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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. It could be a long wait, on the other hand I might even do it in the next couple of days just in case all it needs are brushes. Pete: Watch out for the smoke signals.
  2. I've got one of them, great device you just look at it and the time is there clear and instantly visible. It is in a drawer, it gets used (usually) when I go for long trips/days away in the Triumph as there is no other time piece, mobile phone will be in my pocket and Nav sat (very old but up datable) tells me arrival time but not current time ( note to self, can both be selected?). Mind you last Friday I forgot it ( second note to self, well in that case get it out of the drawer and put it with the Triumph's keys)
  3. Funny you should say that 😁 Nipped round with the offending item, 3 seconds and it was off... I also took with me the replacement dynamo, he fitted the pulley and fan went to do up the nut and it didn't bite properly. I thought that was because the failed unit, dated 2015, was a metric thread while the original, 1968, Lucas was imperial. He rummaged around in his bit box and found a nut that seemed to be ok, he wasn't totally convinced. He measured the diameters of the shafts and they were slightly different, I assume the thinner (original) was imperial while the newer was metric. Anyway nut nice and tight, persuaded him to take some beer tokens. To be certain the original dynamo was still polarised correctly I gave it a zap. Fitted and car back to normal. The faulty unit is on my bench and at some future date I'll open it up for a look see.
  4. Not unless I mess up fitting the replacement dynamo! Got the guilty one off the car without too much trouble but no way can I get the pulley and fan off. I'm going to take it round to my local friendly garage and see if I can get him to remove it in exchange for a few beer/wine tokens.
  5. Thank to both of you for your comments, they confirm what I thought about messing with regulators. Coffee break has finished so went to test out the dynamo, took me longer to make up a little lead than do the test. Verdict : guilty! Yes I am sure 🤞 that my test was carried out correctly and the various connections between jump cable and voltmeter were good. The readings , when there were some (hint ), were very variable and none went above about 13v. Plus there was also a slight smell of electric motor burning out, not the smell of a wiring loom melting but an electric motor on the way out. I've found the old dynamo, I'd forgotten where I had put it for safe keeping, it is the original one from 1968, dated a couple of months before the car was built. I changed the brushes a while back, cleaned it up and put it in store. So, this pm fingers crossed I can swap them over and it works. I did give it a bench test after changing the brushes and it seemed fine. Thanks again for the reassuring comments.
  6. Hi all, I'm not really confident about the workings of the regulator, not the stabiliser, and would like a little bit of simple info. To start with I'm not sure if the problem is the regulator or dynamo, today's mission impossible, after coffee break is to determine where the problem is. Last Friday did 133 miles with no problems. The car hasn't been touched until yesterday afternoon when I started it and as usual waited for the oil pressure light to go out, which it did, but the charge light remained on. I've read up on testing the dynamo in situ, pretty confident I can do that. Of course before that I'll check all connections. The regulator. With the light staying on would it mean the cut out contacts are remaining closed ou the other way round, remaining open? I do recall from somewhere a thread about being very wary of tinkering with the regulator but can't find it. I do have a spare dynamo that (should) work(s) if that is the guilty party and have found suppliers here for the regulator GEU6603, RB106. One supplier has a version with screw connections the other with blades. I haven't even looked under the bonnet at what sort I have yet but at least should I need one I can get one at a reasonable price. If It turns out that the regulator is the problem am I better off just replacing it rather trying to adjust it, although according to the manual I have it can be done. Thanks, now time to put the coffee machine on.
  7. Quite true. My Mrs. found that a lot when squeezing actresses into corsettes. What goes in must come out. . somewhere else
  8. Quite. When someone starts to so "the fact of the matter is...' they are about to tell a whopper!
  9. Personal experience, Mr Lindsay? 🤔
  10. I replaced the foam in mine 13/60 driver's seat earlier this year, last Friday went for a run of 133 miles without any discomfort even taking into account I have quite a severe back problem - 1 missing disc, 1 damaged. The only 'problem' was that the temperature was mid to high 30s and with the roof down the seat got 'warm'.
  11. He's probably still selling old stock bought when the price was lower & not ripping people off by charging more for it.
  12. Are you comparing prices at a supermarket with those at a small independent garage? I'm sure that, as here, the small garage who buys in smaller quantities will be paying more per litre than the supermarket down the road. Then there is the VAT that will vary according to the price unlike the flat rate taxes that are fixed per litre. then of course there will be VAT to pay on the taxes, if the structure is anything like that here. . . Bl**dy complicated! Two local supermarkets, same company, were charging 10 centimes different for 98 E5 on Friday, usually if there is a difference of 1 it is a big gap. I needed to fill up the Herald for my day out and if was worth it to do a dog leg detour to go to the cheaper one . . Mind you it is still cheaper than beer or wine . . . Lucky car!
  13. Naw, that's for tea cups . .
  14. Just like all GT6s should be what colour? 🙄
  15. I know what you mean, it feels great when you can press a button. Doesn't matter what it does the feeling is great! It's a good job I'm not in charge of the local nuclear deterrent. 🌪️
  16. When it cools down, after the weekend, I'll check out the connections in case one is a little iffy. It's been hot all week and getting hotter each day. Today was too hot to garden or fiddle with the car so out for a drive. Tomorrow is going to be even hotter 38/40, well above levels for June in Normandy. Fruit to pick tomorrow, think I'll get up at 'silly o'clock' to do it. The hedge can wait until next week.
  17. Definitely electronic, fitted by yours truly
  18. You've been out in the sun too from what I gather from your kind reply. Fed from green wire on the fuse box? What green wire & what fuse box, we're talking about a basic 13/60 here 😜. the stabiliser is fed via ignition switch with a white wire. The stabiliser is under the dash by the steering wheel, I have no idea how hot it gets under there. Although I can get hot under the collar when I have to rummage about there! Correction: Just noticed your location, Luton! Probably still mid winter there 😁 Seriously, thanks for replying.
  19. If this is a daft question put it down to the temperature here being mid 30's. I went out for run in the Triumph today, 133 miles round trip, on virtually the last section before getting back on my main road I gave the car a bit more boot than the rest of the trip, I often do on this section just to clear the pipes etc, you understand. Well, I noticed that both the temp and petrol gauges were reading zero. They started to go back to normal almost straight away. They can't have been at zero for long as I had been keeping a close eye on the temp gauge. Back home all fine again. There could suddenly have been a break in the circuit, the unit could be about to give up the ghost or: If the electronics got particularly hot could they simply have shut down until they cooled off? I have't checked anything out - 'too darn hot'. Thread drift (already) : Super run out, clear open country roads virtually no traffic. Lots of squiggly- wiggly bits, loads of uppy-downy bits & even sections with both at the same time.
  20. Chris A

    Strange number

    That's the same as what happens here in France. My Triumph that I imported in 2015 got DR 196 BL. Non of that relates to the area, unlike the old system. A local garagiste knew the 'DR' was a series used in 2015.
  21. And, how may I ask did you find that out. 🥵
  22. Just start the car, run it up to temperature and look to see if there is a fountain under the bonnet. Simple 😱
  23. Working hard in the field 😜
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