago, I did change the seals either side, at the bottom. God's own job as I recall, to fiddle little rubber rings flat inside the two overlapping halves whilst trying to squeeze 'em in either side at the bottom . . . !! Ball joints sound more practical. Regular suppliers?? 😉🙂
  17. Tri-golf, no. Not tested on nipple as yet. It has crossed my mind and could well be the next move! Cheers for the reminder! Best, C.
  18. Trunnionless route? Is there such a thing? 🤔🙂
  19. Trigolf:- I have (honestly) filled it in this manner. But to trial it as if working on a nipple (bench test effectively), when depressed, nothing emanates from the nozzle. So . . . . . ??? 🤔😀
  20. Never heard of them but I'll take a gander - thanks Pete. Best, C.
  21. Thanks All! Lively debate. I think I'll go with my oil-grease mush from the grease gun. No sure of the mix. Wouldn't have thught it was 50/50, though. No-one seems to have some across that darned Oil Puch Gun, then? This is the part of the trunnion I get grease emanating from once I've given them a squirt. Best, C.
  22. Chaps; I read somewhere recently that the lower brass Trunnion joint (where the lubrication nipple is) acts as a 'reservoir', if you like for the EP90 oil trunnions are supposed to be lubricated with. This was news to me, as was the fact that peeps oil their cars' trunnions. As you all prolly know, I've had the car for 35 years and until recently have only ever greased them with a high pressure spec. grease. I have all the manuals going, but my recently acquired 'Bible' (pic) mentions oil as the lubricant, even though I can't see a section devoted to them. Additionally, I can't see how oiling them, with or without a 'reservoir' can work - after all, there's no capillary action can be brought to bear to bring oil up the stub. and oil would flow down through gravitation anyway. I grease until old grease flows from the lower joint, wipe it clean round and have done at that. I admit that recently and after reading elsewhere there are some semi-fluid greases available I made a mix of EP90 and my regular grease and shoved that in my grease gun and lubed them up. I have no idea if they're any happier for it!! Do you do the same? As an aside, I bought a Harrisons lubrication oil 'gun' (pic). Which I'm regretting. There is no way on God's earth I can get it to work, fill it up any which way I might. Customer service there think I'm mad - and I'm beginning to think I might be too, being unable at the tender age of 66 to not be able to work out how to load and get oil out of their product!! Any suggestions welcome. Bought on the supposition and info from my 'Bible' that perhaps, I should be oiling trunnions after all . . . .
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