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Everything posted by thescrapman

  1. 119891 seems to be fitted to lots of gearboxes looking at the Canley Classics website. all 4-synchro boxes, single and 3 -rail.
  2. I was withPJ for many years, but for some reason ERS took a dislike to giving what I thought would be a fair premium. Then found most brokers use ERS for their multi-vehicle policies. So got same premium where ever I tried. Ended up with Cherished Insurance who also run the TRR scheme. Part of A-Plan group.
  3. I checked it and I think it is dates 1970, will have a very close look at the HRW looking for damage. will let you know.
  4. You can do it yourself checking if it is bent, just need a flat floor, a plumb line and a copy of the original workshop manual
  5. Changes at hc4500 is change from 1600 bottom end to standardised one. be careful with early MB blocks, they have a different casting, so no bits to bolt Vitesse engine mount too. I have that tee-shirt. 😞
  6. Inside the rocker cover of my PI didn't look too dis-similar to that when I got it, you could just about make out the rockers amongst the sludge. I do not think the engine was serviced in a very long time, if ever. Did me about 15k before other things got the engine. When the block went for cleaning recently, they commented they hadn't had one that bad for a while. I stunk of neglect,
  7. I was thinking of doing away with the gear box and having some of the overdrives backwards, so they reduced the ratio, .I am sure that would work.
  8. I have always wondered if you could use 3 or 4 OD as a kinda automatic. They would need to be different ratios to make it work best. Like an automated manual, perhaps.
  9. Have you tested the fuel pressure? Do you have a relayed power feed to pump from the battery? Coukd be pressure dropping whilst it cranks. the 30 seconds misfire, does it sound like it is on 4 or 5? That could be a faulty one way valve on metering unit. Or a lazy injector.
  10. Take the tunnel out! or cut a hole in the side of the tunnel and go in that way.
  11. Why buy a repro when you can get a NOS one. Well that is what I was told it was and it looks very good. It is a Syndym one though. I will get the data off the triplex stamping and check the date. Got a new seal on it as well. Whole assy was fitted to a car undergoing a Concours rebuild, and then removed again a few years later, car is still not on the road.
  12. Some of us are continuing rebuilds started by friends in the early 80's 10 years really is nothing. Don't be embarrassed.
  13. Not that bad if someone is making the casings at the moment.
  14. Same gearset inc. angles in Mk3 GT6 box to 3 rail Dolomite 1850 All earlier GT6 and 2 litre Vitesse have same gearset. TR7 has different angles again, may be same as late 1850 single rail.
  15. That is the stuff. Doing the walls in it as well added a fair bit to the price (12mx8m) and I wanted vertical walls so I lined the walls with insulation and OSB. you can get it up to 4 inches I think, that would make for a very warm garage!
  16. I have a steel framed and clad garage. 50mm twin skin insulated roof, and I dry lined the single skin walls. Floor has a DPM in it, not had the slightest hint of any moisture in it, even on any of the large lumps of cast iron that used to be wringing wet in the old garages.
  17. Automatoic 1850 Dolomite or Automatic TR7 with the 4-speed axle rings a bell.
  18. Don't worry about rear casing Nigel, there are plenty of spare ones about to allow you to build the diff up before you fit it. finding the carrier may be more difficult. I seem to remember there are. Couple of versions of the 3.27 carrier, the one from the Dolomite being the best. I would check my vague memories first of course.
  19. Same with. PI, plenty of unburnt fuel if it isn't set up correctly.
  20. Also note the H gate is more like I-/ or is it I-\. Anyway the right hand leg is slightly offset. You should not be able to rotate the gearstick whilst in any gear, and very little side to side movement either. Any movement up or down should put car in or out of gear. No vagueness.
  21. You really only need a GT6 Haynes manual. The few remaining differences will be obvious, or just ask here. PI sounds better when on the driveway revving it by the way... 🙂
  22. Don't take this the wrong way Jeff, but I am wondering if you are doing something wrong, or I am doing something different at least. I have been belting UJ with hammers and putting the back in with sockets for years and not had any problems, well so far! Just can't spot what you are doing different.
  23. You could try asking for copies of V5 asking for the owner details to be redacted as you wish to identify at what point the car changed colours. That should not require them to consider GDPR as you could make no use of that information apart from updating g your personal records. Other option is to write to say the car was parked on your property in say 1975 and you wish to pursue the then owner for a parking charge.
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