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Posts posted by patroche

  1. Hi Kevin, thanks for your response.


    Yeah, ideally I'd love to go all in and rip her apart and get properly stuck in but I use her on a weekly basis. She's in generally good condition after a decent restoration but a few winters down the line without a garage and a brake fluid spill in the engine bay has given me cause for concern.


    I may well give JY Classics a shout if I don't find a place to work on her!

  2. Hello All and Happy New Year.


    I thought I'd see if anyone knew of a place I could start doing some body work on my Spitfire 1500.


    I meant to get stuck in over the summer months but best man duties, work and life in general got in the way.


    I don't have any in door / garage space and keep the Spit on the road with an outdoor car cover and now winter is upon us I fear the amount of rust that might build up.


    Don't mind paying for a suitable place and also don't mind if it's a bit of a drive from where I live (Richmond TW1)


    I've had the Spit almost 2 years and have got stuck in to Drive shafts, Diff problems, bearings, Head gaskets, radiator replacements etc etc. But have never delved into body work so any advice or recommendations would be gratefully received.


    If I can't find a place to attempt the work myself then a suitable guru would also be considered!


    Many thanks for any responses.



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