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Everything posted by daverclasper

  1. Goodness. there's one from China for about 3 and a half quid, inc postage. I guess, as it's not taking high current and for a short time it's not too risky?. Cheers, Dave (Mr tempted)
  2. Pies. Hmmm. Are these LED's just a case of tapping it into the brake light cable and earthing to body please?. Dave
  3. Thanks Paul. Interesting, didn't even know they did S/H Dave
  4. Hi. Car, apparently fitted with this, around the same time as a j Type O/D, by Canley back in 2003. In Haynes manual, it appears only to be originally fitted to GT6's with O/D. Just wondering if this combination is ok (I understand a 3.63 is the best in terms on reliability and long leggedness), and how strong (or not) this diff is (apparently it was a re con with new Crown Wheel and Pinion)?. Thanks, Dave
  5. I bought a cheap gas less welder from Lidl about 10 years ago. Found it very difficult to get decent welds. Went on a welding course, thinking this may help. Found it much easier using their kit. Took my welder in to see if tutor could use it ok. He couldn't, reckoned it was total crap. Recently splashed out on an R Tech and didn't have the heart to try and sell the Lidl one on. just my experience
  6. Same here, Indesit that we got second hand and had for 10 years and still working though very rusty. A neighbor put out a nearly new Beko that we replaced it with, still ok after 2 years?. Dave
  7. Nick, How did you determine they were sticking on the pre MoT check, please?. Dave
  8. Dho, of course, now you say. Have ordered an inline, I'll fit, just after outlet (either stub). Hopefully sort it. Thanks, Dave
  9. I quite like the tax disc thingy, though haven't a plastic thing to stick it on screen. Seem a bit rare now.
  10. Well, the one way valve in the bottle had failed a bit, so replaced it . Also checked the pump and is sucking/holding pressure and working remotely using a cup of water (with new valve) and finger over the outlet stub when pump is sucking. Not working at all now it's on car!. Doesn't appear to be another valve down stream of pump and tube can be sucked freely. So, obvious thing is to try an inline, one way valve on the outlet tube I guess. Would it be ok to fit at pump end, as this will be easier?. Any other ideas, as not sure why it won't work at all now, though I think I understand the principle of having two valves (so pump can only deliver from outlet stub when pushed in and only suck from inlet stub, on the return stroke)?. Thanks, Dave
  11. Chick Doig a good bet and his repair sections are above average quality I understand. Also they restore Triumphs, so hopefully a good fit.
  12. Thanks Nick. Were the shoes not releasing properly?. I assume it's not the cylinders on mine, as replaced to try and solve problem a whole back, though I know assumptions, not always correct. Dave
  13. Cheers chaps and HNY to you. Got some things to try now. Is there a way of accurately checking the hose hasn't collapsed internally please?. Thanks, Dave
  14. Hi. I have had this issue for a couple of years. It's ok for a while (but only about 200 miles), if I adjust the shoes up on that side, which is usually a couple of clicks (offside rarely needs tweaking up) . I thought it may be due to those recesses that the handbrake pivot can make in the brake plate, causing a sudden jump in cylinder movement, though have welded those up and smoothed the surface. Rear brakes both working ok for MOT, though nearside, was grabbing more. Always a lot more shoe dust in the nearside drum/area, as though working harder? Have changed cylinders, in case sticking, still the same and bled,bled and bled. Also the cylinders seem to move smoothly across the brake plate, with the shoes/springs removed. So wondering. Adjuster slipping somehow?. Drum wear out of spec (though have swapped them over and still same issue on nearside) ?. Worth trying new cylinder clips (black best. Iv'e heard), in case there's bit more tension, than a rattling good fit. Any clues great please and have a H.N.Y Cheers, Dave
  15. Hi. I know this is about hoses poss, being a bit short, though if they do appear a bit long (like mine may be) and are contacting tyre a bit, like mine were (also have wider tyres than I would prefer) on some lock, then I did sort this by bending/moving the brackets on the fastening a bit.
  16. Hi. Just an idea. If replacing brake (or clutch) MC unit/seals, could it be bled from the top (say overnight, etc), by wedging the pedal down and loosening the top cover, so the air at the top of system bleeds out (saving cost of more new fluid and time). Thanks Dave
  17. Unlike the "sincere, principled, champion of the people", we have now.
  18. Wow. They sound great. Could have done with some on election night
  19. Thanks Guys. Anything to save a few quid, always good for me
  20. Hi Alan. I have PM'ed you. Forget the info on the bell symbol I gave you, not correct. All messaging stuff, is in the envelope symbol (I think!). Thanks, Dave
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