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Posts posted by Twkr

  1. Hi Doug,

    Many thanks for your prompt and detailed reply. Much appreciated.

    I'd taken a guess at £5K, so probably slightly high, but in the right ball park. Car condition is still all original with a few areas of surface rust I need to catch. Also a bit leaky on many seals, both fuel system and engine gaskets. I'll probably do some of these jobs before taking it for an MOT (although not needed now) to make it safe to drive as I don't want it catching on fire just popping for an MOT.

    Thanks again


  2. Hello folks,

    Firstly hello,

    I'm Jim from Chester.

    Just signed up here as my Godmother has given me hopefully a very early inheritance present of an original condition 77 Spitfire 1500 she's owned since 1980. She's now 82 and just downsized to a retirement flat with no garage and someone has the tough job of looking after the Spitfire which will be me.

    I'm in need of an accurate valuation for insurance purposes initially and any willing sponsors to fund tidying it up 🙂

    Can anyone kindly recommend where I can get a good valuation please?

    Many thanks


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