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Posts posted by Roger

  1. Finally in my garage! I had to drive 750 miles in total (1200 km) and also a ferry to Sweden to get it. And on top of that it also cost me a new TV for the wife!! Fortunately my oldest son also lives in Gothenburg where I found this engine for sale, so I did not travel only for the engine. I’m very curious what I will find when I remove the cylinder head! Unfortunately there are a few parts missing, most importantly the inlet manifold for the carbs, so if anyone here on the forum has one for sale please let me know. I’m planning to build a 2500 Vitesse with HS6 carbs (Sorry Pete, Strombergs are not an alternative here unless you can sell me an inlet manifold for CD175’s). I would appreciate some advice regarding this item, will it fit? Engine number is MG56449E and the only number I find on the cylinder head is 312388.


    Thanks in advance


  2. 7 minutes ago, JohnD said:

    The 2.5L (& 2L) was mounted in the saloon canted, that is turned vertically to the drivers right.    If you use the saloon rear engine plate you won't be able to reach the gear stick, with the engine upright in the Vitesse.

    And OE intake manifolds are setbto have the carbs horizontal, so on an upright engine theybpoke through the bonnet.   Use OE Bit manifold.

    Saloon gearbox needs massive chassis mods.  See Binmans SuperSix webpages.    But a well rebuilt GT6 'box was fine in my old Silverback.


    Thanks John! I searched for the Binmans webpages but found only bikes. If a Gt6 gearbox will fit, them maybe my Mk I Vitesse gearbox will also fit?

  3. Thanks a lot Pete! I do hope it is the Mk II design (?) I do not like the Mk I manifold design. I would rather buy new manifolds than using the Mk I version. My knowledge about the saloons is very limited. Can anyone advice, how do I know if this is a Mk I or Mk II engine? Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of the engine (yet). I realise that my original Vitesse gearbox might have a weakness coping with the extra torque. But if my Vitesse Mk I gearbox fits to this 2500 engine (?) then I promise that I will always drive like my mother. Very very carefully :wub:

    Br Roger.

  4. Hi All,

    1966 Vitesse 2-litre Mk I Convertible:

    I have finally found a 2500 engine for sale in Sweden and I consider to do an engine swap (crack in the block on my original 2-litre engine). The 2500 engine number is MG56449E, and the engine does not have inlet manifold, carbs or dizzy. I searched the forums for related topics but I only found this http://forum.tssc.org.uk/topic/146-engine-swap-mk1-vitesse-1966/?tab=comments#comment-977

    which ended up as a thread drift about bonnets without answering my questions :lol:

    So my questions is: Will this 2500 engine fit in my Vitesse Mk I and can I use my existing gearbox? I believe I have to modify the original sump, but is there anything else to consider? I know it would be easier to replace it with a 2-litre engine, but where I live you just have to use what ever you can find! And those 500 extra cc wont do any harm I guess...

    Any help and advice will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance,

  5. I have also tried to order these, and I would buy at least 5-10 binders. Yes, I’m old fashioned too, love my collection of old Couriers :). My oldest one is from 1986, think that was the first year I became a member. It would be great if they where available again.

  6. Hi all,

    I noticed in the January Courier that the club have appointed new International Liaison Sectretaries. I’m not sure what this function is all about, but I guess that they will be the ambassadors for all club members outside the UK (?). That is great news! We have very interesting discussions in the thread “Facebook” about social media, and for club members outside the UK this is one of the most important part of the club, given the fact that we can not attend the local area meetings in the UK (well not very often anyway…). I do hope that Jo and Dave will be active in promoting this forum for members outside the UK. One thing that I appreciate with the CT forum is the fact that they have active members in many places all over the world, and it is not unusual to read threads that started in the US, France or New Zealand for instance. I could not find any contact information for Jo & Dave in the Courier, so please forward this “improvement suggestion” to them. Unless they read it here themselves? Thanks in advance.


  7. We have Register Secretaries for each car model, we have Area Organisers for different parts of the country (UK) etc we even have a Public Relation Officer. Maybe the "Relentless Pace of Change” requires that we appoint a FB Organiser, Twitter Organiser etc and one “Social Media Officer” to coordinate everything? Social media could even be mentioned (by the officer) with a few words in the Courier each month. I have not heard about any other car club doing that (?) so lets be the first and make this club a bench mark for others to follow!  :D 

  8. "I've been at TSSC AGMs and been shocked at the vicious opposition from some to any TSSC representation on the Web, or even a computer in the household". JOhn


    Now I’m really worried about the future of this club! Internet is (in my opinion) not a “voluntary activity“ for car clubs, it is definitely a requisite for long term survival, one of the most critical success factor for any car club. For me internet and all sorts of social media are an opportunity for the club, not a problem! I think it is sad that CoM are active so seldom here on the forum.

    I do not like FB at all (passive user) for the same reasons that John et al has already mentioned, but I’m glad that people like Andy and Chris are active there and support the club in that forum. And I love my yard of old Couriers on my shelves, and I also think it would be great if someone could make the Online Magazine happen that John has supported for so long.

    This is an interesting thread, it’s good that we have a discussion it will bring the club forward in the end. Each social media has it’s cons and pros, let’s focus on the opportunities they give for the club, not the problems.

    • Like 1
  9. You are correct John, I should have written “more skilled than me” since I’m totally unable to weld in cast iron myself… Very interesting video (thanks!) That repair certainly looks a lot better than the “Greek version” done on my engine!  :D  I have never seen that type of repair before, looks good. I might be able to find a better engine in Sweden, I will check our version of fleabay…

    I can also confirm your statement about the core plugs John, they certainly did not prevent my Herald block (or cylinder head) from cracking. I had been doing a short test drive with my Herald using only water without any antifreeze, and then I drained the cooling system from water before the winter. I drained the system “by the book” but there must have been a small amount of water that remained somewhere which made my engine block crack. I learned the hard way never to start an engine with only water in the cooling system, not even for a short test drive…

    I'm sure it can be cold in Greece too. Here on the island the temperature can drop to about minus 15 degrees Fahrenheit (-25 Celsius) in the winter, so yes, I will keep the antifreeze topped up!

  10. Hi everyone! My 1966 Vitesse Mk I has a rather unusual repair (at least in my experience) since it has a welded repair in the engine block. I know that this Vitesse was sold new to Greece (LHD) and that it spent some time in England in the 80’s when it was painted Royal Blue (Gun metal from factory).  It is unlikely that the block cracked while in Greece, I suppose it happened after it returned to England. It would be great to learn more about the cars history, but so far nowone seems to have any knowledge about this car. I guess that the engine have been frozen without antifreeze which made the block crack sometime in the past. Who ever did the repair was a skilled welder, because it seems to be ok (but not pretty...). Does anyone on this forum know if this kind of repair is still being done? If so, by whom and how? To my knowledge is very difficult to weld cast iron due to the high carbon content, and I suppose it requires a lot of pre-heating. I suspect that my Herald engine has a small crack somewhere (water in the oil) and it would be nice if it could be repaired. If I find the crack…

    Seasons greetings to all!



  11. Leaking carbs increase the risk. I bought a new electrical petrol pump that turned out to deliver a much higher pressure than stated by the supplier. The result was flooding carbs, with lots of fuel drown on the exhaust manifold and garage floor. Check your carbs and hoses for leakage, replace old and cracked hoses. Having an extinguisher both in the car and in your garage is also a good idea.

  12. Pete, could I please add my good wishes and hope that you are having an enjoyable and memorable day. Your knowledge freely shared with us all on this forum is invaluable and greatly appreciated. Thank you.


    Kind regards



    Well said John, I agree100%. Thanks Pete for helping me to understand how my flooding Strombergs (don't...) work. I think that more than 1000 posts on this forum (second to none!) and the qualtity of those advices certainly deseves a painting. Happy birthday Pete!!

  13. "Rotating Timing Mark Syndrome"!

    Kastner had a trick that is worth using, once you have established that your damper is accurate for TDC.

    Drill a hole in the V of the pulley, right through the rubber into the hub.  Note the depth and check the depth of the hole from time to time.

    If the probe won't go full depth, the damper has shifted.



    Thanks John, that was a clever way to simplify RTMS-diagnosis! Will do.



  14. Roger we replaced the pulley doesnt seem available other than second hand the damper ring refused to depart the centre but could be turned by hand. I wanted to examine the thing to see why the bonding had lost its adhesion but not its shape

    it all looked fine and little point in attacking with a hacksaw so it went in the bin. but it took bit of puzzling why cam timing and ign timing were all a bit screwy until a piston stop check

    showed the tdc marks were incorrect


    Thanks for the info Pete. I suspect that my Mk I Vitesse might be suffering from the Rotating Timing Mark Syndrome. Investigation is ongoing... I was hoping that it could be repaired in one way or another. There are a lot of new glues and chemical stuff on the market nowadays, sometimes they have very impressive strength and performance (See http://www.loctite.com for instance).

    Pete, did you try to separate the parts in a hydraulic press? Anyone heard of how to fix this?

    Sorry for drifting away from the original subject in your thread Simon, maybe this should be a new one...

  15. not sure the mk2 has a rubber bonded  ( or not) mounted damper ring 

    certainly on Vit and GT6 it has one ,  big saloon has a different front pulley.

    my 1600  was one we found the problem of the rotating markers.


    Pete: How did you fix it? Are new (or reconditioned) front pulleys available??

  16. Spent a bit of time tinkering, replacing the needle valves as the new ones kept jamming ans flooding -  Burlen sent me ones with mesh filters and a different pin design and seem much better design and less likely to stick.

    Hi Simon,

    I looked at Burlens homepage, but I could not find any needle valves with "improved design". Do you have a part number or any other info?

    Thanks in advance,


  17. Hello,

    Yesterday I received the August issue of The Courier (it takes a while to get here...) and I read the CoMment on the first pages where Vivien ask for feed.back and suggestions about TriumFest. Members can send an e-mail to address mentioned in the article. It's good that the TriumpFest was successful, and even better that the CoM wants to get feed-back from members how to improve it even further. But why only feedback by e-mail? Kevin has recently added new sections, why not also add a new section for "TriumFest"? It is the main event for the club, and it will (hopefully) be many more TriumFests in the future. Other clubs have a sections for their main events, and these sections seems to be very active, with lots of discussions. Just a suggestion...

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