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A Little light relief?


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Must be a very slim driver, to get out of the doors with so little room. :)

Rest assured that given the driving standards I've just seen this morning - had to go on the footpath to get round a car parked on the centre white line outside the Primary School while the little dears were being tucked in behind their desks - if it was any wider they'd all be parking in there.

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5 hours ago, Colin Lindsay said:

Must be a very slim driver, to get out of the doors with so little room. :)

Rest assured that given the driving standards I've just seen this morning - had to go on the footpath to get round a car parked on the centre white line outside the Primary School while the little dears were being tucked in behind their desks - if it was any wider they'd all be parking in there.

Gosh, you too?  I have the same problem outside my nearest secondary school!    Because of a hump backed railway bridge, the road is double white centre-lined and has cycle ways in the gutters.  But the little darlings cannot walk more than    few yards to Mummy/Daddy's car, so they park all down the cycleways and over the bridge, both sides, forcing me on my bike into the face of oncoming juggernauts, which are likewise forced across the double white line!     The other day, I went down the line, walking my bike, pointing out that they were committing an offence, and asking them if they would please park further away.  Without exception, the reply was "I'm waiting for my child" to which my response was that they had my sympathy that they had a disabled child.    Several got quite angry.

I've also complained, in writing to the Police.  No action, except an acknowledgement, after six weeks.   If they don't do something soon, well I suppose it's the MP?   The School bleats that they have told the parents, and that they have no jurisdiction over parking.


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It is easy for me to miss the School drop off times but impossible to miss the pick up at 3 to 4pm. Double parking with engines running (vehicles sometimes empty). It is very tempting to get in and drive them away.



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"Yummy Mummies" on the school run are the bane of our lives. We live within 150 yards of a Primary school. We have double yellows, wavy school no parking lines? and the obligatory flashing 20mph sign, Total waste of time. They park as they like ALWAYS get the "little darlings" out onto the road not the verge, `cos that will muddy our 7" heels, so not only is there a parking hazzard, but we have loose kids on the road as well. How there has never been a fatality (a few near misses) is only down to the extra care the rest of "us" take. Compounded by the fact that we also have a lot of farm traffic use the road and those HGV`s making delivery. I live in a close almost opposite the entrance, so our close is the "car park". Including our driveway, which they often block. "won`t be a min, got to pick my kid(s) up" is the cry. Most have come from less than 1/2 mile, which is the nearby estate.

To add insult. within 100 yards of the school entrance, is the Pharmacy, and the Doctor Surgery. Many of whose staff and clients also use our close as parking!!. I now have the front "garden" hardened and gravelled on which we park our own vehicles!

 Sorry guy`s. Rant over.😬


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That is exactly the situation at two of our local primary Schools. Both have a Pharmacy, Convenience store and a Doctors surgery on the same site. Sometimes the 'Lollipop Lady' moves them on. I would not take her on, she looks quite formidable wielding her lollipop.

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23 hours ago, JohnD said:

But the little darlings cannot walk more than    few yards to Mummy/Daddy's car...

Hey, don't blame this on the children, they aren't the ones parking the cars!

It mummy/daddy parked farther away very few children would refuse to leave the school gate until they moved closer.  This is all about mummy/daddy being too lazy to walk more than a few feet, often not even willing to get out their cars so all wanting to be in sight of the gate.

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My son's school sent an e-mail round just as the Christmas break was ending pointing out that one of the reasons cited for driving the kids to school was "safety". The email claimed (and I admit I have not followed up on this) that the number of injuries within a kilometer of schools has dramatically increased since the trend of driving kids to school has taken off i.e. late 90's.

There was a spike in the late 2000's as cars got bigger and heavier. I doubt you can see a 2nd grader from inside a G-Wagen....

My daughter had to walk clear across town to her after school care. We followed at a distance or a while and sometimes would also spy on her during our lunch breaks. The rules laid down were: Obey all traffic rules and NEVER walk alone.

There were never any problems...


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