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Iain T

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Everything posted by Iain T

  1. Very stylish but no thanks although the tan would compliment the car's tan interior🤔. They do sell yellow gloves for your GT6…! Perhaps more suited to Jaaaag owners? Iain
  2. My Vitesse came with a wood rim and on a sunny sweaty day the polished wood rim gets slippy. I'm thinking of fitting a leather rim. Iain
  3. It's a manual push pump. Are those electrical spades on the back of that pump?
  4. It's looks the same as my MK2 but things get changed over the years. Iain
  5. As it's a convertible does it have a sandwich floor? I think Boxsters have or had top and bottom floor pan pressings for extra stiffness.
  6. So in the summer you'll have a mobile steam room🥵 ! Did it smell damp ?
  7. Had the same problem with the sister in law's Ford Focus. First off the special socket was missing in action so had to buy a new one. Then I couldn't budge the lock nut even with a long extension pole so I took it too a tyre place who stuck a flag pole on the bar to move it. With my BMW I could remove the nuts but the wheel had welded itself to the hub. No amount of pulling and bashin' would budge it so I gave up and waited until the tyres were changed to replace the corroded BMW centre bosses. BMW seats, after a few years my drivers seat keeps droping little piles of powdered foam on the carpet. The wife said my stuffings coming out or the favourite one you should loose some weight. I tell her I'm tall so I don't look at the floor as she does. She's 5' 2" or 3" when she hangs upside down every night🦹 Modern cars get you from A to B but I'm no fan. Iain
  8. I prefer to measure first. I set both needle heights and jet depths with a vernier to within half a gnats c**k the same then mark the bottom adjusters so I know where both carbs are when adjusted on tuning. I also use a carb synchroniser to ensure the flow rate is the same. That way some of the variables are reduced and it's just down to mixture settings. Iain
  9. Time for an Italian tune up🏎️ to clear it's throat!
  10. When you increase the revs can you see the timing mark moving and giving more advance?
  11. Only lift the piston 2mm or so. As I said are you sure both carbs are set the same including the butterflies. As Pete said on tick over check the air pistons are the same height ie gap between the piston and bridge. Good luck
  12. Needles sticking and need centralising? With the damper plunger removed does the air piston drop easily with a clonk on the bridge? Are both needles adjusted the same? Iain
  13. Could be stale fuel, do you use E5 or E10? The more ethanol the more moisture it attracts. Iain
  14. Also make sure you have enough damper oil. I use 20/50 engine oil and top up to half way up the filler. Don't overfill. Check for air leaks. My car used to stall if the mixture was too lean. Check there is slack in the throttle cable at idle and the throttles are returning to the stop screws not held on a short cable. I've done that!
  15. It is if you live in London, even 30mph can get you fined! Going from 70 to 30 down the A13 will get you run over by dirt or scrap trucks. Welcome to my world.... Iain
  16. Frontline T9 or Vitesse Mazda box they are both around £3500. I would ask BGH Geartech who specialise in T9s if they could help with a gearbox and then perhaps get your adaptor plate made. Still not going to be cheap but BGH will make a box to take 250bhp! Iain
  17. The ratios on a 2.8 litre T9 gb are almost exactly the same as the Triumph. The four pot 1.6 litre T9 has different ratios with much shorter 1st gear so not suited unless you want black line starts! Iain
  18. We had a vicar who visited our school trying to teach us RE. He had a blue Vitesse convertible which I thought looked and sounded great. It would have been around 1966-7 and it must have influenced me as I've had three Triumphs a Spitfire, TR3A and Vitesse. My chemistry teacher had a Vauxhall Ventura that he used to bomb around in. Iain
  19. Iain T

    Fuel spill

    It's not ideal to use the throttle cable to adjust the idle but for now drive and enjoy. As the engine bay gets hotter the idle will drop 'cos the cable will lengthen😂. Sorting out the cable then tuning the carbs can wait for another (warmer) day. Iain
  20. Thanks John, at the moment I have a tight fitting 3mm thick rubber washer then steel washer and nut. I'll try an O ring as the above doesn't work. Perhaps the rubber washer I'm using is too stiff and not sealing. I have some O ring but fresh out of tap washers! Iain
  21. My cover weeps from the studs. I've tried sealing with various washers but oil probably in the form of vapour seems to escape and dribble down all three studs. I give it! Iain
  22. Iain T

    GT6 Picture

    I had one of those water roller trays for envelopes but yes still licked the stamps. At the end of the month when invoices sent out it did leave a sticky tongue. The good old days decades before internet and no fee no win legal aid!
  23. Iain T

    GT6 Picture

    My job as a boy was to lick n stick hundreds of stamps into the books. My mum told me the glue to was good for me........ Iain
  24. In my defense Your Honor I bought it like it🙈🙉🙊. I'm just trying to make it all work properly.......well mostly as I do love fiddlin' The words Triumph and perfect design shouldn't be used in the same sentence.
  25. I'll check but from memory its more of a problem of bellhouse to gb cover clearance. I have the cover higher on 12mm foam but it still nearly touches the bellhousing. This may be due to my T9 gb rear mount altering the angle of the engine/gb. Moving the engine back 6-8mm will give more rad fan clearance but results in another problem!
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