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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. This is the current list of areas covered Actuellement, 11 métropoles ont mis en place une zone à faibles émissions mobilité (ZFE-m) : Grand Paris, Lyon, Aix-Marseille, Toulouse, Nice, Montpellier, Strasbourg, Grenoble, Rouen, Reims et Saint-Étienne
  2. As it points out on this link ONLY buy from the official site no others are legal
  3. Yes there quite a few now and the numbers are set to increase. For all the zones created so far the FFVE (Fédération Française des véhicules d'Epoque) have managed to have 'véhicules de collection' exempt. There are discussions on having a sticker along the lines of Crit'Air to exempt them from all zones and new ones that come into being.
  4. Yes the Brits have liked it for many years, even had a big bonfire there on the 30th May 1431 . . .
  5. As Rouen is one of the two administrative capitals of Normandy and i live in Normandy I suppose I ought to answer this 🤔 The part that will be of interest to anyone driving through the zone in their Triumph, just do it. Any car registered here with the mention' collection' on the document is exempt indefinitely. 'Collection' can apply, should the owner wish, to cars 30+ years old and more or less original (don't worry about it in your cases). Should you be driving through in a 'modern' car. Again to be simple any diesel classed as Euro 3 or lower, any petrol less than Euro 2 are banned. You can apply for the Crit'Air sticker for a vehicle registered abroad via this link https://www.certificat-air.gouv.fr/certificat/demande/ext/vehicules But I wouldn't bother - I didn't say that did I? This is the map of the zone (red areas) roads in green are exempt ( don't ask me why they don't make it possible to go all the way through. French 'functionnaire' logic) If you really are suffering from insomnia : ZFE_FALC_A5_web.pdf The FALC stands for Facile à Lice et à Comprendre, I'll let you decide. I could have posted the full version 'en Détail' of 32 pages . . . Bonne lecture et bonne route
  6. Plus it won't mist up in damp weather either
  7. Chris A

    Vitesse price

    Ignore this as I've just looked at the handbook and there is a photo of it. Must think how I can fit a strap - boot has a carpet fitted 🤔
  8. Chris A

    Vitesse price

    Can't do that with my 13/60 as there is a bolt that goes through one of the wheel stud holes so it can be fixed in place to stop it being thrown up in case of a rear impact.
  9. Chris A

    Vitesse price

    Would this also apply to the 13/60? If so do you have a photo, please, as mine doesn't have any type of fixing.
  10. Apparently the fines are in the order of 180 Euros, reduced by half if paid within, I think it said, 15 days.
  11. All I can add is that the French drivers are receiving the fines notice at their home addresses.
  12. There was an article in Le Figaro yesterday about French visitors driving their cars in the London zone and then getting a huge fine for not having pre-registered their cars before hand. I suppose the authorities are working on 'ignorance is no excuse'.
  13. That is exactly what the Mini said to you . .
  14. Chris A

    Spark Plugs

    Can't find them in my Yeti. But there is a clue why - I fill it with Gasoil
  15. A number of N roads (National = maintained by the state) have been down graded to D roads (D= maintained by the department) and usually, but not always, became the D9**, example the N12 near me became a dual carriageway and the old road became the D912. The N138 became the D438 when the motorway was built to replace it. Because a D road is a departmental you can have, for example, a D1 in every department. Plus watch out when you change department the road number can change. The main road that runs past my village in the Orne is the D931 and when I go shopping in Mamers (the Sarthe) when it crosses the border it becomes the D300. To complete the picture, there are even smaller roads maintained by the commune and are C roads, C1 for example and they can change every time they cross a commune boundary . . The smallest roads (track really) are VC (Voie Communal) Bonne route!
  16. Chris A

    Spark Plugs

    My 13/60 came with NGKs, back in 2015, I fitted replacements in 2018 which have done 5K miles and have been regapped once maybe twice. The originals are in my spares kit as known working replacements in case of need.
  17. The saw dust is probably more up market as well then, exotic teak or eco friendly bamboo
  18. I think you are spot on. I sort of remember having a toy that did that due to the driving wheels system.
  19. When nobody is looking they use it to heat their 'office' 😱
  20. I put a tube of copper grease in the boot along with imperial sockets & spanners ( don't forget here it is mainly metric). I forgot to tell the mechanic there was the grease, memory failure again.
  21. As it happens my 13/60 is 'up the road' with the local garage having rear brakes checked out - drivers side has started to stick from time to time. I'm waiting for him to get back to me but I have checked out French suppliers ready for any parts needed. Should it be the cylinder I will replace both sides with new plus if the mechanic has any doubt the fixing kits and anything else that might be on its way out. I don't know when/if these parts were changed. The parts are quite cheap and as it is the brakes, which apparently are quite important 🙄, I will stump up 😉
  22. Chris A

    Vitesse price

    If it had turned the plugs bright yellow I bet you would have carried on using it 😁
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