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Iain T

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Everything posted by Iain T

  1. Iain T

    Fuel spill

    Am I right in saying around 3mm thick packer is a good start? Frosties packet must also work but if you want a low sugar option try Quacker Oats😂 I gave up and fitted a Huco low pressure electric pump. Primes the bowls nicely. Iain
  2. Iain T

    Fuel spill

    If you take the float chamber off to clean or change the valve measure the float height which should be 18mm. Iain
  3. Iain T

    Fuel spill

    One of my carb float chamber seals weeps. The carbs have been professionally refurbished so it's on my what to do on a boring winter day list. One of my car body jet bores is as rough as a bears a**e and I'm sure the O ring isn't sealing properly. Neither cause a drip leak or anything severe. Any suggestions as to a sealing goo or just replace the seal? Iain
  4. Iain T

    Fuel spill

    I agree with Johny. Are you sure you turned the bottom jet adjuster and not loosened to jet assembly by turning the larger hex nut? However as said there is an O ring that seals the jet assembly to the carb body. Try tightening the large hex nut mot to much as its brass into ali. From what you've said enriching the mixture could solve your problem and you just need to sort out the leak. Your so close don't panic or get disheartened. Iain
  5. Can you install the air piston 180 degrees out on an HS6? It's a long time since I fiddled with an SU. Iain
  6. Or cheese grater your knuckles and turn the engine over with a spanner. Although on a 4 pot there must be more space.
  7. Hi Andy. Dropped easily with a metal clonk with the damper out? If so the needle centring should be OK. Both needles screwed in the same and evenly balanced? If so is it my favourite subject fuel starvation? Does it have a fuel filter and is it blocked? If the float chambers are 'just' filling when that fuel is used the engine will cough and splutter although mine didn't have the same rhythm! Iain
  8. Heavy with the damper out? If in it could just be normal damper oil resistance. Or someone might have used installed very strong damper springs. Have you any air leaks in the intake system? Good exhaust rhythm 😂 Iain
  9. Correction it may not be exhaust fumes but hot engine/oil fumes. I have checked all the joints and welded angle clamps to seal the 3-1 usual culprit. The pong is definitely coming in through the tunnel cover joint.
  10. A good idea! Sealing is a constant battle and although better I'm still smelling of exhaust fumes when I drive the Vitesse. It's an odour neither I or my wife like👃 I've been using gaffer tape but some fumes still get in. Iain
  11. Using Dodo Mat or similar and sealing the bulkhead holes has also reduced the fumes in my car however I think most of the fumes enter via a poorly sealed gearbox cover. Wherever the heat is generated even with Dodo mat my gearbox cover still gets hot but with the 631 exhaust there's a lot of hot pipes down there. Iain
  12. 3-4 years ago it was quite common to see a parent with a young child on the scooter footboard traveling at 20+mph obviously no helmets. Not so much now they must have all ended up in A&E. Madness and irresponsible parenting. Iain
  13. I used Dodo Mat Hex in 2mm thick. Very flexible and doesn't require heating. Has a thin foil hexagon embossed coating which flattens as you roll it on so you can see where you've been. I bought it when on offer. Good stuff. I also applied to front bulkhead. Comes in sheet format. Iain
  14. Around here yes as if the residents can't get their take away food and gallons of bottled water delivered they use the bikes/scooters. I see a lot mortally wounded Limes thrown on the pavement with broken chains, flat tyres, slashed tyres (not me judge).
  15. True but not ridden on the pedestrian pavement. We have two companies selling legal pay for hire here, Boris bikes and Lime. The Boris bikes have to go back to their docking station but the Lime bikes can be dumped anywhere. Consequently we have discarded Lime bikes (they hire scooters as well) littered on pavements. It's these Lime bikes that are bloody annoying as hirers seem to like stranding them in the middle of pavements. With the appalling standard of driving here (many cars pass with more than a whif of cannabis) I wouldn't feel very safe on a bike and definitely not a more unstable scooter. I've never seen an illegal scooter stopped by the police. Iain
  16. My wife's banned me from verbally engaging with the many idiots on mainly electric bikes and scooters on our pedestrian pavements. They are illegal and I tell them so but on one occasion a guy stopped and squared up to me and could have got nasty. With the amount of knives about I've learnt to hold my tongue and inwardly seethe! Iain
  17. I hate these scooters. It looks like a legal hire one? If not he's illegally riding on a public highway. I've never seen a scooter hand signal but then with small wheels and instability it's probably dangerous to do so! I've noticed around here very few illegal scooters but masses of electric bike hires littered on pavements. I have been know to move them and inadvertently they have fallen over😂. Well they're heavy and I'm not getting any younger..... A good blaspheme reduces your blood pressure! Iain
  18. Iain T

    Fuel spill

    Mick, I have mentioned a few times that I think your mixture is too lean. Enrich the mixture by half a turn, it may need more, and try again. Don't go crazy or it can get too rich. This is classic lean mixture symptoms. Iain
  19. I have my fingers crossed for Hunts autumn statement. IHT is in my view a terrible tax on family assets and only benefits the government and overpriced tax accountants. Iain
  20. As said to me many times, if you don't travel first class your children will! Iain
  21. My Newman cam is 14 & 16 thou clearance cold. Your spec of 22 & 24 thou hot will certainly clatter when cold. At least adjusting hot will keep you warm in winter! Iain
  22. That's the big fear and always at the back of my mind. Consultant said I had three choices, active surveillance, radio therapy or removal. He recommended the former but if my psa starts to move the bloody things coming out. My dad had prostate cancer which travelled so he had his prostate and bladder removed but it had already spread. Iain
  23. I registered with a private GP who then organised everything. My NHS GP was informed of treatments by my private consultant. It worked fine. My NHS GP didn't have a problem and as my consultant has more egg on his cap he just logged the information and followed instructions. Iain
  24. Had my 6 monthly test result at 3.93 which is down from my average of around 4.5-5.0. On the NHS app the result said normal which for 60-70 year old it is as 4 and under is normal. However as per my biopsy I know I have a very small area of cancer hence the 6 month "active supervision" tests. Value goes up to I think 5 for more mature ages... Your value is very good but as my consultant said its when the number rises and how quickly that you need to watch. Keep posting it's good therapy to talk. Iain
  25. My son would definitely not litter but at the busy Beckton roundabout the roads leading in are full of litter. It's a very busy roundabout hence slow traffic and people just throw rubbish out the window. Iain
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