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Herald 13/60 - Replacing window seals


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The outer seal used a one-piece clip, so it clamps the outer rubber seal to the metal door frame. You need to get the seal in place against the door then the clip must be pushed or pulled upwards to bite into the metal. There are tools available for this, just make one from a long strip of metal with a curve at the end to hold the clip (or if you have tentacles you can push them into place from below) so the clip rests in the tool which is inserted into the door from above past the glass, then pulled upwards to haul the clip over both metal and rubber. You may be able to get some on using fingers to hold the seal in place whilst the more inaccessible ones are then fitted. Keep a small magnet on a string to retrieve dropped clips from the door.

The inner furry seal uses a two-bracket clip fitting, the narrow part holds the seal and the broader part clips onto the door. Again a combination of fingers and tool will get them into place. Here's a photo of the tool I found on the TriumphExp site:



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i have also devised to use a wooden drift  amallet and 6 pairs of hands 

there are differing clips not all sold are correct 

(used to be the bluey/green clips had the best spread)  not simple black ones 

you may need to spread the clip to fit on aftermarket seals being thicker than the orig.

but with the seal in place and you have fiddled the tool and clip along to a fixing point

with one set of hands pull the clip up, with another set of hands use the drift and mallet to whack the seal down whilst 

pulling the clip upwards all at the same time 

always tie a long bit of cotton to the clips so when it flies off you can retrieve it from where ever it disappears too .

after about 2 weeks of practice this works well !!!!!


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