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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. Tricky that, my mind would conjure up images of cheese πŸ§€
  2. The sales brochure for "Britain's most advanced family car", (that's right the 13/60) states" Luxurious bucket seats. Driving seat has 72 positions"
  3. Thanks to Colin's help and a the part number 17H1304 I entered that into my (currently) favourite French supplier and BINGO! in stock at 1€84 each. Interestingly it had exactly the same description and list of cars that use it as the other reference I had (HMP290046). Hummm.... So I entered 17H1304 on Rimmers page and got "This part has been superseded Use HMP290046". My French supplier says it is for a 4mm 'tige' (rod). The description on the French site is: ECROU/MOLETTE DE JAUGE SMITHS (LARGE) I took this meaning the nut was large not for large dials . . . Slight blond moment I guess on my part. πŸ™ƒ
  4. Thanks for all that, I'm glad it wasn't a difficult question 😁. The one I've found so far is the larger diameter version I'm fairly sure. I did look at various suppliers sites, including Paddocks, but clearly l didn't use the correct description πŸ™„. I'll do more research tomorrow based on the part number listed by Paddocks. Thanks again Colin.
  5. Hi colin, as you are working on the dash & instruments maybe you can help me out with some info. The knurled nuts that hold the 13/60 speedometer in place - do you have a part number for them b or by any chance are they the same as HMP290046 used on certain TRs? I suspect not. You don't need to know why I am trying to find one, you can probably guess 😨
  6. Shouldn't that be Morris People these days??
  7. Chris A

    Worrying noise

    I replaced the 4 blade metal unit with a 7 blade plastic one. I think they were also classed as an export upgrade - warmer weather - as I'm in Normandy way down to the south close to the Sarthe I qualify as being in a warmer climate. πŸ˜…
  8. I'll up your Ronnies to 2 Ronnies
  9. The specification fo E5 is 'upto 5%' so there could be none of very little depending on supplier. Enjoy your first run in the car.
  10. TPM on the imperial and TPK on the metric, logically. Just been out and checked the 2 dials. The imperial one in the car is a '1216'. The metric is marked '760'. My calculation confirms 760/Km = 1216/Mile. Phew!
  11. 2 p or not 2 p . . . Your 2p is worth £1 of a lot of other peoples comments ( do I get my prize now?) Isn't the different gearing for Kms or Miles in the actual speedo not the gear box pinion. The metric speedo I have just bought has the 50mph/80kph in the same position as the imperial one fitted, hence gearing to that point the same. diff is same ratio so should be just the 'counters' and their cogs that differ. I hope so or I've done a huge blond moment 😨 My French supplier quotes the same part number for the pinion as Rimmer and doesn't specify metric or imperial readings. The comment about taking care is noted and raised my blood pressure a couple of points. Maybe I'll leave the work until the end of this season - don't want the car off the road more than necessary during the long, hot summer we are bound to have
  12. The Paddocks part number is the same as one listed on Rimmer, who don't offer the original part. Rimmer confirmed a short while ago that it is compatible. For me the good news is my preferred French supplier has that one plus the 'O' rings AND the pinion drive (119100) which from the Rimmer diagram is the correct one. Pinion a bit dear at 51.00€ to buy 'just in case'.
  13. Yippee! On to the next task then . . .
  14. Hi everyone - in particular that nice & helpful Colin Lindsay. There is a leak from the speedo drive at the gearbox, so the mechanic told me this morning when collecting the car after work on the brakes. I need to find and order the correct seals. I have looked at the drawings on the Canley & Rimmer sites, the latter seems to be the version for my car. Can someone please confirm this. Back in June last year Colin posted this photo on a similar thread, is this the 13/60 pinion? If it is Colin's comments about removal are to be taken into account, so I ought to try and source a replacement just in case. Thanks for your time in looking at this.
  15. So many of them about you probably can't give them away 😁
  16. He means of the car, for this site at any rate. 😁 Yes let's have a look at your new pride and joy
  17. I can't recall how the sides are fixed on mine, out of sight out of mind, and the car is currently at the garage. What you might find useful is this article on how to fold a roof. Folding Your Hood the right way - Turning Circle 13.pdf
  18. Close the door on your way out . .
  19. I think the implication of the post was that the fluid gets changed regularly due to problems with the braking system not that it is still the same liquid since 2007, which would be very watery by now.
  20. Yes, but. As it is 'for life' why do you need 20 litres? Unless you are planning to use it on a fleet of cars or you have a leak in the system πŸ™„
  21. If it isn't dripping there is no oil in it 😁
  22. I'm clearly spoilt here in rural Normandy. The recycling centre in the big village, 4Kms away, takes everything but old oil. If there is 1 vehicle ahead of me then it's a busy period and the chap there does help offload. 'Downside' is it is only open afternoons on Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday. To get rid of old oil I have to go to the one in town, 10kms away. BUT I can come away with a load of compost for the garden free of charge.
  23. I called into the local little garage last week and he was using such a heater. I asked, with a smile on m face, if it wasn't still allowed he replied he didn't know and I said we won't ask. Must say it was giving out a fair amount of heat from a small unit plus the 'exhaust' was clear not black smoke.
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