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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. BSA B31 a friend had one at the time I had my Bantem and Triumph. Back then they were cheap and all we could afford. Took the p*"" out of a friend as all he could afford was a 3 wheeler with JAP engine (can't swear to it being a Morgan) No doubt all now worth a fortune. Always had a hankering for the R100RS. Couldn't justify the 1k pounds more for one than the Moto Guzzi Spada I did buy and ran in with a trip from Surrey to Madrid and back for a rally.
  2. Because someone will buy it? Never underestimate the public. 😁
  3. eBay? Never heard of that either ðŸĪ”
  4. My first motorbike was a D7. Three speed gearbox, if memory serves. Passed test and then moved on to a Triumph 650cc, 6T. Mum was worried it would be too powerful but an uncle (mums younger brother) who was a semi pro scramble rider went as a passenger and said I could handle it I was given the ok. In the hotel car park tonigt at Conleau there was a Bonneville. modern one, disk brakes etc, not the real thing ðŸĪŠ
  5. Interesting stuff, I have to admit to never having seen them before.
  6. Shaken but not striired . . .
  7. I stand, or rather sit, corrected.
  8. Chris A

    UK gone mad

    A student prank I was involved in was to go roundthehall of residence putting waste bins under sockets in the corridors with a note saying something along the lines of do not remove, electricity is leaking from the socket.
  9. We'll I spotted my first y'UK, as we've decided to call them, in Perros-Guirrec this morning rather than the GBears ( g as in good). I assume they were recent arrivals. It could have been my imagination but the UK oval looked bigger than the GB ones.
  10. All those GB stickers going spare, can't they be 'upcycled' to mean Going Broke, Got Brexit, Great Boris, or something. Whatever happened to British ingenuity. Gawd Blimey!
  11. Silly me I should have said that the lettering for the two is different not just the spelling.
  12. Colin, in those circumstances I would definitely be throwing the toys out of the pram! I assume you have something else to drive in the meantime 😉
  13. I thought it was 6 feet from its tail but then I've always even inclined to exaggerate.
  14. Chris A

    Ironic Timing.

    Just the natural life cycle of a planet, but we have given it one hell of a push. The current terminology now seems not to be planet warming but climate change. The climate is changing, has changed. Just do a little googling about the reduction in size of glaciers. Must go as we need to get into our polute-o-mobile to drive to a restaurant to eat some environmental unfriendly lump of meat washed down with non eco responsible fermented fruit juice that has been transported from the south of the country to Brittany rather than drink local cider. So there! 😁
  15. I'm in Bretagne where a lot of cars have 'BzH' ones. Not only that It took us aole morning to twig that the Breton spelling for towns on signposts is different to the French one. At least this way we know if there are two places ahead or just one
  16. I've seen a couple of cars belonging to foreigners with the much loved but now doomed GB sticker. I was tempted to ask how they expected to get back or had they been fined by our men in blue yet. 😁
  17. I wondered about that too but no. On the 3 different standards it is AO, AGO or O24.
  18. It would make life easier for us over here. When I go to my local post office they, and me, can never remember if you are listed as Royaume Uni or Grand Bretagne when it comes to postal category. Doubt it unless you split into the various entities. We'll just think you are a load of woolie jumper wearers
  19. Chris A

    Grease gun

    I use a grease gun with EP90, just as easy as using an oil can. The first time I oiled the ones on my 13/60 grease came out of the trunnions. The po had obviously greased not oiled them.
  20. I have been luckier, apart from the odd bird or two. I have had to stop to allow a family of boar cross the road on the road near me. The rule for boar is if it is coming in a line for you take a couple of steps to the side if not stays you are. They won't come for you but they won't change course to avoid you either. A full grown male boar can do a lot of damage to a barbed wire fence or car or person. 🐗 The hunting season opened last Sunday.
  21. You don't want a thermostat that opens at too low a temperature, you need the engine to be at its correct operating temperature so it runs efficiently.
  22. A riveting read ðŸĪŠ
  23. Too late for the first and too early for the second, not yet 18h00. 🍷
  24. Half throttle or half bottle ? I hope you had some fish with your chips, lucky blighter! Although I could be in luck next week in Brittany, not unknown for them to be on a menu somewhere.
  25. Chris A

    Rimmer Bros

    I've bought from all three of the biggies and had no problems with quality or delivery. My final decision is based on who has the stock. If more than one can supply everything then it comes down to total cost including delivery.
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