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Everything posted by thescrapman

  1. If you are thinking of just regularity stuff, you don't need to do anything I would have thought as it is all at such low speeds. well it is whe you aren't off route. If you are thinking of te HRCR type stuff where the regularity is mixed in with tests then maybe a roll bar is an option. Mike Banks who posts here occasionally has a role bar in his MK3 He has a Mk2 type removabke hood now to fit over it. Or he puts the hard top on.
  2. You need Mikalor clamps for the manifold to intermediate pipes, rather than the U bolts.
  3. I had a friends big saloon left with me for awhile it came with a history folder showing a previous owner had spent £40k on it over a couple of years at a body shop. £20k to fit 2 front wings and repair the sills. They then filled over the rest of the rot and gave it a £15k respray. And the windscreen still leaked (something he specifically mentioned needed fixing) so they charged him another couple of grand to fix that ( they didn't), clearly a £15 respray doesn't involve taking the screen out. I must assume the guy was loaded and they milked him at couple hundred per hour. .
  4. Some people in the UK did not get moved on or arrested for inciting violence (even murder) I seem to remember. Must have been a good reason why they were allowed to continue.
  5. Having spoken to another North London Triumph Specialist who recently closed up shop, his weekly rent was £1000, and the landlord kindly suggested he was about to double it. a friend who runs a restoration company's near me was paying £100 a week rent for a unit on a farm. In the middle of of nowhere, his hourly rate is much lower. Anyway, I don't think that you will have any issues with the work Dale has done.
  6. That sadly is the way of the "new" Win10, or Windows Evergreen as it is correctly known, apparently. No more new versions ever, just a constantly mutating version of Windows, that updates everyday, even multiple times a day if needed. As everybody has ultra-fast broadband no-one will notice the constant updates. I think MS want to be like Apple and change everything constantly to make the user experience better.
  7. We use McAfee work, what a pile of shite. Removes any semblance of performance from the machines. Anyway, back to browsers. I ,think many are wary of Edge, after the rubbish MS had the temerity to release a few years ago. Current one is Edge Chromium, and we will move to it at work soon, supposed to be OK, and MS are forcing our hand by stoping every,thing working with IE11.
  8. You can get Chrome powder coat, wonder what that would've look like.
  9. Most of the online suppliers add £15 each a tyre to have them fitted for free. So a friendly fitter, or even your own fitting tool and bubble balancer soon pays for itself, The Goodyear efficient grip performance are very good, I have them on the TR, so do a few other friends. not worth getting the ones designed for longer life (Efficient Grip Ecconomy?), you will not wear them out before they get old.
  10. Do us some before and after photos. i have done the Autosol treatment on my bumpers, and I think they could, in fact ought, to be better.
  11. D1 have self removing headlights after a few years, they have plastic clips on the back with fatigue and crack.
  12. I have the Spitfire 4 one framed on the dining room wall.
  13. Yep. it is stapled to a bit of cardboard that in turn is screwed to the floor.
  14. I am OK on an old iPad running 10.3.3 Yours must be even older. Can you install Chrome and access using that?
  15. Next time the seats are out, get a rubber boot on the handbrake. Make it look 100 times better.
  16. 650 years old?? They must be so inefficient, must be a major Contributor to global warming. Perhaps the government ought to promote a "Scrappage" scheme for old windows and offer incentives for people to rip them out and replace them with modern ultra efficient triple glazed UPVC units. would help support the flagging replacement window businesses as a bonus, generating extra tax revenues if I was being cynical. Mmmm... nah, don't think so. 🙂
  17. Looks significantly better than any of my cars, perhaps I have lower standards... 🙂
  18. I too was wondering why no-one else just took the earth off. seems I was not alone after all.
  19. That isn't the original type, but as long as it a taper thread should be OK
  20. A friend had one of these on outlet of his TR6 tank, car misfired and played up terribly. We worked out that suck on pump was such that it pulled air in through the seals, but it did not leak at all when engine was jot running. Tightened it up as tight as possible and fault went away.
  21. The FIA one does not even look like foam. More like a solid rubber product.
  22. I buy big canister ones normally found on modern cars Nice and cheap, Usually 3.2 Vauxhall Vectra
  23. To check for correct dipstick, drain sump, and add the requisite amount of oil as per handbook. the check it dips to max mark on dipstick.
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