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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. Chris A

    Vitesse price

    Slow in, fast out or not out at all. My driving instructor (1970) kept saying - lose the speed on the straight or lose the car on the bend.
  2. Chris A

    Vitesse price

    Part of the 'learning curve'. When I first got my 13/60 I was a bit to enthusiastic on a roundabout as well, caught the drift before any 'oops!' nobody else about to see my embarrassement. Also went into a steep downhill bend a bit too fast, again corrected quick enough. Strange thing though, I've come across quite a few Ex Vitesse owners here in France who all seem to have suffered from 'car in ditch syndrome'. don't know if that is due to bad drivers or roads. . .
  3. That is commitment, drinking while stood up and being able to stay stood up! Have a great week-end.
  4. In the time it takes you to change a spark plug I manage to remember where they are fitted on the car 🤔
  5. In that case it must have been tightened by a very big gorilla! The one fitted needs a 1/2" spanner and I couldn't move it with normal pressure on it. Can't use a ring spanner or socket due to design and situation. So double rations of spinach next week.
  6. Well at long last I have replaced the cable from the pressure sensor to the warning light. The order I was waiting for finally arrived once the out of stock item was received by the supplier. The result is : No flicker with a LED. Not when the car is stationary at least, it did flicker before when stationary. The real proof will be when I get to take it for a proper run. That could be tomorrow or failing that won't be until at least Tuesday of next week, I have to prepare for a big event this weekend - no not the Classic Le Mans happening an hour away from me but taking Mrs. to the far opposite end of the department for her 3 week thermal cure (3 weeks freedom for me also). I am quite pleased with myself as I de-soldered the old wire from the bulb holder and soldered in the new wire rather than just cut and fit a bullet connector or such. As I'm here, how tight should the pressure sensor be when done up? The one fitted is very tight! I have a higher pressure sensor that I want to fit - so I get to see the bright green light a bit longer on starting the engine 😁
  7. Thanks Pete, I'm always keen to learn. In the case of the belt on my car it is quite new, when I refitted the original dynamo I left the belt with the amount of slack as per the manual, 3/4".
  8. Definitely "No comment!" to that
  9. Now we are definitely drifting this thread to somewhere we shouldn't . .
  10. Yes, that is a good point, I forgot to say to do it. Also I put a towel between the folds of the rear screen when I fold it down, stops the plastic sticking and should the hood be used in the rain you have something to hand to dry it off with before putting it away again.
  11. I agree, here is a more detailed description.Folding hood.docx
  12. Drove an RO80 just once, a hire car, when they first came out. I didn't know it was anything out of the ordinary other than not like previous NSUs. 🤫
  13. The only racing I do is to the toilet when I have a stomach bug!
  14. In that case I'll move on to one where it hasn't . .
  15. Well, there is no way I'm going to have a stock of each when one will do both jobs.
  16. No problem here then 😃
  17. After having been over here for a few years l went back for a visit and met up with some old friends over a meal. One of them actually commented that I had become French because of all the arm waving I now did.
  18. That's what I was beginning to think could be the cause of the wear. Interestingly enough just about the only spares that are easily available are the carbon brushes and the bush, which must say something. There is no way I'm going to be replacing the bush with a bearing. If it works with a new bush great if not it's for spares. I am going to ensure the fan belt is just tight enough to grip and no more. I had thought the tension was as per book but maybe not.
  19. Just got time before making my cup of tea (see above). Tested the armature as per a nice easy to understand video and my simple multi meter. No faults found anywhere. I'm going to put it down to the fact that the bush wearing out, after 8800 miles, allowed the rotor to move and touch the side plates, the wear marks and contamination on the rotor seem to back this up. Was the bush poor quality? Fan belt too tight putting strain on it? Don't know, won't worry about it (too much) either. The rotor spins nicely, no movement in the bearing etc. I will (eventually) lash out the 14€40 for a replacement bush when I place my order and rebuild the dynamo. The 'revised' availability for the main item I want has now slipped to the beginning of July, it started off as being the end of May. My order list has doubled during this time! Wow, perfect timing, off the make my tea!
  20. There is a whole second language to learn, the different gestures to accompany a phrase can totally change the meaning. I'll try and explain. Ask a workman when he is going to start the job. He says next week. No hand movement then, yes next week. Puts his hand out with back of hand upwards and rocks it from side to side while he replies means, next 10 days to 2 weeks. Does that with both hands and you won't see him for a month. Should he resort to shoulder shrugging - well that's many months off. . Guess how I learned the language. There is also the subtile difference in definition of words. Here in Normandy we are bit relaxed. After a while here I asked my boss what he understood by 'toute suite', a delay of 15 to 20 minutes for him. Even more locally we have the 'quarte d'heure Percheron' nothing to do with horses just the local area. Take the case of something due to start at 8pm, the 1/4 d'heure should mean 8.15 but no 8.30. Some years ago a local wanted to do a concert of sound effects, as per on radio, in the church. He wanted it to start at 8pm so the publicity went out saying 7.30. I can cope with all that except for my 4pm cup of tea which has to be at 4pm!
  21. I just hit the buttons then see what happens next. I particularly favour any big red ones as they always seem to do something. Like many years ago when I worked, here in France, in a sawmill and we moved to a new site and new machines. It was clearly explained to us that at the end of the day we shut individual machines off with their small black button. The big red one was the 'panic' button which shut down ALL machines, including the main one that should NEVER be switched off while cutting. Well, at the end of the first day I pressed . . .You guessed it! The guy on the main machine was livid as it risked ruining the blade. . . .
  22. Yes! Even I can still learn, now i need to let my brain cool down . .
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