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Stratton Jimmer

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Everything posted by Stratton Jimmer

  1. Try this URL: https://www.toolstation.com/search?q=safety chukka boots
  2. Well, the NOS air cleaner box came with only one bolt of the four that are needed to attach it to the carbs. That bolt is a 5/16-18 x 2 1/8" which is I believe, a UNC thread. I managed to find two more identical but aged bolts in my miscellany box (every garage should have one) which probably came from my first Vitesse back in the 1970s. In need of another bolt, I thought I would check my workshop manual (page 0.111) to see what the spec is and was surprised to find that the book lists that bolt as a UNF. Here's the but... 5/16 UNF are 24 TPI while my bolts are 18 TPI which makes them UNC. Is the book wrong?
  3. Down the railway where I work I teach Personal Track Safety and always advocate the wearing of safety boots when appropriate. I usually recommend people get safety chukka boots from Toolstation which cost about £12 a pair.
  4. The PO of my GT6 had one of these fitted and there is clear evidence of rubbing as shewn in these photographs. Picture 1 shews the small dent in the bonnet. Picture 2 shows where that dent is and picture 3 shows the Triumph Tune rocker box cover with its rubbed corner. As you can see, I reverted to a standard RBC.
  5. He is definitely a "hoarder" of the highest order.
  6. I now have a NOS (but slightly dented and with some surface rust) air cleaner box which being NOS came complete with gaskets and filters. I also garnered another pair of insulation spacers so if anyone is desperate for a pair, get in touch with me please.
  7. I think that Richard has a Herald engine and transmission but I doubt he will have any Herald bodywork. He does seem to have quite a few overdrive units probably from 2000 saloons or PIs but I think they are all reclaimed.
  8. I have been doing a few days casual work and was with Richard Symonds yesterday when he said "Would you like to see the body shell"? Turned out to be a complete NOS body shell for a large saloon. Never been used, waxoyl treated when placed in dry storage but now showing signs of surface rust. I was shocked to find out that such things still exist!
  9. It's good stuff and is what I have used on the GT6. Made a huge difference to both noise and temperature in the cabin.
  10. At our heritage railway, we use lots of lubricating oils that are only available from Morris of Shrewsbury. They do a 20/50 and many other specialist oils too: https://www.morrislubricants.co.uk/products/classsteam/classic-engine-oils/golden-film-20w-50-classic-motor-oil.html
  11. Richard Symonds has supplies of NOS Unipart 20/50 but I don't know how much he sells them for. 01793 874787 is his number should you want to enquire.
  12. Thanks Clive, I have now ordered a spare belt at roughly a third the price of the Rimmer offering. As has been mentioned in other parts of the forum, where knotted stockings are seldom available these days, a spare fan belt is a good thing to keep in the boot.
  13. Paddock's list the GT6 Mk3 fan belt as a GCB11150 (which is what is currently fitted to the six) while Grimmer's list it as a GFB11150. Does anyone know why this difference exists or what is the difference between a GCB and a GFB? Incidentally, a search on Google shows prices for these varying from around £4.70 to in excess of £30.00. Rimmer Bros list their belt at a bit over £11 plus P&P plus VAT so circa £18:00.
  14. The Sixfire had been "rolling road" set up by the PO. Hence the BCM needles.
  15. After a trip to the shed, the needles from the HS6 are BCM.
  16. My GT6 (Mk3) has HS4 which work well enough while my GT6 engined Spitfire had (past participle) nearly new HS6 which I was able to get to run with a neutral mix - not too rich or too weak. The HS6 however gave me lots of trouble when starting the car and would never run smoothly on choke leading to many backfires, stalls and kangarooing until the engine was fully warmed up. I reverted to a pair of second hand Stromberg 150 CDSE very recently and the starting problems are now behind me. The car runs sweetly and with a very good mixture. What may have caused the problems was that the adaptor plates for the SUs had steps in them - a 1.75 inch carb feeding into a 1.5 inch manifold. My reasoning for this thinking being that I have no problems with the GT6 and its HS4 which are 1.5 inch carbs. Overall, I much prefer Strombergs to SU carbs. I can have a look and find out which needles the HS6 had as they are lying in my spares box waiting for me to sell them to some unsuspecting idiot thoughtful purchaser.
  17. I will miss my lengthy chats with Angie. She is one of a kind and a gold mine of useful information. Welcome Julian!
  18. I am going to investigate what the spec is for the gas struts as fitted. They are obviously too strong for the FG bonnet so ideally a pair of weaker struts should do the job. I will post more as my investigations continue. In the meantime, one strut does seem to do the job reasonably well.
  19. I'm indifferent on this issue. My "Sixfire" has a FG bonnet with no scuttle holes while my GT6 has a Spitfire Mk4 bonnet with the original GT6 bonnet's power bulge welded into it. Most non-expert observers reckon that the FG looks great and you can see your face in it, although there are a couple of imperfections in the FG which show through if you look closely. The cost of a new steel bonnet together with a professional paint job would likely not see much change from £2,000 so I'm quite content to live with FG until those magic numbers come up.
  20. Back in the mid 70s I was driving through Wolverhampton and spotted a really nice looking car which at the time I thought was a Dolomite Sprint. Its registration was TON 100N - very appropriate. Anyway, I was checking some details on the DVLA site and found that this car still exists and wondered if anyone knew who owned it? Meanwhile here's a photo caught "spur of the moment" at Castle Combe last Tuesday:
  21. I would always advocate using the right tool for the job but as long as your bullet is tightly secured to the wire (Can you pull it off with a pair of pliers?) then you should have a satisfactory crimp. If you have a DVM or AVO, a quick test for resistance in the joint would also be advisable.
  22. Chuck it in the bin and fit a Stromberg!
  23. Heading south and avoiding Pewsey (Wiltshire) at 10:00 this morning a very smart looking Mk3 Spit in glorious yellow went the opposite way heading towards Oare. Anyone know who that might have been?
  24. The Sixfire has a fibreglass bonnet and had been fitted with twin gas struts which made raising or lowering the bonnet an absolute doddle. Only snag is that there was no gap between the bonnet and car when it was lowered. Removed the covers and found the adjuster was fully back. Slackened them off and tried to move the bonnet but it just moved back. In essence, the twin struts were too powerful for the adjuster. I took one of the struts off leaving just the nearside one on and hey presto, the bonnet is now adjusted with a nice panel gap. Be wary if fitting twin gas struts!
  25. Welcome to the crazy gang Rugsta. My 71 GT6 developed a clunk which cleared after I topped up the oil in the diff. Mathew is right to start with the easy things.
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