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Everything posted by wimpus

  1. This remembers me to check mine. As i had seen a crack on my mounting plate to.. (Spit 1500 with OD and +236.000miles..)
  2. Oh and an interesting fact.. The tunnel is actually made by Clarck & Clarck Industries USA. When I bought mine, i asked Robert Clarck (the owner) if this tunnel was made by him. He told me yes and that he sells them to James Paddock, Moss etc etc.
  3. I do this to for years, works so great ! I know a guy that left it in for 9 months 🫣
  4. I got the same tunnel, I used EPDM foam tape for mine. Nothing comes past it ! Also handy to make access panels for clutch slave change and gearbox oil top up.
  5. Helped a friend this last sunday. He also bought 2 Spitfires. One in bits and 1 together, but been outside for years. The body wasnt that much worse then Fox was, but shockingly welded, plated over etc. But needed to work on his Spitfire that had been layed up inside for 20 years until 2 years ago.
  6. Get 2000/2500 mk2 saloon rear lights holders. On the mk2 saloon the rear lights are plastic, thats why they have an extra earth terminal. I've done this mod years ago on my Spit 1500, never had a problem again.
  7. Saturday tune up time. Idle wasnt great the last week. Got the dashpots off, to measure the jet heights, so they where the same as baseline. Mixture and balance was a bit off. Now al good.
  8. Found brazing at the boot gutter/rear light panel in both the corners on my 1500. And i know i found 2 other spots 3 years ago..
  9. I know 😅 Those bootlid hinges you send me ... still nothing after 2 years i think 😅 Ok, i do need to order a bunch of parts in the UK and let a friend send it all to me. Need stuff like arm rest recover kit, windscreen rubber seal etc etc etc. Thinking about it for months.. but still i didnt order stuff 😅
  10. Well.. sadly thanks to brexit i have no real place to buy these alternator parts anymore. I did buy some kits from a german supplier, will contact him. I do have a brand new regulator in my shed, so will fit that to the failed one and test.
  11. This evening the alternator was sometimes giving 14.8 to 15.5 volts with everything on ! And a not so nice smell.. Did smell this when i came home from work earlier to.. Found a 'good' one in my shed to keep me on the road. Now a steady 14.2 to 14.4 volts again 🙃 Lucas.. prince of darkness.
  12. 🫣🫣😆 Ok.. i can only can say this for my own engine. -160.000kms/100.000miles: My first engine bearing change as lower oil pressure But only main bearings, big end still good. And all where factory original. Trustwashers where replaced to + main tri-metal. - 230.000-240.000km / 149.000miles Mains again as lower oil pressure + trust washers. Big ends.. still good (always check no 3 as these go first on 4pots ). Mains changed with tri-metal ones. -260.000-280.000kms / 161.000-174.000miles Crank nut came loose... Timing chain check... very worn. So replaced the full timing gear setup. -300.000kms/186.000miles New head fitted, new pistons, everything measured up etc. All new crank bearings. But after this.. still oil use. First time the head came off !! -310.000kms/192.000miles Headgasket failed 🙄 Found out camshaft wasnt happy. So a new standard one fitted. -325.000kms / 201.000 miles I was sick of the oil use, put in replacement engine factory supplied spare. What we all found then... Flywheel very worn. bearing shells still ok. End float just out of spec. (now 1 standard and clutch side 0.005 trust washer Bores a bit oval (rebore to 0.020 was needed) Cam was still ok, but fitted an mk3 spec cam. Oil pump, still the original. Oil pressure was still pretty good, but it did have some marks. So fitted a new one when i fully rebuild it. Company that did the machining was shocked that it was still good after 325.000kms ! That says a lot ! Eum.. i think that is it .. 🙄😅😅 So ok.. up to 280.000kms/174.000miles it was sort of 'OK'. + its a 1500 😅 Its all to see how its been used, how hard its been driven, maintenance etc .
  13. A bit of an update.. Fox has now nearly done 370.000kms/230.000miles. This summer she was off the road for a month. But did drive a nice back up car... a low milage Dolly Sprint !
  14. Yes and no.. 😅 You do need a tool to remove the high pressure filter
  15. Those are the J-type overdrive sump filter and high pressure filter.
  16. Soo... no pics cant be uploaded, only if you pay... great !
  17. More service for Fox. New engine oil and new gearbox/OD oil. Incl clean all the filters.
  18. This morning been busy with installing the new shocks. Old ones, could feel play in them etc. Then it was testdrive time... Wow, all little odd noises are gone. And drives like new.
  19. Sadly now I used the 'spares' So will need to build up another set 😅 (Will see when i buy new shafts - funds).
  20. Last few days tik tik tik noises from the rear.. Ffs.. uj's needed thicker clips. Lucky I still had some in my stock (otherwise an old cola can would work to). A friend said I could use his car ramps and do it there. And he needed some help with something else, so that worked out 😆 Now its silent ! Did found out the left rear shock is making noise and has play. Time for new me thinks, as they done well over +130.000miles ! After a testdrive I changed the diff oil. Strange color and some very small flakes of bronze.. Diff I rebuild with new bronze spacers/shims last year. Flushed it all out and put fresh oil in it. No odd noises etc. Will see ! Parked up next to my friend his other project car.. Needs lots of welding..
  21. Yesterday got the hubs of the old shafts and removed the bearing housings.. Then i noticed some things.. One shaft at the keyway broke, its broken years ago said my uncle due to color. But bearing surface was great. Then the other shaft, keyway good. Bearing surface.. not 100% Typical ! This morning degreased the re-usable parts. Something I noticed back in 2018. Welded studs...
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