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Everything posted by DVD3500

  1. Have you adjusted the rear shoes? Those determine how many clicks it take for the handbrake to engage. Pull the hand brake up 3 clicks. Chock the front wheels and raise the rear. Put a 1/4 inch square wrench/spanner on the adjuster (the end of a socket and a bolt can be used) Rotate the wheel and tighten the adjuster until the wheel stops. Do the same on the other side...
  2. My very long and likely boring response that Paul put together 1000 times more succinctly: I was a web master and admin for many years and I have lead a few social media projects. When I see comments like something being "old fashioned" or "old school" I always wince a little. The internet, like most spaces is complex and there are tools for a purpose that are better than others. Can you use a butter knife to turn a screw? Of course you can. Is that the best thing for the screw or the knife? Not likely. Social media, in nearly all its forms is basically a cocktail party. You come in, hang around for a while, walk around picking up snippets of info and possible engaging in conversation. It's warm and fuzzy. Just like a cocktail party you don't always know who will be there and you will likely not know the people well who are there. Again, like a cocktail party, the group admin is like the host, mostly likely the only person you know well and whose opinion you can trust. Social media is great for light banter, showing pictures, reaching a lot of people quickly and for one-way communication e.g. announcing events. This is because by its very nature it cross pollinates and will likely reach more people than anything posted on a forum or a webpage that, unless someone is looking for it, will likely not be seen. This is mostly down to the fact that notifications are actively sent to people (I sometimes say shoved down their throats,.,) and requires little to no effort for them to receive said information. When it comes to problem solving something more complicated than folding paper in half social media breaks down. Let's take the example of boiling a pot of water. Person A posts they are trying to boil a pot of water. Person B for whom we have no proof they know how to boil water (This is problem No.1: We often have no clue or a way to easily find out if the advice being given is from a person who is qualified in anyway) tells them to just put it on the stove and turn up the heat. Sounds plausible, doesn't it? Person A says they tried that and it doesn't work. At this point Person B has flitted off to look at cat pictures and probably never sees the response from Person A. Here is problem No. 2: Lack of persistence. People run off or the thread gets pushed down and the search function of most social media is mediocre at best. This is technically more than one problem but I prefer to lump them together because the results are the same, regardless of the cause. Person C then posts to put a lid on it (the pot, not the conversation). Person A responds that that seemed to help, i.e. the water is warm but not boiling. If you are lucky at this point someone twigs and looks at the person's profile and if you are lucky you see the person lives in Colorado and THEN you figure out it is the lower air pressure that means you have to increase the temperature to get it to work. One other minor problem I have is often people post question in the form of a graphic that cannot be searched at all or the grammar is so poor (I often winder if the question mark even exists) you have to think hard what they are asking. The last issue is ubiquitous with any online presence and has been a problem since the InterWeb started up for Joe Q Public in the 90's. Forums largely solve these problems. Most forums require a profile where location is on display without additional checking. You automatically can see if anyone responded how long they have been in the forum and how many replies they have given. While this is no guarantee they know their stuff it is a pretty good indicator and much easier than Person B above. Persistence of the information and a decent search engine are very important IMHO. We are talking about people doing work on what is essentially a rolling missile that if you get something wrong can cause seveer personal and material damage. I for one want to check and double check the validity of the information before use it as a basis for doing anything on my car. Unless I know the person personally I simply do not feel that social media can provide that. So for those of you who are still awake: We need both. They are all tools and they have their better uses and interactions. You really can`t beat social media for drumming up interest, announcing things. By virtue of the "others who have looked at this were also interested in..." type algorithms social media helps keep things alive and moving. When solving problems though it is about as effective as talking to my dog sometimes. It may make me feel good but it is really not helping others in any significant way. Things can be more nuanced of course but for the majority of the time this is all applicable. I actually ran some experiments on this front but even my dog has fallen asleep so I won't bore with them but they basically proved my case.
  3. In NYC a few weeks ago it was mostly non-white people wearing them (and latex gloves as well) ... I heard of some conspiracy theory that they were afraid of being "wiped out" by white people... Based on my relatives in Kentucky I think them there white folks is gonna be wipin' them thar selves out before... ๐Ÿ˜„
  4. Because the virus traveled on water droplets and the masks stopped/reduced the droplets...
  5. My usual comments about when things could be misunderstood if you walked by and only heard that part of the conversation..-.
  6. All Goodwood events use synthetic fuels I have heard. Bio kerosene for planes has been around for a while. I remember Richard Branson drinking it once... It is an improvement for sure and as many say here probably the only way to keep ICEs going in the original way. I doubt though that it will ever become mainstream as I doubt it will ever get to below 5-8 โ‚ฌ a liter. There is a place about 100 km from here that make it and they are very cagey about stating the price. A reporter jumped on someone who left with a load of it and he mumbled something about 30 โ‚ฌ a liter. That was over a year ago though and just like batteries dropping to nearly 50% of their price last year I am guessing the price has come down a bit...
  7. Speak for yourself.. ๐Ÿ™‚ I plan on being around in 20 years... ๐Ÿ˜„
  8. ๐ŸšจThread drift! I tend to agree with most of the Wheeler Dealer clones. When Ed China did the alignment on a car with a "laser guided system" he just had lying around I started only watching episodes of models I was interested in... I mean come on... laser guided alignment system just "lying around".... Only Flipping Bangers comes remotely close to the way most of us actually would do things. I mean, they have failed to make money on cars a handful of times and even ended up crushing one after it literally fell apart on the lift. That sure sounds like most of my business endeavors ! I still have a soft spot for Car SOS. The things some of the people have been through are absolutely shocking and it puts a lot of things that aren`t going great in my life into perspective. There was a Reddit or some interweb thingee where the production team did say that the rebuilds on the show are always 5 figures. The panel beating alone has got to be 10k per car in most cases... Tim`s antics can be annoying but given that they have had at least 2 people die before the restoration is done and at least as many die shortly after a little levity is nice. Personally I liked learning about powder coating, laser rust removal and acid dipping... these are all things I have had done to my Spitfire... See.. I kind of got it back on track in the end. ๐Ÿ™‚
  9. them there double entendres again...
  10. Indeed the double entendres never cease... there is another thread about men and their stainless steel balls...
  11. I still haven't found out definitively if the German TรœV will allow dual rear fog lights or if you can only have one... Seems you ask two engineers and get three answers! I will have at least one though!
  12. Oh the double entendres of working on cars .... "I have stainless steel nuts"... Tis Friday after all!!!
  13. As I am recovering from a few weeks' vacation I presume "tracer" means the thin line of color e.g. the "Main White Tracer Orange" would mean the wire itself is white with an orange stripe down it...?
  14. I am not a number! I am a retired man!
  15. DVD3500

    Fathers Day

    Indeed the German word for "hit" is indeed... well... hit... the French call them "tubes" I can only imagine because your ears have tubes?!?!? As with most things here they use English words to sound "cool" though they slightly missed the mark by calling mobile phones "Handys"... And don't get me started on the plural form of some words... "partys", "storys",. etc. Mind you my cousin in upper state New York who actually studied English makes more mistakes in her grammar than bonobo on meth with a typewriter...
  16. DVD3500

    Fathers Day

    In Germany Fathers' Day is always on "Ascension" (when Jesus gets a lift to go to Heaven) so it is always a day off and often on my birthday. In the former East Germany it was call "Mรคnnertag" (Men' Day) so anyone with a Y chromosome or identifying as one could "celebrate" it. How is it celebrated? Traditionally they take a get a toy wagon, the larger the better and fill it with beer and walk around often listening to "Schlager" (German-language hit music) until they all collapse from exhaustion, inebriation, disorderly conduct or all of the above. No real family involvement except maybe picking up the male person from a hospital or police station... My family doesn't do this and I am told in Northern Germany it isn't common either. I try to get to kids to buy my gifts but they are selective as to when they celebrate a holiday the German or American way....
  17. It`s a reference to the Sniff and Smith Podcast... Jonny Smith of 5th Gear and Richard "Sniffpetrol" Porter had a long running gag of shifters and gaiters that had a slightly phallic appearance...
  18. Am I the only one hearing "chodey shifter" in the back of his head...? ๐Ÿ˜„
  19. Nice! Would love to get a body shell and convert it to a slot car.. _:-)
  20. Cheers Chris... lots of interesting ideas. To be honest, even if the fix does come back after a few years it's not the end of the world. Heck, I am as old as the car I already have things that will NEVER be fixed... ๐Ÿ˜„
  21. Someone here in Germany mentioned 2K metal filler..? Not sure what that is..
  22. I admit I did what I call a "social media search" which is I did a single search and when the answer didn`t appear on the first page I decided to ask the question. ๐Ÿ˜„ Seriously I did a search and didn`t find anything... The headlamp cowls on my MKIV/1500 hood/bonnet have smallish cracks and a small chunk broken out. Finding better replacements has been tough. They are usually no better than what I already have or someone has managed to strip the bolts/threads making for fun with a helicoil which on pot metal is nigh on impossible. I used to build model cars so I am familiar with fine filler but have never worked on pot metal. I have heard of people using solder to fill cracks. Not sure what I will do for the chunk missing. I don`t have pictures handy as the car is 60 miles away but I can get them if necessary. Thankful for any ideas!
  23. They claimed it was because it was a federal hood/bonnet but I am not aware of any differences in the hinges etc. ... More likely the welding was not not as straight as it could be and/or something else was twisted...
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