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Everything posted by Colin

  1. Making do with a substandard o/s spurt for the mo', chaps. I'm sure we all know how that feels . . .
  2. 🤣🤣🤣 White! White!! 😀😀😉😉
  3. Hi Pete - Yes; I imagine I probably used that, all those years ago. I have a drop of Meths in atm.. I'll feed some white vinegar down the jet with my super-duper syringe and I'll just keep using them until such time . . . Thanks! Best, C.
  4. Hi Johny - thanks. Will do! Direction's easy enough - angle of inclination bit trickier! But until driver's becomes a bit more efficient, I'm not too concerned!! Best, C.
  5. Here I am! Holiday over. New non-return valve at the bottom of the washer bottle tube. I used a syringe to try to draw up water from the bottle and found it was virtually impossible. I have no idea why. Eventually the syringe pulled some bottle water up. I primed the new manual diaphragm pump. Connected input & jet output pipes - and pumped. Bingo . . . Yes, water out of each of the jets! Except, great pressure and spurt (mainly over the roof if I'm honest) from the passenger side jet . . . and a pretty poor pressure (more of a dribbly spurt) from the driver's jet. I'm hoping it may be just a bit of a sticky non-return (if there is one) under the jet which will ease off. But at least there is something at the screen now. May give the driver's side a poke from the top, with some thin wire in case my previous anti-blockage efforts haven't cleared summat, but otherwise, not sure why the driver's side jet isn't spraying out with the pressure it should have. Best, C.
  6. Now I'm back off hol, I'm going to pursue my, 'it all needs a good priming', theory (having been laid up ten years and the washers not need over the last 6-7 years). Think I'll film it being done and will post, if it works 😉 Best to All. C.
  7. As per earlier - a little exercise for me once freer than atm!! Will keep everyone posted! Cheers again, All! Best, C.
  8. Blimey, Hazel!! I am really grateful to you all for the variations and specs on what I thought should be the very simplest item of all to sort. I am going to have wait for a partial or full dismantle until another 10 days 9r so due to being otherwise occupied. You'd think in 35 years I'd recall what I'd done. Although very nicely hidden by insulation and other wiring, I think I can see I've inserted a plastic 'T' piece in the piping to the nozzles; so I am thinking it does not have an NRV in it, leaving that function to be performed by my glass balls in the metal under-dash nozzle feed pipes! BUT - as I am unable to draw water into the diaphragm whatever the situation further toward the screen nozzles, I think I will commence with sucking washer fluid up the diaphragm feed pipe and also try to fill that, too and then plunge it all out up the system. I have some thin-nosed syringes with which I might be able to achieve this!! 😃 Again, Cheers to All. Good info and entertaining, to boot! C.
  9. Er . . . (my poor sipleton head):- is an NRV needed on the water pick-up tube in the water bottle? There was one on it and I've renewed it . . . Best, Colin
  10. And re-the long jet holder, I've removed the ourlter surface nozzle before and those short pieces come away easily enough. I then worried that what was under the dash would drop & I'd lose the lot and anything within (crystal balls or not!). Do I have to be very careful those long jeys stay upright as the whole assembly is removed (in case of bits falling out; getting lost??
  11. Agh! You know what I'm now thinking . . . The car was renovated & re-painted, so presumably washer nozzles were unscrewed/removed to accommodate that. Might anything have been lost as a result? The fella was my son's age and know little of the detail of the car whikst having done a cracking job for the price . . . Poor old Colin's crystal balls . . . 😔
  12. And so, even if dismantled in the car, losing a glass ball is easily done and my pen magnet is rendered useless!! 🤣🤣 C.
  13. Thanks! I can see I'm going to have to go big on this job. I don't think I've ever dropped the screen nozzles and whatever's on the underside down into the car - it's all a bit congested under there (stereos, looms, wiring etc.). So I'm intrigued about these non-return balls! NOT in the left-right 'T' direction distribution piece, then, but in whatever consists of the upright joints leading to the iutside nozzles?? Maybe someone can marker-circle where these bad boys are on one of those diagrams previously posted?? 🤔🙂 Cheers, C.
  14. Thanks, fellas. Duly noted. Further investigation at the earliest poss oppy! C.
  15. Good thought, Colin. I did wonder if it was an 'airlock' issue (if you want to call it that!). Just thought I'd progressed further into my (clearly) impending 'Durrrrdom' 😅 Best, C
  16. Ah! OK! I HAVE NOT got right into the middle splitter (what you describe as the NRV just prior to the nozzles. It's in a pig of a position, as far as I'm concerned. Prolly just dried stuck over the years of non-use ?? I shall access it after going away. I thought it was just a 'T' splitter, directing to both nozzles. But hadn't thought about it being an NRV . . . thanks very much!! 😉 Best, Colin.
  17. Chaps, Still feeling peevish and very silly from not having realised the heater fan SUCKS air into the matrix (and therefore distribution box), I now run the risk of being awarded 'Klutz of the Year', which I do not mind in the least, if I can find an answer to my latest conundrum. Let me explain:- after all the renovation/recommissioning/restoration works of the last 5 years and 6 months' worth of chassis replacement shenanigans, I realised practically the last thing not functioning in the car was the manual windscreen washer unit. Pushing the plunger took no water to the spray nozzles. This has to be the simplest item in the car, right? As the car had stood a good number of years 2008-2017, I thought hard water deposits might be clogging the network. So I cleansed the nozzles, inspected the connecting tubing and all seemed clear. The non-return valve in the water bottle was a bit suspect and I guessed maybe the rubber diaphragm in the unit may have perforated. So I bought a new non-return valve and a whole new diaphragm unit. Re-attached everything and . . . . nothing. Not a sausage. From what I can see, when depressed, no water is being delivered to the diaphragm unit from the bottle (this tube is also clear and good - no blockages), and therefore, certainly not to the screen nozzles. How can I have got this SO wrong?? I even reversed the pipes on the diaphragm unit out of frustration. Of course, no luck there, either. I note the diaphragm input-output teats are of differing diameter - as are the 'draw-in' to diaphragm, 'push-out' to nozzle tubes, strangely notated 'S' and 'J'. BUT - What the heck am I doing wrong??!!?? Best, Colin
  18. Hi again Jonny. Nail on the head! It's taken me this long and you fine folk have helped me realise! I have all the manuals you could ask for but I am sure none of them explain the fan draws air into the heater box! That explanation put a whole new perspective into the workings for me. A proper 'lightbulb' moment. And just to add, at risk of sounding 'iffy', my little rubber plenum as I believe it is called, is entirely flat and sad looking! I doubt it has passed any condensation or otherwise for a very long time!! Thanks again, to all. Veils have been removed 🤣🤣 Best, Colin
  19. Indeed! Thanks Paul. Thanks All . . .😃
  20. Jonny, Colin:- thanks very much. This is all very helpful. You understand I've not had these items out of the car and so am restricted to exploded diagrams and what I have been able to see with my head stuck under the dash. Even to see the distribution box-to-heater box unit fixings is interesting!🙂 So yes, I understand the venting and dash knob functions and have seen these in operation at the dist box direction flap location, head-under dash! Cleaned all the demisting pipes and repairing the vent flap cable pivot mechanism, as you have sometimes to do! Now, I think I am happy to have understood that fan SUCKS air into the matrix, heated air out from the matrix box to the dist box and vent flap. I suppose I've always assumed the fan BLEW into the cabin and I couldn't understand you good chaps' descriptions - and the diagram - because there seemed no connection between a 'blowing' fan and the dist box!! Such a simple thing to have misunderstood. But the photis, Colin, have been very informative. And thanks, All, for your patience and perseverance with me in this matter!! Best, Colin
  21. Chaps:- after these explanations, would just like some clarification as to how the fan is (has to be/is it?) connected to the distribution box to either blow the heated air into the cabin or to boost de-mist as required . . . Not clear from the exploded pic. Thanks (hopefully last query!!) Best, Colin.
  22. Thanks, Gary. Regards, Colin.
  23. Hi Gary. I know I'm being dim. Here's Canley's exploded diagram and I'm now only puzzled by one thing:- heat from the box enters the cabin and can be directed to de-misters at window, or into the cabin - or anywhere in-between dependent upon distributor knob setting. How, then, does/can the fan act upon the demisters (as indeed it does when I switch it on)? From this diagram, it's not inter-connected to the de-mist tubes, or, the distribution box . . . or is it? From this diagram, it looks ss if the fan will only blow hot air from the heater box into the cabin - yet I know this not to be true. Lastly, if I buy new gaskets for both locations, I assume (agggh!) I need to drain the box matrix and undo all the hoses? And will the box come off the bulkhead and away from the cabin without needing to undo any other related items? Cheers All. Best, Colin.
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