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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. All this technical stuff just goes to prove time is an illusion and it is always appero time, somewhere. Cheers 🍹
  2. When I left the UK, 30 years ago, the sale of timber had sort of gone metric. Length was in mm, in multiples of 300mm but cross sections were still Imperial. From your comment it looks as if it hasn't changed.
  3. Not just engineers, if I buy a length wood it will, say, be marked 2500x25x37.
  4. We don't drink pints of beer here, a demi, which in fact is 1/4 litre or a galopin, a demi 'demi'. Better still if one is having a festive meal part way through the is the 'trou Normand'. Traditionally a shot of Calvados to clear the palet
  5. Tyres: diameter in inches of course to match wheel diameter but width in mm. Just to show it works both ways, it is quite common to see fruit on a market stall priced as, for example, 4.99€ per livre. Yes per pound. I'm going to relax with a measure of Scotch from a metric bottle 🥃
  6. Standing still is the worst for me, a walk helps free things up. I've had 1 disc removed (L4/L5) the adjacent is damaged plus at the time of all the x rays etc I was asked more than once 'do you have an extra vertibra'. Eventually they found the S1 & S2 aren't fused together as in normal people but 2 seperate ones, of course no disc between them either. . . I'll know when Im dead, my back won't ache! 😁 Right, back to car related stuff!
  7. Don't know who he is but from the way his name gets mentioned it would seem several gros mots end up in the same sentace.
  8. Are you suggesting a PO put oil in the cooling system and collant in the engine 😨 Hope the flush through clears everything out
  9. Chris A


    Is this going to lead to the 'what oil' question? 🤔
  10. Also in polite company one says 'merrrcredi' rather than 'merde' as a 'gros mot'
  11. This is the one I have on the Triumph 😁
  12. They last the life time of the vehicle (just don't change the reg of the vehicle). Did you get it from the official site, There are others that aren't official. It should have the registration on it where in the example below it is 'ZR-8246-AB' You say 'certificat' I assume you mean the 'vignette' (sticker) for the windscreen.
  13. The first point is are you going to or through any of the major cities that do have zones (not all do)? If not nothing to bother you. If you are going through any areas that do have restrictions Zone de Faible Emmission(ZFE) then, as far as I am aware, at the moment all zones have accepted that a car registered as 'collection' is exempt except under particular circumstances. The circumstances are the days when pollution is very bad and additional restrictions are applied. Anyone looking at your 'old' car would accept it as 'collection' whereas I have registration papers to show it is. Here just because a car is over 30 years old doesn't automatically class it as 'collection' it has to comply with a few conditions and be registered as such. In summary, donen't worry about it, load the car and have fun. On a practical note, if you use '98' E5 not every station has it these days, most but not all. This map might help.
  14. If you mean that the whole of the part you push to open the door from the outside, then it sounds like the problem I had with the passenger door. I solved it by removing the door card and tightening up again the mechanism that retains the push button. Easy job no cost.
  15. Same as what Doug says. Plus when I try and refit the plug the magnet wants to divert it to the side rather than letting it go back in place 😬
  16. That's good news, thanks Colin. I can now claim it is the wrong type therefore I shouldn't fit it 😁
  17. Why do you think it is called a GT6? Gas Temperature(ok mark) 6
  18. Buy a syringe and a bit of tube for a fiver - job done 🤔
  19. Simple, the French will drive long distances to get from A to B, for example 500 Kms, so with a car that does 5 per 100kms you easily know you need 25 litres for the trip and can top up before leaving home and won't need to look for a station on route. Rather than work on 20 Kms per litre where you have to divide the 500 by 20 to get the answer. Or maybe they just do it like this because they do and have always done 🤔
  20. Do you mean on Heralds pre 13/60? The speedometer I bought is from a French 13/60. Whatever version should be fitted to a 13/60 I am definitely not going to go through the grief to fit it!
  21. I recently bought a second hand unit in kilometres to replace my miles one and it came with that ring, a complete circle. I didn't see one fitted when I removed the unit, although I must admit I wasn't looking for it. As I didn't know what it was for I haven't fitted it. NO, I'm not going to dismantle it to fit it.
  22. You should have gone to Le Mans, they've had some rain to cool it down 🥶
  23. That plug will take a lot to shift it, there is an 'R' therefore a resistor plug . . . . .
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