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Iain T

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Everything posted by Iain T

  1. Fuel gremlins again! I had a good incident free run to Brooklands and back then went to the car this evening to give it another blast and no fuel! I took the hose off at the carb pipe...nothing. Took the hose off at the Huco outlet....nothing! After pushing it up the slope to my car park space (with the help of my (un)complaining wife and checking to see if the fuse is ok I called it a day. Or should I say night. These cars do test ones patience! I'll take the Huco pump off and check it tomorrow but any other suggestions? I have a filter in the hose coming out of the tank, I could check that. Looks as thought there is fuel in it. 'ot n bovvered of East London🥵 Iain
  2. Lovely day out at Brooklands, plenty of cars and obviously the museum sheds are very interesting. I took a photo of this Mk2 Vitesse that had a TSSC sticker on it. A bit hot driving back through London🥵 but the car ran fine. Iain
  3. As I said before I would measure the jet and needle, its the engineer in me! Why guess when you can measure then if required variance off accordingly. Just because it was running ok before doesn't mean it was optimum. I put a white Tippex line on my jet adjustment screw again so I have a reference point. Iain
  4. Some videos say add some detergent to the water to clean. Iain
  5. Does it have the sender unit on the side. First off empty it of petrol and don't smoke a cigarette! Iain
  6. I'm going to Brooklands Summer Gathering Sunday, first order of the day to find a bacon butty and a cuppa strong tea! Iain
  7. On this weekend 24th. I might go and have a look around. Iain
  8. Especially those on The Cabbage Diet! A friend tried it with explosive results.....
  9. Have friend stand by with a fire extinguisher!
  10. Especially if it's smoked bacon😋
  11. It will just fire for a second due to the spray then cut out as no fuel from carb. Been there with a TR3A I had in the 80s! Iain
  12. The engine runs so let's assume you have a spark and the ignition side is ok or at least acceptable. Could it be the fuel pump and the engine runs until it drains the float chamber? But then why does it start after a period of time as the chamber would be dry? It does sound like fuel starvation. Iain
  13. I remember reading the most enticing meat smell for a veggie or vegan is frying bacon. Don't know if it's true but it hits the spot for me! The big question is brown or red sauce or nothing. I'm in the nothing camp, I like my bacon naked..... Iain
  14. I can see his reflection in the kettle! The only extras I normally put in the boot is an extra chair when the wife accompanies me and a fold away table. I'm on the hunt for a good scissor jack instead of the small trolley as the extra weight is reducing performance😂😂 Iain
  15. No its just clearing its throat! The problem is still there. Have you done all the usual checks? Does the air piston drop to the bridge with a clunk, checks if the jet is centralised and not binding at the bottom. Are both needles set at the same length? Are both jets the same depth from the bridge. You'll need a vernier to measure properly. With all those set you have a good baseline to go forward. Iain
  16. This isn't a Newton carpet, it did say who made it but I can't remember 🤪. The rubber mat didn't arrive today do should be here tomorrow. It does look much better than black knobbly underseal. Did you notice the boot lid signature of Terry Hunter Triumph works driver. Came with the car and noted in the documents that came with it. Iain
  17. The Paddock carpet fitted once I'd cut a bit more out the side for the petrol tank bracket. I haven't velcro'd it down yet. The only problem is the 175 wide spare tyre makes a bulge in the carpet as it sits higher than the floor pan. I might think about some thick insulation to help it look better and also reduce the exhaust din.
  18. That's because they will probably scan the existing glass then machine a symmetrically opposite mould to drape the hot sheet glass on. Then it has to be trimmed. I used to have lots of glass made for prototype crash test cars. It isn't a cheap process for a one off but you get to keep the buck! Good luck. Iain
  19. Goodness me I've been promoted to a two ring orficer! 😁 Iain
  20. Looking at the new thin carpet perhaps Hardura would have been the better choice. It was too toasty to venture out today so I'll fit it tomorrow. Iain
  21. I take it you mean the rubber mat which I'll need to trim to size? If the carpet fits nicely I'll use it as a pattern for the rubber mat. Iain Looking at the lines in the mat I can see how you can fit front to back!
  22. The carpet from Paddock arrives today. Great service again as I only ordered it yesterday midday with standard delivery. I'll let you all know if it fits. I bet the club and Paddock buy from the same supplier. The rubber mat should arrive tomorrow. Iain
  23. Dave the last time my engine had the same symptoms it was running too rich. Have a look at the plugs and possibly lean it off 1/4 turn on each carb and see if it makes a difference. Iain
  24. So I've made my mind up I'm following Colin's lead and ordering some black carpet, James Paddock seem to be good on price, as well as the rubber mat. Next how to fit. The PO had Jigsaw spray the boot floor with underseal, I think he wanted it to look like a rally car, so the surface is not flat. I don't want to drill any holes for fixing and obviously need to lift it up to access the spare wheel. My guess is with the weight of some essential boot stuff the trimmed to fit carpet will not move? What to do about the seat back? Make that a separate part? Iain
  25. I do hope for everyone's sake both the UK and EU soon come to an amicable agreement for NI 🤞 Iain
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