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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. The person was talking about direct descendant, I can't recall if he said 25 or 28 levels between them. Another nice anecdote, when the queen went to Deauville the council convened a special council meeting to pass a temporary law to allow her to go along where the famous beach huts are in her Rolls. It is normally pedestrians only. We once went to Ouistreham for the ferry a few days before or after a visit and the speed bumps had all been removed on the route . . .
  2. whatever it did yesterday, along with other British newspapers, a specialist shop in Paris sold all their copies in less than 30 minutes yesterday, plus got rid of all their left over stock of commemorative mugs, plates etc. Not just from the most recent jubilee either, everything they had! No doubt factories in China are going full speed with tribute stuff for her majesty and celebration stuff for the new king.
  3. As I expected last evenings regional news, France 3 Normandie, spent the whole half hour dedicated to her. The presenter was at the British war cemetery at Bayeux. It was interesting to see from a non British stand point how she was loved & respected. She had a close relationship with Normandy, of course there were several visits for D Day ceremonies plus a good number of less formal and virtually private visits relating to her passion for horses. Visits to several 'haras' and she was clearly very knowledgeable all all things to do with horses. The previous evening during a special programme about her an ex ambassador said that when he first took up his post one of the first things he was told was not to speak to her in English. On the regional programme last night that point came up again and this time the person explained that speaking to her in English would imply that her French wasn't up to it, which of course isn't true she had an excellent command of French. I understand her feelings on the subject as often when visiting tourist areas here where there are high numbers of English speaking tourists hotel staff tend to want to speak to us in English. We politely inform them that we live in France and have done for nearly 30 years, do actually have French nationality and prefer to speak French ( usually because their English accent is so bad). Of course there is also a family tie between the late queen and Normandie, she is a descendant on the female side of a certain Guillaume and in fact one of her many titles is 'Duc de Normandie'. Yes Duc not Duchesse. It was mentioned that on one occasion someone did address her as Duchesse de Normandie and she politely and with humour put them right. My neighbour has dropped yesterday's copy of Ouest France in my letter box as it has 4 or 5 pages about her. We are going to keep our Union flag at half mast for as long as they are in Britain rather than as they will be here.
  4. Never met her but spent 3 days working in Buckingham Palace when I was 19. There for a financial audit but got a good look round. Mrs Me reminded me that on a visit to Belize some years ago she stayed in a hotel room that the then Prince, now King, Charles had stayed in when he was there. They jokingly said that since his visit the toilet had been replaced . . .
  5. On one of the TV specials last night there was an ex French ambassadeur who had accompanied the queen on a visit here, she remarked that she had the impression she was more liked in this republic than in some parts of the monarchy . . She clearly did have a sense of humour. To give an idea of how much she was liked the special last night on France 2, sort of our version of BBC2, topped the viewing figures with 3.4 million viewers, 16.8%,
  6. I put our Union flag out, at half mast, in the front garden this morning at 08:15 and looked down the road and was pleased to see that the French flag was 'en berne' at the Mairie. Photo illustration not our Mairie President Macron signed the condolences register at the embassy this morning. Last night they switched off the lights on the Eiffel tower. No doubt our local news this evening will cover her many visits to Normandy over the length of her reign.
  7. The second longest ruling monarch in history. The longest wars Louis XVI, 72 years. She's on record as having said that the 'job' is a job for life, well she was as good as her word. We will commemorate her passing tomorrow by having fish & chips with mushy peas and pickled onions. No mean feat here in France.
  8. The Elysee have announced that flags will be 'en been tomorrow and the day of the funeral. God bless the king.
  9. Her coronation was the year of my birth so I have grown up with her on the throne. Here, in France, the news programmes are doing what no doubt they are in the UK - tributes and special programmes. On a personal level we will put out our Union Flag at half past tomorrow.
  10. They do have a out but replacement blades have them and as long as one end firmly fixed there isn't any problem.
  11. I bought a batch of replacement rubbers of the bay a while ago that I cut to length when l replace the blades. Cheap and effective..
  12. Quite true for the UK market. I don't know how much is sold to non UK members but the postage to addresses outside the UK has to be calculated on each order.
  13. Fairly recently my mobile phone line provider decided they were going to improve my offer with some extra service for only 3€ per month. If I didn't want it i had to let them know via a link to their site. The link didn't work. After several tries and then using their robot online service, which just sent me back to the link that didn't work, I eventually got to speak to a human and after I managed to convince them there was no other way to get this improvement stopped they did do it for me. It took well over 1 hour of my time to get a result. They clearly work on the basis that as it is only 3€ per month most people won't bother to cancel it, even though it is of no use to them.
  14. Quite agree. In my case I don't know what colour the plugs are, what the mixture is like nor the timing. The car runs well will still hit 130 kph, if I'm brave (or foolhardy). Enjoy it until the car actually tells you something is amiss. . . .
  15. Chris A

    Car cover

    To keep an air gap between the cover and the car in winter I have a system on elastic straps from front to back and foam pipe insulation. Seems to work well. Whenever possible in good weather take the cover off to allow the car to dry out and turn the cover inside out for the same reason. I put a couple of rechargeable dehumidifiers in the car as well. Make sure you have at least one strap that goes under the car, stops the cover blowing away in strong winds.
  16. Not wasted mine. I don't have and never have had a Spitfire so I would have no idea about the part but still read the posts - one never knows where they will go. I would put it in my TBS box. To Be Sorted
  17. Chris A

    Fuel sender

    Fuel for cars only at the moment. electricity pegged for those of us who resisted the temptation to switch to private companies a while ago, now I am the one smirking. I also would normally be ordering heating oil but have held off, like you, due to massive increase in price. Also waiting for more info on a government measure to give a subsidy on heating fuel. Details of how it will apply and to who etc. Original idea was for it to be like petrol & diesel, a reduction at the pump for everyone, but now it is to be targeted. Don't know if I'll qualify. 🤞 Diesel here now dearer than petrol, I've just done the calculation to see if it is cheaper to go shopping in the Triumph or take the diesel modern tomorrow . . .
  18. Chris A

    Fuel sender

    Other than being blinded by the bright sunlight and not being able to read the gauge or enjoying the scenery so much I forgot to look at it or forgetting that unlike my modern is doesn't go 'ping' when it gets to reserve. Speaking of which my modern did go 'ping' this morning. I have let it get low as from tomorrow the gouvernement are upping the subsidy on fuel from 18 centimes/l to 30 for the next 2 months.
  19. Chris A

    Fuel sender

    Did you really think I would leave it so inaccurate? Took the sender out, after emptying the tank of course, and increased the amount of bend on the arm, it already had some. I used my trusty Sender simulation board to confirm the direction the bend should go. Got acceptable results first try.
  20. Mine is very useful, it has a clock on it.
  21. I don't understand. Are you saying that you have a phone that does other things as well as allow you to make calls? Whatever will they think of next 🤪
  22. Chris A

    Fuel sender

    "The Final Solution", he says optimistically. Refitted float to left hand side, drained tank YET AGAIN (do you get the idea I'm getting fed up with doing that?) and swapped over the senders. The old one does have the float on the left, why hadn't I noticed that initially!!! Started to add petrol and got he following readings: I didn't refill with the old sender in as many increments. READING LITRES OLD Sender NEW sender 5 Clears top of red zone Bottom of red zone 7,5 (1/4) 1 on 1/2 mark Bottom of red zone 10 Just clear of bottom of red zone 12,5 Mid way in red zone 15 (1/2) 3/4 mark Top of red zone 17,5 Just clear of red zone 20 Mid way 3/4 & F mark Half way between 1/4 & 1/2 22,5 1/2 25 3/4 27,5 Half way between full mark & F Full to brim Mid way 3/4 & F mark "F" Neither of the senders are really accurate at all levels. I keep a note in the glove box of the mileage reading at every fill up, always to full tank, and generally refill at around 150 mile intervals so not really any risk of running out. Plus it allows me to keep an accurate record of fuel consumption. For the time being I'm going to leave it as is, at some point when bored I might give the float arm a bend to try and improve lower level accuracy. I will send a message with photos of the new sender to the supplier and point out that the float needs to be on the left. Mine might have been an isolated case as the photo on their web site is correct.
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