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Posts posted by JustineM

  1. Thanks Doug, that's great information and I'm very pleased to hear that my old Vitesse may still be lurking in somebodies Shed somewhere. I would love to see it out and about sometime but can't promise not to try to buy it back again as it was a great car with fond memories of driving it ( even with the snow coming in past the header rail !! ) . Great pic from the leatherhead show there and a lovely mimosa GT6 .... hope to see you there next year 😀.

    Take care now


  2. Hi all,

    As a very recent addition to the TSSC ranks I thought I should take the opportunity to say hello and introduce myself and my little blue GT6. 

    I have owned a few classics in my time, minis at first and then a Mk 2 Vitesse CV ( EYP 464J - anyone know where she is ? ) which was my pride and joy and owned for a number of years before having to sell her to buy a more modern hack for work further afield. However after things settled down thoughts turned to another and  I found an advert in the local classifieds for a GT6. It was very rough but had some racing history which caught my attention. She was found in a barn down at Thruxton and sported the most outrageous wheel arches and purple paint !! A long restoration took place, honouring her heritage, and hopefully looking a touch more tasteful. She finally made it back on to the road about four years ago and I enjoy every minute of driving her. Sometimes I can be found in the garage just looking at her and giving her a little polish - sad I know but very true.

    So how did I come to join the TSSC ? Well I always wanted to go to a car show with my GT6 and knew that there had been a Triumph meeting at the Leatherhead Leisure centre in previous years and kept an eye on the internet to see if it would happen again and if I dare go along. It was and I plucked up the courage to go along and slipped in a little under the radar. I didn't know what to expect but I need not have worried as there was a warm and pleasant atmosphere and I enjoyed a good sunny afternoon, chatting to some lovely folk and looking at some beautiful Triumphs.  Then later in the year I got along to my local car show at Barnes Green ( in aid of the local children's hospice and well worth a visit ) where, low and behold I was greeted by a long line of Triumphs and a familiar face waving franticly at me over the rope. That was a certain Mr Dick Twitchen, who along with Tony from the Gatwick group and the others there made sure I had a great day and suggested I joined the club. So here I am 😀.

    I aim to get along to lots more events next year, maybe even Classic Le Mans, and as I am on the Surrrey / Sussex border maybe the regional evenings too.

    If you do see me, please do say Hi.








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