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bonjour a tout les membres voila j'aimerais avoir vos avis sur un achat que j'ai fait ,un moteur triumph 1500 FM et boite de vitesse  je les ai payer 400 euros sans savoir s'il est en bon état ,j'ai déjà démonté beaucoup de choses ,carburateur ,distributeur,collecteur d'échappement, pompe a essence ,pompe a eau ,et nettoyage maintenant que faut il faire ??le moteur n'est pas bloqué!! 





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I wonder how it got in that state di it come from the Titanic the bit taken off will clean up the carbs will need carful cleaning and freeing off

do you intend to strip the main engine or fill with new oil and try it 

ething odd is going on typing now has a mind of its own  Mso keeps adding unknown text often backwards 

f  Type Iyew

ats Wh going on 

pete  the keys just added fart   this is very odd 

will run a security check   ...now its writing whats typed      help !!!

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22 minutes ago, Pete Lewis said:

I wonder how it got in that state di it come from the Titanic the bit taken off will clean up the carbs will need carful cleaning and freeing off

do you intend to strip the main engine or fill with new oil and try it 

ething odd is going on typing now has a mind of its own  Mso keeps adding unknown text often backwards 

f  Type Iyew

ats Wh going on 

pete  the keys just added fart   this is very odd 

will run a security check   ...now its writing whats typed      help !!!

For a moment I thought you had forgotten to take your meds

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Kevin says its because the orig post was in Belgium/french and the thing is trying to pre correct what it thinks you are typing

the first 3 lines seem ok then it goes haywire and you cant stop it    it not the meds    Ye ha !!!

its making it difficult to sound plausible i could type in french , i worked in Lyon for a year (2002) but that would be even more hopeless these days its all got lost    and this has all typed with my usual GCE failure in English ability 



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Some people report problems with Bastuck deliveries. There is also Moss Europe, I've never used them personally.

I have used and been happy with Datch. There is also Betaset, again I have used them and happy with them. These last two could well get some of their stock from Bastuck, that was certainly the case with a petrol sender I bought from Datch recently ( it was stamped Bastuck).

There are several others in France but I don't recall names as they are more for TR parts rather than Herald.

I agree getting supplies from the UK is a real pain, you either pay a huge amount as per Rimmers or cross your fingers and see if the person delivering asks for duty and that you have no idea how much it might be.

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M'excuse, mais mon Francais est affreux.  (J'ai habite la Belge mais il y a 50 ans).  Si vous avez accès au Google Translate et pouvez insérer les traductions automatisee Francais / Anglais de vos questions et vos messages en copie, le support technique ici est incroyable.

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cancell the wax stats    use a the cheap fix  just open the crimp base of the waxstat 

remove the capsule   you must  keep the small metal spacer  

add two small coins  (in UK its 2x 1p ) fit the spacer  fit the end cap  crimp back the cap 

use original jet  

waxststscan be a problem you dont need 

the conversion kits are complete rubbish 

the the two coin fix  works well 




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On 25/10/2022 at 13:32, Pete Lewis said:

Je me demande comment il est arrivé dans cet état parce qu'il vient du Titanic, le morceau enlevé nettoiera les glucides, il faudra un nettoyage soigneux et le libérer

avez-vous l'intention de démonter le moteur principal ou de le remplir d'huile neuve et de l'essayer 

et quelque chose d'étrange continue de taper a maintenant son propre esprit Mso continue d'ajouter du texte inconnu souvent à l'envers 

f Type Yew

ats Wh passe 

pete les clés vient d'ajouter péter c'est très étrange 

va exécuter un contrôle de sécurité ... maintenant son écriture whats tapé help !!!

oui bien sur et deja commencé!!

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